1,201 research outputs found

    Method of fabricating an object with a thin wall having a precisely shaped slit

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    A method is described for making a structure with a cavity and a thin wall with a precisely shaped slit. An object with a cavity having two openings, one of which is to be closed by a thin wall with a slit, is placed on the surface of a fixture. The fixture surface has a slot conforming to the size and shape of the slit to be formed in the thin wall

    Phason elasticity of a three-dimensional quasicrystal: transfer-matrix method

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    We introduce a new transfer matrix method for calculating the thermodynamic properties of random-tiling models of quasicrystals in any number of dimensions, and describe how it may be used to calculate the phason elastic properties of these models, which are related to experimental measurables such as phason Debye-Waller factors, and diffuse scattering wings near Bragg peaks. We apply our method to the canonical-cell model of the icosahedral phase, making use of results from a previously-presented calculation in which the possible structures for this model under specific periodic boundary conditions were cataloged using a computational technique. We give results for the configurational entropy density and the two fundamental elastic constants for a range of system sizes. The method is general enough allow a similar calculation to be performed for any other random tiling model.Comment: 38 pages, 3 PostScript figures, self-expanding uuencoded compressed tar file, LaTeX using RevTeX macros and epsfig.st

    Effect of Quantum Fluctuations on Magnetic Ordering in CaV3_3O7_7

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    We present a theoretical model for CaV3_3O7_7: the 1/41/4-depleted square spin-1/21/2 Heisenberg model which includes both the nearest-neighbor coupling (JJ) and the next-nearest-neighbor coupling (JJ'), where JJ and JJ' are antiferromagnetic. Recent experiments of the neutron diffraction by Harashina et.al. report the magnetic ordering at low temperatures, which may be called as a stripe phase. It is shown that the observed spin structure is not stable in the classical theory. By employing the modified spin wave theory, we show that the stripe phase is stabilized by the quantum fluctuations for J/J>0.69J'/J > 0.69. In CaV3_3O7_7, the coupling constants are estimated as JJJ \sim J' by comparing the theoretical and experimental results.Comment: submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Renormalized SO(5) symmetry in ladders with next-nearest-neighbor hopping

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    We study the occurrence of SO(5) symmetry in the low-energy sector of two-chain Hubbard-like systems by analyzing the flow of the running couplings (gg-ology) under renormalization group in the weak-interaction limit. It is shown that SO(5) is asymptotically restored for low energies for rather general parameters of the bare Hamiltonian. This holds also with inclusion of a next-nearest-neighbor hopping which explicitly breaks particle-hole symmetry provided one accounts for a different single-particle weight for the quasiparticles of the two bands of the system. The physical significance of this renormalized SO(5) symmetry is discussed.Comment: Final version: to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., sched. Mar. 9

    Zero-Temperature Phase Transitions of Antiferromagnetic Ising Model of General Spin on a Triangular Lattice

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    We map the ground-state ensemble of antiferromagnetic Ising model of spin-S on a triangular lattice to an interface model whose entropic fluctuations are proposed to be described by an effective Gaussian free energy, which enables us to calculate the critical exponents of various operators in terms of the stiffness constant of the interface. Monte Carlo simulations for the ground-state ensemble utilizing this interfacial representation are performed to study both the dynamical and the static properties of the model. This method yields more accurate numerical results for the critical exponents. By varying the spin magnitude in the model, we find that the model exhibits three phases with a Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition at 3/2<S_{KT}<2 and a locking phase transition at 5/2 < S_L \leq 3. The phase diagram at finite temperatures is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX; 10 figures in PostScript files; The revised version appears in PRB (see Journal-ref). New electronic address of first author, [email protected]

    Novel spin-liquid states in the frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice

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    Recent experiment on a honeycomb-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet (AF) Bi3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}(NO3_3) revealed a novel spin-liquid-like behavior down to low temperature, which was ascribed to the frustration effect due to the competition between the AF nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions J1J_1 and J2J_2. Motivated by the experiment, we study the ordering of the J1J_1 -J2J_2 frustrated classical Heisenberg AF on a honeycomb lattice both by a low-temperature expansion and a Monte Carlo simulation. The model has been known to possess a massive degeneracy of the ground state, which, however, might be lifted due to thermal fluctuations leading to a unique ordered state, the effect known as 'order-by-disorder'. We find that the model exhibits an intriguing ordering behavior, particularly near the AF phase boundary. The energy scale of the order-by-disorder is suppressed there down to extremely low temperatures, giving rise to exotic spin-liquid states like a "ring-liquid" or a "pancake-liquid" state accompanied by the characteristic spin structure factor and the field-induced antiferromagnetism. We argue that the recent experimental data are explicable if the system is in such exotic spin-liquid states

    Parity-Violating Interaction Effects in the np System

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    We investigate parity-violating observables in the np system, including the longitudinal asymmetry and neutron-spin rotation in np elastic scattering, the photon asymmetry in np radiative capture, and the asymmetries in deuteron photo-disintegration d(gamma,n)p in the threshold region and electro-disintegration d(e,e`)np in quasi-elastic kinematics. To have an estimate of the model dependence for the various predictions, a number of different, latest-generation strong-interaction potentials--Argonne v18, Bonn 2000, and Nijmegen I--are used in combination with a weak-interaction potential consisting of pi-, rho-, and omega-meson exchanges--the model known as DDH. The complete bound and scattering problems in the presence of parity-conserving, including electromagnetic, and parity-violating potentials is solved in both configuration and momentum space. The issue of electromagnetic current conservation is examined carefully. We find large cancellations between the asymmetries induced by the parity-violating interactions and those arising from the associated pion-exchange currents. In the np capture, the model dependence is nevertheless quite small, because of constraints arising through the Siegert evaluation of the relevant E1 matrix elements. In quasi-elastic electron scattering these processes are found to be insignificant compared to the asymmetry produced by gamma-Z interference on individual nucleons.Comment: 65 pages, 26 figures, submitted to PR

    A constrained Potts antiferromagnet model with an interface representation

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    We define a four-state Potts model ensemble on the square lattice, with the constraints that neighboring spins must have different values, and that no plaquette may contain all four states. The spin configurations may be mapped into those of a 2-dimensional interface in a 2+5 dimensional space. If this interface is in a Gaussian rough phase (as is the case for most other models with such a mapping), then the spin correlations are critical and their exponents can be related to the stiffness governing the interface fluctuations. Results of our Monte Carlo simulations show height fluctuations with an anomalous dependence on wavevector, intermediate between the behaviors expected in a rough phase and in a smooth phase; we argue that the smooth phase (which would imply long-range spin order) is the best interpretation.Comment: 61 pages, LaTeX. Submitted to J. Phys.

    Order by disorder and spiral spin liquid in frustrated diamond lattice antiferromagnets

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    Frustration refers to competition between different interactions that cannot be simultaneously satisfied, a familiar feature in many magnetic solids. Strong frustration results in highly degenerate ground states, and a large suppression of ordering by fluctuations. Key challenges in frustrated magnetism are characterizing the fluctuating spin-liquid regime and determining the mechanism of eventual order at lower temperature. Here, we study a model of a diamond lattice antiferromagnet appropriate for numerous spinel materials. With sufficiently strong frustration a massive ground state degeneracy develops amongst spirals whose propagation wavevectors reside on a continuous two-dimensional ``spiral surface'' in momentum space. We argue that an important ordering mechanism is entropic splitting of the degenerate ground states, an elusive phenomena called order-by-disorder. A broad ``spiral spin-liquid'' regime emerges at higher temperatures, where the underlying spiral surface can be directly revealed via spin correlations. We discuss the agreement between these predictions and the well characterized spinel MnSc2S4

    Isospin Breaking in the Pion-Nucleon Coupling from QCD Sum Rules

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    We use QCD sum rules for the three point function of a pseudoscalar and two nucleonic currents in order to estimate the charge dependence of the pion nucleon coupling constant gNNπg_{NN\pi} coming from isospin violation in the strong interaction. The effect can be attributed primarily to the difference of the quark condensates and and . For the splitting (gppπ0gnnπ0)/gNNπ(g_{pp\pi_0} - g_{nn\pi_0}) / g_{NN\pi} we obtain an interval of 1.21021.2 * 10^{-2} to 3.71023.7 * 10^{-2}, the uncertainties coming mainly from the input parameters. The charged pion nucleon coupling is found to be the average of gppπ0g_{pp\pi_0} and gnnπ0g_{nn\pi_0}. Electromagnetic effects are not included.Comment: 18 pages (REVTeX) + 2 figures (as PostScript), to be published in PRC, replaced with final version: inclusion of pi-eta mixing and N -> N* transition