45 research outputs found

    Developing a Medical Institution Management System through Promoting Social Accountability

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    The paper regards the implementation of social accountability principles into the system of medical institution management as the target of research. The process of personnel management is viewed as its research subject. The paper aims to develop the system of incentives for medical institution personnel based on the principles of social accountability. The research methods and tools applied in the study are analysis of content and internal enterprise documentation, staff member interviews and statistical methods of data processing. The expected research outcome is the implementation phase of the social accountability management system resulted in the development of the Code of corporate conduct. The article advocates the view, that the Code of Conduct should be based on the diagnosis of the state of corporate culture and motivate employees of the organization. The management team of medical institution can set their own social and reasonable quality management system, which will enable it to promote and involve staff in the process of improvement

    Detection of K-Ras mutations in tumour samples of patients with non-small cell lung cancer using PNA-mediated PCR clamping

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    Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC), in particular adenocarcinoma, are often mixed with normal cells. Therefore, low sensitivity of direct sequencing used for K-Ras mutation analysis could be inadequate in some cases. Our study focused on the possibility to increase the detection of K-Ras mutations in cases of low tumour cellularity. Besides direct sequencing, we used wild-type hybridisation probes and peptide-nucleic-acid (PNA)-mediated PCR clamping to detect mutations at codons 12 and 13, in 114 routine consecutive NSCLC frozen surgical tumours untreated by targeted drugs. The sensitivity of the analysis without or with PNA was 10 and 1% of tumour DNA, respectively. Direct sequencing revealed K-Ras mutations in 11 out of 114 tumours (10%). Using PNA-mediated PCR clamping, 10 additional cases of K-Ras mutations were detected (21 out of 114, 18%, P<0.005), among which five in samples with low tumour cellularity. In adenocarcinoma, K-Ras mutation frequency increased from 7 out of 55 (13%) by direct sequencing to 15 out of 55 (27%) by clamped-PCR (P<0.005). K-Ras mutations detected by these sensitive techniques lost its prognostic value. In conclusion, a rapid and sensitive PCR-clamping test avoiding macro or micro dissection could be proposed in routine analysis especially for NSCLC samples with low percentage of tumour cells such as bronchial biopsies or after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    Detection of Ki-ras mutations in tissue and plasma samples of patients with pancreatic cancer using PNA-mediated PCR clamping and hybridisation probes

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    In the present study, we combined the PCR-clamping approach with melting curve analysis using mutant specific hybridisation probes and wild-type specific peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) to determine the genotypes of the most frequent point mutation in codon 12 of the proto-oncogene Ki-ras in tissue and plasma samples of patients with pancreatic cancer. The sensitivity of our assay was 1–5 × 10−5. The melting curve analysis of tissue samples of four patients revealed two valine mutations, one none-valine mutation and one wild-type sequence. Ki-ras alterations were found in 28% of DNAs (18 out of 64) of nonrelated plasma samples of 10 patients with ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. The valine mutation was the predominantly detected gene alteration (83%). Out of ten patients investigated, four patients (40%) became positive during clinical observation with respect to Ki-ras mutation. All four patients exhibited progressive disease and high levels of tumour marker CA 19-9. In conclusion, the one-step procedure discribed may be a useful clinical tool for analysing Ki-ras point mutations in tissue and plasmas samples. In addition, this method can be adapted for simultanous detection of multiple mutations and quantitation