3,846 research outputs found

    Constructive Relationships Between Algebraic Thickness and Normality

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    We study the relationship between two measures of Boolean functions; \emph{algebraic thickness} and \emph{normality}. For a function ff, the algebraic thickness is a variant of the \emph{sparsity}, the number of nonzero coefficients in the unique GF(2) polynomial representing ff, and the normality is the largest dimension of an affine subspace on which ff is constant. We show that for 0<ϵ<20 < \epsilon<2, any function with algebraic thickness n3ϵn^{3-\epsilon} is constant on some affine subspace of dimension Ω(nϵ2)\Omega\left(n^{\frac{\epsilon}{2}}\right). Furthermore, we give an algorithm for finding such a subspace. We show that this is at most a factor of Θ(n)\Theta(\sqrt{n}) from the best guaranteed, and when restricted to the technique used, is at most a factor of Θ(logn)\Theta(\sqrt{\log n}) from the best guaranteed. We also show that a concrete function, majority, has algebraic thickness Ω(2n1/6)\Omega\left(2^{n^{1/6}}\right).Comment: Final version published in FCT'201

    Dynamics of domain wall networks with junctions

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    We use a combination of analytic tools and an extensive set of the largest and most accurate three-dimensional field theory numerical simulations to study the dynamics of domain wall networks with junctions. We build upon our previous work and consider a class of models which, in the limit of large number NN of coupled scalar fields, approaches the so-called `ideal' model (in terms of its potential to lead to network frustration). We consider values of NN between N=2 and N=20, and a range of cosmological epochs, and we also compare this class of models with other toy models used in the past. In all cases we find compelling evidence for a gradual approach to scaling, strongly supporting our no-frustration conjecture. We also discuss the various possible types of junctions (including cases where there is a hierarchy of them) and their roles in the dynamics of the network. Finally, we revise the Zel'dovich bound and provide an updated cosmological bound on the energy scale of this type of defect network: it must be lower than 10keV10 {\rm keV}.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Sobrevivencia e virulencia de Trichoderma sp. em duas condicoes de armazenamento.

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    O presente trabalho foi conduzido com a finalidade de avaliar a sobrevivência e virulência de duas espécies de Trichoderma. T. viride (TR2) e T. harzianum (T25). em duas condições de armazenamento.Suplemento. Edição dos Resumos do 31 Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, Fortaleza, 1998

    Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Systolic Blood Pressure Control Loop

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    We use detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) to study the dynamics of blood pressure oscillations and its feedback control in rats by analyzing systolic pressure time series before and after a surgical procedure that interrupts its control loop. We found, for each situation, a crossover between two scaling regions characterized by exponents that reflect the nature of the feedback control and its range of operation. In addition, we found evidences of adaptation in the dynamics of blood pressure regulation a few days after surgical disruption of its main feedback circuit. Based on the paradigm of antagonistic, bipartite (vagal and sympathetic) action of the central nerve system, we propose a simple model for pressure homeostasis as the balance between two nonlinear opposing forces, successfully reproducing the crossover observed in the DFA of actual pressure signals

    The pasta phase within density dependent hadronic models

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    In the present paper we investigate the onset of the pasta phase with different parametrisations of the density dependent hadronic model and compare the results with one of the usual parametrisation of the non-linear Walecka model. The influence of the scalar-isovector virtual delta meson is shown. At zero temperature two different methods are used, one based on coexistent phases and the other on the Thomas-Fermi approximation. At finite temperature only the coexistence phases method is used. npe matter with fixed proton fractions and in beta-equilibrium are studied. We compare our results with restrictions imposed on the the values of the density and pressure at the inner edge of the crust, obtained from observations of the Vela pulsar and recent isospin diffusion data from heavy-ion reactions, and with predictions from spinodal calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures and 7 table

    Yield and quality of seeds of lettuce genotypes produced under organic management.

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    Lettuce is one of the main vegetable species used in organic production. However, studies and research in the organic area are scarce. This study aimed to evaluate the yield and quality of seeds of lettuce genotypes produced in two consecutive years under an organic management system. Two plantations were installed under open field conditions corresponding to autumn/winter in 2016 and 2017. Ten lettuce genotypes were evaluated in four replications using a biofertilizer made from swine manure in the management and manual harvesting of seeds. Evaluations consisted of seed yield (in kg.ha&#8722;1), physical test (1000-seed weight), and germination and vigor test (first germination count, germination rate index, and seedling dry matter). The genotype Cubana and two Grand Rapids had higher yields under the tested conditions. Higher seed weights were recorded in 2017. Both genotypes Grand Rapids reached the minimum germination standard established for commercialization (80%). Vanda and AC 5058 showed a better performance for germination rate index and first germination count, while Cinderela had a better seedling dry matter. These varieties were promising for organic cultivation

    Decision and function problems based on boson sampling

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    Boson sampling is a mathematical problem that is strongly believed to be intractable for classical computers, whereas passive linear interferometers can produce samples efficiently. So far, the problem remains a computational curiosity, and the possible usefulness of boson-sampling devices is mainly limited to the proof of quantum supremacy. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether boson sampling can be used as a resource of decision and function problems that are computationally hard, and may thus have cryptographic applications. After the definition of a rather general theoretical framework for the design of such problems, we discuss their solution by means of a brute-force numerical approach, as well as by means of non-boson samplers. Moreover, we estimate the sample sizes required for their solution by passive linear interferometers, and it is shown that they are independent of the size of the Hilbert space.Comment: Close to the version published in PR

    The Rarita-Schwinger Particles Under de Influence of Strong Magnetic Fields

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    In this work, we calculate the solutions of the Rarita-Schwinger equation with the inclusion of the eletromagnetic interaction. Our gauge and coupling prescription choices lead to Dirac-type solutions. One of the consequences of our results are the Landau level occupation of particles, quite different from the usual spin 1/2 particle system occupation numbers.Comment: 12 page

    Produtividade de soja e eficiência no uso de potássio em sucessão a Urochloa brizantha cultivada na entressafra.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o uso de Urochloa brizantha na entressafra sobre a dinâmica de potássio e produtividade de soja cultivada em sucessão. O ensaio foi conduzido em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em parcelas subsubdivididas 2x2x4. Na parcela principal foram alocados os tipos de correção do solo: total inicial e parcelada anual, nas subparcelas, foram implantados os tipos de cobertura de segunda safra: pousio e cultivo de U. brizantha e na subsubparcela foi avaliado as doses de 0, 20, 40 e 60 kg ha-1 de K2O aplicados à lanço e aos 20 dias após a emergência da soja. A U. brizantha foi semeada em 02/2011. A soja M7211 RR foi semeado em 10/2011. A coleta foliar de U. brizantha foi realizada em setembro de 2011 antes da dessecação para o plantio de soja. A correção total inicial proporcionou maior produção de matéria seca (14 Mg ha-1) e acúmulo de potássio nas folhas (121 kg ha-1) de U. brizantha. A utilização dessa forrageira na entressafra proporcionou incremento na produção de soja, além de maiores teores de potássio na parte aérea, nos grãos e consequentemente maior exportação desse nutriente. As doses de potássio proporcionaram incremento nos teores foliares desse nutriente, porém isso não se refletiu na produtividade. Apesar disso, o aumento crescente das doses de potássio contribuiu para a ocorrência de menores valores negativos no balanço de potássio