261 research outputs found

    A Monte Carlo Study of the Dynamical-Flucautation Property of the Hadronic System Inside Jets

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    A study of the dynamical fluctuation property of jets is carried out using Monte Carlo method. The results suggest that, unlike the average properties of the hadronic system inside jets, the anisotropy of dynamical fluctuations in these systems changes abruptly with the variation of the cut parameter \yct. A transition point exists, where the dynamical fluctuations in the hadronic system inside jet behave like those in soft hadronic collisions, i.e. being circular in the transverse plan with repect to dynamical fluctuations. This finding obtained from Jetset and Herwig Monte Carlo is encouraged to be checked by experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    On the Particle Data Group evaluation of Psi' and chi_c Branching Ratios

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    I propose a new evaluation of ψ(2S)\psi'(2S) and χc(1P)\chi_c(1P) branching ratios which avoids the correlations affecting the current Particle Data Group evaluation. These correlations explain the apparent technique-dependent discrepancies between the available determinations of the B(χc(1P)ppˉ){\cal B}(\chi_c(1P)\to p\bar p) and Γ(χc(1P)γγ)\Gamma(\chi_c(1P)\to \gamma\gamma) under the hypotesis that the current values of the ψ(2S)χc(1P)γ\psi'(2S)\to\chi_c(1P)\gamma branching ratios are overestimated. In the process I also noticed that Particle Data Group has not restated many of the older measurements, when necessary, for the new value of B(J/ψl+l){\cal B}(J/\psi\to l^+l^-), which significantly affects the evaluation of some relevant ψ(2S)\psi'(2S) and χc(1P)\chi_c(1P) exclusive branching ratios.Comment: 13 pages. Revised version. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An SU(3) model for octet baryon and meson fragmentation

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    The production of the octet of baryons and mesons in e^+ e^- collisions is analysed, based on considerations of SU(3) symmetry and a simple model for SU(3) symmetry breaking in fragmentation functions. All fragmentation functions, D_q^h(x, Q^2), describing the fragmentation of quarks into a member of the baryon octet (and similarly for fragmentation into members of the meson octet) are expressed in terms of three SU(3) symmetric functions, \alpha(x, Q^2), \beta(x, Q^2), and \gamma(x, Q^2). With the introduction of an SU(3) breaking parameter, \lambda, the model is successful in describing hadroproduction data at the Z pole. The fragmentation functions are then evolved using leading order evolution equations and good fits to currently available data at 34 GeV and at 161 GeV are obtained.Comment: 24 pages LaTeX file including 11 postscript figure file

    Possible large phase in psi(2S) -> 1-0- Decays

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    The strong and the electromagnetic amplitudes are analyzed on the basis of the measurements of J/psi, psi(2S) -> 1-0- in e+e- experiments. The currently available experimental information is revised with inclusion of the contribution from e+e- -> gamma * -> 1-0- . The study shows that a large phase around minus 90 degree between the strong and the electromagnetic amplitudes could not be ruled out by the experimental data for psi(2S).Comment: 4 page

    Electromagnetic form factors in the J/\psi mass region: The case in favor of additional resonances

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    Using the results of our recent analysis of e^+e^- annihilation, we plot the curves for the diagonal and transition form factors of light hadrons in the time-like region up to the production threshold of an open charm quantum number. The comparison with existing data on the decays of J/\psi into such hadrons shows that some new resonance structures may be present in the mass range between 2 GeVand the J/\psi mass. Searching them may help in a better understanding of the mass spectrum in both the simple and a more sophisticated quark models, and in revealing the details of the three-gluon mechanism of the OZI rule breaking in K\bar K channel.Comment: Formulas are added, typo is corrected, the text is rearranged. Replaced to match the version accepted in Phys Rev

    Pion and Kaon Production in e+ee^+e^- and epep Collisions at Next-to-Leading Order

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    We present new sets of fragmentation functions for charged pions and kaons, both at leading and next-to-leading order. They are fitted to data on inclusive charged-hadron production in e+ee^+e^- annihilation taken by TPC at PEP (s=29\sqrt s=29~GeV) and to similar data by ALEPH at LEP, who discriminated between events with charm, bottom, and light- flavour fragmentation in their charged-hadron sample. We treat all partons independently and to properly incorporate the charm and bottom thresholds. Due to the sizeable energy gap between PEP and LEP, we are sensitive to the scaling violation in the fragmentation process, which allows us to extract a value for the asymptotic scale parameter of QCD, Λ\Lambda. Recent data on inclusive charged-hadron production in tagged three-jet events by OPAL and similar data for longitudinal electron polarization by ALEPH allow us to pin down the gluon fragmentation functions. Our new fragmentation functions lead to an excellent description of a multitude of other e+ee^+e^- data on inclusive charged-hadron production, ranging from s=5.2\sqrt s=5.2~GeV to LEP energy. In addition, they agree nicely with the transverse-momentum spectra of single charged hadrons measured by H1 and ZEUS in photoproduction at the epep collider HERA, which represents a nontrivial check of the factorization theorem of the QCD-improved parton model.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 13 compressed ps figures in separate fil

    Testing QCD with Hypothetical Tau Leptons

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    We construct new tests of perturbative QCD by considering a hypothetical tau lepton of arbitrary mass, which decays hadronically through the electromagnetic current. We can explicitly compute its hadronic width ratio directly as an integral over the e^+ e^- annihilation cross section ratio, R_{e^+e^-}. Furthermore, we can design a set of commensurate scale relations and perturbative QCD tests by varying the weight function away from the form associated with the V-A decay of the physical tau. This method allows the wide range of the R_{e^+e^-} data to be used as a probe of perturbative QCD.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quark-hadron-duality in the charmonium and upsilon system

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    In this work we discuss the practical and conceptual issues related to quark-hadron-duality in heavy-heavy systems. Recent measurements in the charmonium region allow a direct test of quark-hadron-duality. We present a formula for non-resonant background production in e^+ e^- \to D{\bar D} and extract the resonance parameters of the \psi(3S)-\psi(6S). The obtained results are used to investigate the upsilon energy range.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, references adde

    Ratio of Hadronic Decay Rates of J\psi and \psi(2S) and the \rho\pi Puzzle

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    The so-called \rho\pi puzzle of J\psi and \psi(2S) decays is examined using the experimental data available to date. Two different approaches were taken to estimate the ratio of J\psi and \psi(2S) hadronic decay rates. While one of the estimates could not yield the exact ratio of \psi(2S) to J\psi inclusive hadronic decay rates, the other, based on a computation of the inclusive ggg decay rate for \psi(2S) (J\psi) by subtracting other decay rates from the total decay rate, differs by two standard deviations from the naive prediction of perturbative QCD, even though its central value is nearly twice as large as what was naively expected. A comparison between this ratio, upon making corrections for specific exclusive two-body decay modes, and the corresponding experimental data confirms the puzzles in J\psi and \psi(2S) decays. We find from our analysis that the exclusively reconstructed hadronic decays of the \psi(2S) account for only a small fraction of its total decays, and a ratio exceeding the above estimate should be expected to occur for a considerable number of the remaining decay channels. We also show that the recent new results from the BES experiment provide crucial tests of various theoretical models proposed to explain the puzzle.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, 4 table