363 research outputs found

    Distinguishing impurity concentrations in GaAs and AlGaAs, using very shallow undoped heterostructures

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    We demonstrate a method of making a very shallow, gateable, undoped 2-dimensional electron gas. We have developed a method of making very low resistivity contacts to these structures and systematically studied the evolution of the mobility as a function of the depth of the 2DEG (from 300nm to 30nm). We demonstrate a way of extracting quantitative information about the background impurity concentration in GaAs and AlGaAs, the interface roughness and the charge in the surface states from the data. This information is very useful from the perspective of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth. It is difficult to fabricate such shallow high-mobility 2DEGs using modulation doping due to the need to have a large enough spacer layer to reduce scattering and switching noise from remote ionsied dopants.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figure

    Theory of the in-plane photoelectric effect in a two-dimensional electron system

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    A new photoelectric phenomenon, the in-plane photoelectric (IPPE) effect, has been recently discovered at terahertz (THz) frequencies in a GaAs/Alx_xGa1x_{1-x}As heterostructure with a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas (W. Michailow et al., Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abi8398). In contrast to the conventional PE phenomena, the IPPE effect is observed at normal incidence of radiation, the height of the in-plane potential step, which electrons overcome after absorption of a THz photon, is electrically tunable by gate voltages, and the effect is maximal at a negative electron "work function", when the Fermi energy lies above the potential barrier. Based on the discovered phenomenon, efficient detection of THz radiation has been demonstrated. In this work we present a detailed theory of the IPPE effect providing analytical results for the THz wave generated photocurrent, the quantum efficiency, and the internal responsivity of the detector, in dependence on the frequency, the gate voltages, and the geometrical parameters of the detector. The calculations are performed for macroscopically wide samples at zero temperature. Results of the theory are applicable to any semiconductor systems with 2D electron gases, including III-V structures, silicon-based field effect transistors, and the novel 2D layered, graphene-related materials.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, substantially revised improved versio

    Nuclear spin coherence in a quantum wire

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    We have observed millisecond-long coherent evolution of nuclear spins in a quantum wire at 1.2 K. Local, all-electrical manipulation of nuclear spins is achieved by dynamic nuclear polarization in the breakdown regime of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect combined with pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The excitation thresholds for the breakdown are significantly smaller than what would be expected for our sample and the direction of the nuclear polarization can be controlled by the voltage bias. As a four-level spin system, the device is equivalent to two qubits.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Heterodyne receiver at 2.5 THz with quantum cascade laser and hot electron bolometric mixer

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    Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) operating at 2.5 THz have been used for gas phase spectroscopy and as local oscillator in a heterodyne receiver. One QCL has a Fabry-Perot resonator while the other has a distributed feedback resonator. The linewidth and frequency tunability of both QCLs have been investigated by either mixing two modes of the QCL or by mixing the emission from the QCL with the emission from a 2.5 THz gas laser. The frequency tunability as well as the linewidth is sufficient for Doppler limited spectroscopy of methanol gas. The QCLs have been used successfully as local oscillators in a heterodyne receiver. Noise temperature measurements with a hot electron bolometer and a QCL yielded the same result as with a gas laser as local oscillator

    Non-invasive detection of the evolution of the charge states of a double dot system

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    Coupled quantum dots are potential candidates for qubit systems in quantum computing. We use a non-invasive voltage probe to study the evolution of a coupled dot system from a situation where the dots are coupled to the leads to a situation where they are isolated from the leads. Our measurements allow us to identify the movement of electrons between the dots and we can also identify the presence of a charge trap in our system by detecting the movement of electrons between the dots and the charge trap. The data also reveals evidence of electrons moving between the dots via excited states of either the single dots or the double dot molecule.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Linear non-hysteretic gating of a very high density 2DEG in an undoped metal-semiconductor-metal sandwich structure

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    Modulation doped GaAs-AlGaAs quantum well based structures are usually used to achieve very high mobility 2-dimensional electron (or hole) gases. Usually high mobilities (>107cm2V1s1>10^{7}{\rm{cm}^{2}\rm{V}^{-1}\rm{s}^{-1}}) are achieved at high densities. A loss of linear gateability is often associated with the highest mobilites, on account of a some residual hopping or parallel conduction in the doped regions. We have developed a method of using fully undoped GaAs-AlGaAs quantum wells, where densities 6×1011cm2\approx{6\times10^{11}\rm{cm}^{-2}} can be achieved while maintaining fully linear and non-hysteretic gateability. We use these devices to understand the possible mobility limiting mechanisms at very high densities.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Terahertz aperture SNOM mapping of metamaterial coupled resonators

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    Metamaterials have emerged as the basis of a novel optoelectronic platform operating in the terahertz (THz) range, due to their versatility and strong light-matter interaction. The necessary design of efficient modulators and detectors requires a detailed investigation of metamaterial resonances and their interplay with an active medium, e.g. graphene. An aperture-SNOM (a-SNOM) system based on picosecond THz pulses was used to investigate the spectral characteristics of a set of lithographically tuned metamaterial coupled resonators. This approach allowed the mapping of the supported E-field of each resonator a few microns from the device plane, yielding bonding and antibonding modes reminiscent of electromagnetic induced transparency