9,043 research outputs found

    The wave structures of the Eady model of baroclinic instability

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    By solving the linear quasi-geostrophic set of equations pertinent to the Eady model, the complex eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions are obtained. The propagation speed and the growth rate are computed. Quantitative information is provided about the wave structures for several unstable models, a marginally stable mode, and a stable mode. The peculiarities concerning the amplitude and the phase variations of the waves are noted as the wavenumber varies from the unstable region to the stable region. Physical interpretations of the interrelationships among the dynamical variables are given, with a view toward revealing important aspects of the energy transfer from the basic state to the growing waves

    Impacts of Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Livestock Trade Flows

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    The policies that regulate greenhouse gas emissions would provide a significant burden to emission industries as well as final consumers, which can lead to a strong influence on international trade flows of commodities. This study examines the impact of regulating greenhouse gas emissions on livestock trade flows using a commodity specific gravity model approach. This study finds that regulating greenhouse gas emissions has a negative effect on livestock trade flows from countries restricting greenhouse gas emissions to unrestricting countries, from restricting to restricting countries, and from unrestricting to restricting countries.gravity model, livestock, regulating greenhouse gas emission, trade, Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    The effects of U.S. wheat prices, dollar values, and their volatilities on U.S. wheat market shares in 10 Asian countries are analyzed. The variables are converted to a relative form comparing the U.S. against Australian and Canadian variables in order to incorporate the effects of competition among these countries. The effects of the increased loan rates and target prices in the early 1980s and the U.S. export enhancement program (EEP) are also analyzed. Estimation results show that higher U.S. wheat prices and U.S. dollar appreciation have detrimental effects, while increases in competitors? wheat prices and currency values have cross positive effects on U.S. market shares. The importers are not sensitive to volatility in annual price and exchange rate changes. Dummy variables representing the domestic farm and trade policies are not statistically significant, implying that the two variables do not have a substantial effect on U.S. wheat export performance in the markets.international wheat trade, market share, panel unit-root test, panel estimation, Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade,


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    This study analyzes consumers' responses to food-safety related information by evaluating if Japanese consumers have undergone a structural change in their preferences for meat due to the BSE outbreak in the country. The axiom of revealed preference is utilized to test the stability of preference in Japanese meat consumption. The matrix of weak form of revealed preference (WARP) is partitioned and Kruskal-Wallis statistics are derived to evaluate whether the switches of preference are transitory or due to a structural change. Empirical results show that Japanese meat demand has undergone a structural change, synchronized with the BSE outbreak in Japan in mid-September 2001.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    New information about food safety can stimulate a sudden, significant concern by the public, resulting in a pronounced change in consumer demand. One such example is the declining level of beef consumption in Europe and Japan, stemming from the outbreak of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), known as mad-cow disease. This study evaluates the impacts of the BSE outbreak in Japan in September 2001 on the import demands for U.S. meat in Japan and South Korea, using a nonparametric revealed preference approach. Empirical results show that there are excess violations in the Japanese data after the timing of the outbreak, but not in the South Korean data, implying that the event has influenced Japanese meat import demand, but not South Korean meat import demand.Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, meat import demand, revealed preference, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Relations/Trade,


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    Since the discovery of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in the United States in December 2003, U.S. beef exports have declined approximately 85 percent. A number of countries, including Japan and Korea (the top export markets for U.S. beef), have banned imports of beef from the United States, while U.S. exports to other important markets, such as Mexico and Canada, have been well below previous levels. Domestic demand in the United States was not significantly affected by the BSE discovery, but the effect of decreased beef exports on U.S. price is significant. This study examines the effect of exports and other supply and demand factors on U.S. meat prices, and estimates the effect of the drop in exports on U.S. beef and cattle prices. Results indicate that if all other factors remain the same, the drop in exports results in a 0.22perpoundreductioninretailbeefpricesanda0.22 per pound reduction in retail beef prices and a 0.04 per pound reduction in the slaughter steer price. Prices in 2004 remained relatively high, however, possibly due to a decline in U.S. production and strong domestic demand.Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, beef, pork, chicken, exports, International Relations/Trade,

    Neutron Stars with Bose-Einstein Condensation of Antikaons as MIT Bags

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    We investigate the properties of an antikaon in medium, regarding itas a MIT bag. We first construct the MIT bag model for a kaon withσ\sigma^* and ϕ\phi in order to describe the interaction ofss-quarks in hyperonic matter in the framework of the modifiedquark-meson coupling model. The coupling constant gσBKg'^{B_K}_\sigmain the density-dependent bag constant B(σ)B(\sigma) is treated as afree parameter to reproduce the optical potential of a kaon in asymmetric matter and all other couplings are determined by usingSU(6) symmetry and the quark counting rule. With various values ofthe kaon potential, we calculate the effective mass of a kaon inmedium to compare it with that of a point-like kaon. We thencalculate the population of octet baryons, leptons and KK^- and theequation of state for neutron star matter. The results show thatkaon condensation in hyperonic matter is sensitive to the ss-quarkinteraction and also to the way of treating the kaon. The mass andthe radius of a neutron star are obtained by solving theTolmann-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation.Comment: 14 figure


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    This paper reexamines foreign currency markets for evidence of fractional integration, and extends the extant literature in several important dimensions. First, we utilize a new semiparametric wavelet-based estimator, which is far superior to the more prevalent GPH estimator on the basis of mean squared error. Second, we utilize a broader and longer sample, which better facilitates the detection of long memory dynamics. Our analysis yields interesting empirical results that contrast with other recent studies. In particular, we find new evidence that a large proportion (fourteen out of nineteen) of exchange rate series display evidence of long memory, with little variation over alternative sample periods.Financial Economics,