22,385 research outputs found

    Tread drum for animals

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    A device for exercising animals such as primates is described, which includes a cylindrical housing mounted for rotation about a horizontal axis of revolution and has a cylindrical treadway portion on which the animal treads while the drum is rotated by means of a motorized drive. The treadway portion of the drum includes an electrode structure with sectors being independently energizable by means of a commutator and source of potential so that an electrical shock station is created behind a running-in-place station on the moving treadway. In this manner, if the animal should fall behind its running-in-place station, it may be shocked by treading on the energized electrode structure. One end of the tread drum comprises a transparent wall for unobstructed viewing of the animal being exercised

    Skeletal stressing method and apparatus Patent

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    Method and apparatus for applying compressional forces to skeletal structure of subject to simulate force during ambulatory condition

    Neural scaling laws for an uncertain world

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    Autonomous neural systems must efficiently process information in a wide range of novel environments, which may have very different statistical properties. We consider the problem of how to optimally distribute receptors along a one-dimensional continuum consistent with the following design principles. First, neural representations of the world should obey a neural uncertainty principle---making as few assumptions as possible about the statistical structure of the world. Second, neural representations should convey, as much as possible, equivalent information about environments with different statistics. The results of these arguments resemble the structure of the visual system and provide a natural explanation of the behavioral Weber-Fechner law, a foundational result in psychology. Because the derivation is extremely general, this suggests that similar scaling relationships should be observed not only in sensory continua, but also in neural representations of ``cognitive' one-dimensional quantities such as time or numerosity

    Weight simulator

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    Device applies compressive force to bone to minimize loss of bone calcium during weightlessness or bedrest. Force is applied through weights, or hydraulic, pneumatic or electrically actuated devices. Device is lightweight and easy to maintain and operate

    Programmable physiological infusion

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    A programmable physiological infusion device and method are provided wherein a program source, such as a paper tape, is used to actuate an infusion pump in accordance with a desired program. The system is particularly applicable for dispensing calcium in a variety of waveforms

    Programmed physiological infusion system

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    Infusion system delivers incremental volumes from a reservoir with a piston pump at a rate that varies in time and follows the envelope of a preprogrammed curve

    Gas phase reaction rates of some positive ions with water at 296 K

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    Measuring rate constants for reactions of various gas phases with water by flowing afterglow techniqu