8,779 research outputs found

    Emerging radiopharmaceuticals for PET-imaging gliomas. A multi-: radiopharmaceutical, camera, modality, model, and modelling assessment

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    Gliomas, which are a type of brain tumour derived from the non-neuronal and nutrient-supplying glial cells of the brain, are particularly devastating disease due to the importance and delicate nature of cerebral matter. Surgical removal, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy often have unwanted consequences depending on a variety of physiological and probability factors. With the human life expectancy averaging 12-15 months after clinical diagnosis (with treatment) for aggressive brain tumours, accurately detecting and characterizing these tumours non-invasively is important for treatment planning. Currently, the highest anatomical resolution imaging modality available for brain imaging is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but this lacks biochemical information. Positron emission tomography paired with computed tomography for anatomical reference (PET-CT) divulges quantifiable biochemical information. By selecting imaging radiopharmaceuticals for PET imaging that have relevance to tumour surface proteins or other cellular metabolic processes it is possible to not only aid in detecting or delineating gliomas, but also gain specific biochemical-property insight into these lesions. The aim of these studies was to evaluate the two emerging radiopharmaceuticals (2S, 4R)-4-[18F]fluoroglutamine ([18F]FGln) and Al[18F]F-NOTA-Folate ([18F]FOL) and to directly compare them with routinely clinically-used radiopharmaceuticals 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-ᴅ-glucose ([18F]FDG) and ʟ-[11C]methionine ([11C]Met) for the PET imaging of gliomas in animal models. Other parameters, such as the in vivo stability, ex vivo biodistribution, in vitro binding and blocking, and the presence of relevant receptors on human tissue samples were investigated in to divulge additional information. The results demonstrated that both [18F]FGln and [18F]FOL provided an enhanced level of contrast between tumour and adjacent non-tumour brain tissue versus that of the clinically used radiopharmaceuticals [18F]FDG and [11C]Met in animal models.Uudet radiolääkeaineet glioomien PET-kuvantamiseen. Tutkimuksia radiolääkeaineista, modaliteeteista, kameroista, kokeellisista malleista ja mallintamisesta Glioomat ovat aivokasvaimia, jotka syntyvät ravinteiden kuljetusta hoitavista glia- eli hermotukisoluista. Ne ovat erityisen tuhoisia sairauksia aivokudoksen tärkeyden ja herkkyyden vuoksi. Kirurgisella leikkauksella, kemoterapialla, ja sädehoidolla on usein ei-toivottuja seurauksia riippuen fysiologisista ja todennäköisyystekijöistä. Koska elinajanodote aggressiivisen aivokasvaimen diagnoosin jälkeen on keskimäärin 12–15 kuukautta (hoidon kanssa), ei-invasiivinen tarkka havaitseminen ja karakterisointi on tärkeää hoidon suunnittelussa. Tällä hetkellä parhaat työkalut aivojen kuvantamiseen ovat magneettikuvaus (MRI), joka mahdollistaa parhaimman anatomisen tarkkuuden, ja positroniemissiotomografia (PET), joka paljastaa biokemiallisen informaation. Valitsemalle PET-kuvantamiseen radiolääkeaine, joka kiinnittyy syöpäsolun pintaproteiineihin tai liittyy solun aineenvaihduntaprosessiin on mahdollista paitsi havaita tai rajata glioomia, myös saada erityistä biokemiallista tietoa näistä leesioista. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida kahta uutta radiolääkeainetta; (2S, 4R)-4-[18F]fluoriglutamiinia ([18F]FGln) ja Al[18F]F-NOTA-folaattia ([18F]FOL) ja verrata niitä kliinisessä käytössä oleviin 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluori-ᴅ-glukoosiin ([18F]FDG) ja ʟ-[11C]metioniiniin ([11C]Met) glioomien PET-kuvantamisessa. Stabiilisuutta, biologista jakautumista, sitoutumista ja sitoutumisen salpautumista, sekä farmakokineettista mallintamista tutkittiin in vivo, ex vivo ja in vitro olosuhteissa eläinmalleissa ja kudosnäytteillä. Tulokset osoittivat, että eläinmalleissa sekä [18F]FGln että [18F]FOL mahdollistavat paremman kontrastin tuumorin ja viereisen tuumorittoman aivokudoksen välillä verrattuna kliinisessä käytössä oleviin [18F]FDG ja [11C]Met radiolääkeaineisiin

    Tournaisian brachiopods from Baywulla, Queensland

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    Artificial biochemical networks.

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    Connectionist approaches to Artificial Intelligence are almost always based on Artificial Neural Networks. However, there is another route towards Parallel Distributed Processing, taking as its inspiration the intelligence displayed by single celled creatures called Protoctists (Protists). This is based on networks of interacting proteins. Such networks may be used in Pattern Recognition and Control tasks and are more flexible than most neuron models. In this paper they are demonstrated in Image Recognition applications and in Legged Robot control. They are trained using a Genetic Algorithm and Back Propagation

    On the rigidity of a hard sphere glass near random close packing

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    We study theoretically and numerically the microscopic cause of the mechanical stability of hard sphere glasses near their maximum packing. We show that, after coarse-graining over time, the hard sphere interaction can be described by an effective potential which is exactly logarithmic at the random close packing ϕc\phi_c. This allows to define normal modes, and to apply recent results valid for elastic networks: mechanical stability is a non-local property of the packing geometry, and is characterized by some length scale ll^* which diverges at ϕc\phi_c [1, 2]. We compute the scaling of the bulk and shear moduli near ϕc\phi_c, and speculate on the possible implications of these results for the glass transition.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Figure 4 had a wrong unit in abscissa, which was correcte

    Business Students Perception Of University Library Service Quality And Satisfaction

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    The main purpose of this study is to examine the college students perception of library services, and to what extent the quality of library services influences students satisfaction. The findings depict the relationship between academic libraries and their users in todays digital world and identify critical factors that may sustain a viable library-user relationship on campus

    Perfect imaging with positive refraction in three dimensions

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    Maxwell's fish eye has been known to be a perfect lens within the validity range of ray optics since 1854. Solving Maxwell's equations we show that the fish-eye lens in three dimensions has unlimited resolution for electromagnetic waves