93 research outputs found

    A stress-sensitive reporter predicts longevity in isogenic populations of Caenorhabditis elegans

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    When both genotype and environment are held constant, 'chance' variation in the lifespan of individuals in a population is still quite large. Using isogenic populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that, on the first day of adult life, chance variation in the level of induction of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter coupled to a promoter from the gene hsp-16.2 predicts as much as a fourfold variation in subsequent survival. The same reporter is also a predictor of ability to withstand a subsequent lethal thermal stress. The level of induction of GFP is not heritable, and GFP expression levels in other reporter constructs are not associated with differences in longevity. HSP-16.2 itself is probably not responsible for the observed differences in survival but instead probably reflects a hidden, heterogeneous, but now quantifiable, physiological state that dictates the ability of an organism to deal with the rigors of living

    Exercise alters and β-alanine combined with exercise augments histidyl dipeptide levels and scavenges lipid peroxidation products in human skeletal muscle

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    Carnosine and anserine are dipeptides synthesized from histidine and β-alanine by carnosine synthase (ATPGD1). These dipeptides, present in high concentration in the skeletal muscle, form conjugates with lipid peroxidation products such as 4-hydroxy trans-2-nonenal (HNE). Although skeletal muscle levels of these dipeptides could be elevated by feeding β-alanine, it is unclear how these dipeptides and their conjugates are affected by exercise training with or without β-alanine supplementation. We recruited twenty physically active men, who were allocated to either β-alanine or placebo-feeding group matched for VO2 peak, lactate threshold, and maximal power (Wmax). Participants completed 2 weeks of conditioning phase followed by 1 week of exercise testing (CPET) and a single session followed by 6 weeks of high intensity interval training (HIIT). Analysis of muscle biopsies showed that the levels of carnosine and ATPGD1 expression were increased after CPET and decreased following a single session and 6 weeks of HIIT. Expression of ATPGD1 and levels of carnosine were increased upon β-alanine-feeding after CPET, while ATPGD1 expression decreased following a single session of HIIT. The expression of fiber type markers myosin heavy chain (MHC) I and IIa remained unchanged after CPET. Levels of carnosine, anserine, carnosine-HNE, carnosine-propanal and carnosine-propanol were further increased after 9 weeks of β-alanine supplementation and exercise training, but remained unchanged in the placebo-fed group. These results suggest that carnosine levels and ATPGD1 expression fluctuates with different phases of training. Enhancing carnosine levels by β-alanine feeding could facilitate the detoxification of lipid peroxidation products in the human skeletal muscle

    Reproductive potential predicts longevity of female Mediterranean fruitflies.

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    Reproduction exacts a price in terms of decreased survival. Our analysis of the interplay between age patterns of fecundity and mortality for individual female medflies (Ceratitis capitata) revealed that individual mortality is associated with the time-dynamics of the egg-laying trajectory. In a sample of 531 medflies, we found that each individual has a characteristic rate of decline in egg laying with age. This defines an individual's rate of reproductive exhaustion. This rate was shown to predict subsequent mortality The larger the remaining reproductive potential, the lower the subsequent mortality An increased mortality risk was seen in flies for which egg production declined rapidly early on, irrespective of the level of egg production. Thus, reproductive potential and lifetime are coupled in such a way that those flies which are able to profit most from an extended life span in terms of increased egg output are indeed likely to live longer