697 research outputs found

    Nernst effect anisotropy as a sensitive probe of Fermi surface distortions from electron-nematic order

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    We analyze the thermoelectric response in layered metals with spontaneously broken rotation symmetry. We identify the anisotropy of the quasiparticle Nernst signal as an extremely sensitive probe of Fermi surface distortions characteristic of the ordered state. This is due to a subtle interplay of different transport anisotropies which become additionally enhanced near van-Hove singularities. Applied to recent experiments, our results reinforce the proposal that the underdoped cuprate superconductor YBCO displays such ``electron-nematic'' order in the pseudogap regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs; (v2) slight changes and clarification

    First-Order Type Effects in YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} at the Onset of Superconductivity

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    We present results of Raman scattering experiments on tetragonal (Y1−yCay)Ba2Cu3O6+x{\rm (Y_{1-y}Ca_{y})Ba_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+x}} for doping levels p(x,y)p(x,y) between 0 and 0.07 holes/CuO2_2. Below the onset of superconductivity at psc1≈0.06p_{\rm sc1} \approx 0.06, we find evidence of a diagonal superstructure. At psc1p_{\rm sc1}, lattice and electron dynamics change discontinuously with the charge and spin properties being renormalized at all energy scales. The results indicate that charge ordering is intimately related to the transition at psc1p_{\rm sc1} and that the maximal transition temperature to superconductivity at optimal doping TcmaxT_{c}^{\rm max} depends on the type of ordering at p>psc1p>p_{\rm sc1}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Band and momentum dependent electron dynamics in superconducting Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2{\rm Ba(Fe_{1-x}Co_{x})_2As_2} as seen via electronic Raman scattering

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    We present details of carrier properties in high quality Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2{\rm Ba(Fe_{1-x}Co_{x})_2As_2} single crystals obtained from electronic Raman scattering. The experiments indicate a strong band and momentum anisotropy of the electron dynamics above and below the superconducting transition highlighting the importance of complex band-dependent interactions. The presence of low energy spectral weight deep in the superconducting state suggests a gap with accidental nodes which may be lifted by doping and/or impurity scattering. When combined with other measurements, our observation of band and momentum dependent carrier dynamics indicate that the iron arsenides may have several competing superconducting ground states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electron-boson glue function derived from electronic Raman scattering

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    Raman scattering cross sections depend on photon polarization. In the cuprates nodal and antinodal directions are weighted more strongly in B2gB_{2g} and B1gB_{1g} symmetry, respectively. On the other hand in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), electronic properties are measured along well-defined directions in momentum space rather than their weighted averages. In contrast, the optical conductivity involves a momentum average over the entire Brillouin zone. Newly measured Raman response data on high-quality Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} single crystals up to high energies have been inverted using a modified maximum entropy inversion technique to extract from B1gB_{1g} and B2gB_{2g} Raman data corresponding electron-boson spectral densities (glue) are compared to the results obtained with known ARPES and optical inversions. We find that the B2gB_{2g} spectrum agrees qualitatively with nodal direction ARPES while the B1gB_{1g} looks more like the optical spectrum. A large peak around 30−40 30 - 40\,meV in B1gB_{1g}, much less prominent in B2gB_{2g}, is taken as support for the importance of (π,π)(\pi,\pi) scattering at this frequency.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Electron interactions and charge ordering in La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4

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    We present results of inelastic light scattering experiments on single-crystalline La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4 in the doping range 0.00≤x=p≤0.300.00 \le x=p \le 0.30 and Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} at p=0.20p=0.20 and p=0.24p=0.24. The main emphasis is placed on the response of electronic excitations in the antiferromagnetic phase, in the pseudogap range, in the superconducting state, and in the essentially normal metallic state at x≥0.26x \ge 0.26, where no superconductivity could be observed. In most of the cases we compare B1g_{1g} and B2g_{2g} spectra which project out electronic properties close to (π,0)(\pi,0) and (π/2,π/2)(\pi/2, \pi/2), respectively. In the channel of electron-hole excitations we find universal behavior in B2g_{2g} symmetry as long as the material exhibits superconductivity at low temperature. In contrast, there is a strong doping dependence in B1g_{1g} symmetry: (i) In the doping range 0.20≤p≤0.250.20 \le p \le 0.25 we observe rapid changes of shape and temperature dependence of the spectra. (ii) In La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4 new structures appear for x<0.13x < 0.13 which are superposed on the electron-hole continuum. The temperature dependence as well as model calculations support an interpretation in terms of charge-ordering fluctuations. For x≤0.05x \le 0.05 the response from fluctuations disappears at B1g_{1g} and appears at B2g_{2g} symmetry in full agreement with the orientation change of stripes found by neutron scattering. While, with a grain of salt, the particle-hole continuum is universal for all cuprates the response from fluctuating charge order in the range 0.05≤p<0.160.05 \le p < 0.16 is so far found only in La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4. We conclude that La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4 is close to static charge order and, for this reason, may have a suppressed TcT_c.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Cluster counting: The Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm vs. spanning tree approaches

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    Two basic approaches to the cluster counting task in the percolation and related models are discussed. The Hoshen-Kopelman multiple labeling technique for cluster statistics is redescribed. Modifications for random and aperiodic lattices are sketched as well as some parallelised versions of the algorithm are mentioned. The graph-theoretical basis for the spanning tree approaches is given by describing the "breadth-first search" and "depth-first search" procedures. Examples are given for extracting the elastic and geometric "backbone" of a percolation cluster. An implementation of the "pebble game" algorithm using a depth-first search method is also described.Comment: LaTeX, uses ijmpc1.sty(included), 18 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Intern. J. of Modern Physics

    Structural Change in (Economic) Time Series

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    Methods for detecting structural changes, or change points, in time series data are widely used in many fields of science and engineering. This chapter sketches some basic methods for the analysis of structural changes in time series data. The exposition is confined to retrospective methods for univariate time series. Several recent methods for dating structural changes are compared using a time series of oil prices spanning more than 60 years. The methods broadly agree for the first part of the series up to the mid-1980s, for which changes are associated with major historical events, but provide somewhat different solutions thereafter, reflecting a gradual increase in oil prices that is not well described by a step function. As a further illustration, 1990s data on the volatility of the Hang Seng stock market index are reanalyzed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
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