879 research outputs found

    Interaction of solar wind with Mercury and its magnetic field

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    A brief review is presented of magnetic field and solar wind electron observations by Mariner 10 spacecraft. The intrinsic magnetic field of the planet Mercury and the implications of such a field for the planetary interior are also discussed

    Smoking Cessation, Counseling & Therapy Program Helps Patients Kick the Habit

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    The Department of Surgery’s Smoking Cessation, Counseling & Therapy (SCCT) Program offers evidencebased strategies for quitting smoking, including one-on-one counseling, nicotine replacement therapy and prescription medication, such as Chantix and Wellbutrin, to reduce cravings and lessen withdrawal symptoms. Although the program started as a resource for patients preparing for cardiac or thoracic surgery, it is now available to many more patients—and nurse practitioners Chuck Rowland, MSN, CRNP, CTTS, and Sung Whang, MSN, CRNP, CTTS, are eager to spread the word. Chuck and Sung are both Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists (CTTS). They each completed an intensive 40-hour course offered by the Tobacco Dependence Program at Rutgers University. This particular program is one of a select group of training programs nationally accredited by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence. Chuck started the training in 2011 and helped the Department launch the program at Jefferson in 2012 on the suggestion of thoracic surgeon Scott W. Cowan, MD, FACS. Sung earned the certification shortly after joining Jefferson in 2013. “It’s never a good idea to be actively smoking when you’re scheduled for surgery,” Chuck explains. “While some time-sensitive operations must be performed regardless of tobacco use, quitting two to three weeks before surgery is strongly encouraged for most operations. Some of our surgeons even order a blood test to confirm no tobacco use. It is in the patient’s best interest.” Indeed, the benefits of smoking cessation start quickly—with heart rate and blood pressure decreasing to near-normal levels within two hours of quitting and physical stamina improving in three weeks. Following the initial launch, the Department opened up the program to vascular surgery patients and then those with heart failure. Over time, the service has expanded and is now open to all Jefferson patients. For any patient, the first step in the six- to eight-week program is an approximately one-hour in-person consultation with Chuck or Sung. “We review the patient’s entire smoking history—when they started, how much they smoke, their daily routine, triggers, whether other smokers are living with them and past attempts at quitting,” Sung says. “Based on that information, we use motivational interviewing to come up with an individualized plan. That could include as many as three modalities, with a patient using nicotine patches and gum, as well as medication.” Sung and Chuck follow up with patients in whatever manner is most convenient for the patient— whether in person, via phone or using the JeffConnect telehealth service. Beyond patient care, Chuck and Sung are beginning to collaborate on research with colleagues from the Jefferson Vascular Center, where the vast majority of patients are smokers. Though still in the early planning stage, the randomized study will likely compare patients who receive in-clinic smoking cessation counseling for 10 minutes or less with patients who are referred for the program’s more intensive counseling. For more information about the Smoking Cessation, Counseling and Therapy Program, please visit: Jefferson.edu/SCCT Learn more about JeffConnect, a service that ‘connects’ you with our healthcare team — anytime, anywhere — through your phone, tablet or computer: Jefferson.edu/JeffConnec

    Cyclic Compression of Compacted Clayey Sand at Small Cyclic Strains

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    Ten drained cyclic strain-controlled direct simple shear tests were conducted on compacted low-plasticity clayey sand to measure its cyclic compression properties. The soil had 37 % fines, liquid limit of 28% and plasticity index 14. The relative compaction of specimens prior to consolidation and cyclic shearing was between 80 and 90 %. Cyclic compression is expressed as the accumulation of vertical strain with the number of cycles, N. Vertical strain recorded at the end of every cycle, ενc, increased with the cyclic shear strain amplitude, γc, and N. Such behavior is typical and has been obtained by others on other types of soils. Amplitude γc was relatively small, ranging between 0.008% and 0.24%. Such small cyclic strains are common in moderate and large earthquakes. The effects of the dry unit weight, γd, and corresponding void ratio, e, vertical consolidation stress, σνc, and certain aspects of the degree of saturation, S, on ενc are evaluated. The test results revealed that for the applied conditions ενc increases with σνc and e (decreases with γd) and is smaller if S is increased above approximately 90%. For this soil the cyclic threshold shear strain of about 0.02% was obtained. Simple mechanisms that most likely govern the cyclic compression of compacted soils are discussed


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    Artykuł ma na celu przeanalizowanie wpływu wzrostu gospodarczego na ewolucję powieści koreańskiej w świetle teorii W. W. Rostowa. Koncentruje się na wizerunku Ameryki ukazanej oczami Koreańczyków. Początki stosunków Korei Południowej z USA datowane są na 1882 rok. W większości przypadków stosunki te były przyjacielskie, jednakże odnotowywano także podejścia krytyczne i mniej przychylne. Jest to typowe dla poszczególnych stadiów rozwoju gospodarczego. Obywatele państw słabszych gospodarczo często przejawiają silne postawy nacjonalistyczne w stosunku do krajów silniejszych, takich jak USA. Podobnie było z Koreą. Początkowo Koreańczycy podziwiali USA, ale z czasem zaczęli widzieć wady amerykańskiego modelu, co przełożyło się na coraz mniejsze i rzadsze porównywanie się do społeczeństwa amerykańskiego w obecnych czasach masowej komunikacji i społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego. Jest to spowodowane upodobnieniem się sytuacji ekonomicznej w obu krajach. Mimo, że gospodarki Japonii, Korei i Chin szybko się rozwinęły, postawy krytyczne nie zanikły. Rozwiązaniem jest tzw. europejski sen, czyli postawa, w której jednostki znajdują poczucie bezpieczeństwa nie w gromadzeniu dóbr materialnych, lecz w budowaniu poczucia więzi i szacunku dla innych narodów. Autor postuluje, by w Azji nauczać podejścia tzw. europejskiego snu w stosunku do sąsiadujących państw.본고는 경제발전 단계에 대한 로스토우의 관점을 통해 경제발전이 어떻게 한국소설의 변화와 연결되는지 고찰하고자 한다. 본고는 논의의 집중을 위하여 미국에 대한 한국인의 태도 변화를 중심으로 다루었다. 한국은 1982년 한미수교 이후 130여년간 미국과 직접, 간접적인 관계를 맺어왔다. 이러한 긴 역사 속에서 한국은 미국에 대해 대부분 우호적, 협조적인 자세를 보이지만, 어떤 역사적 상황에서는 대립적, 비판적 태도를 보이기도 했다. 특히 민족주의적 감정이 고조되는 시점에서는 미국에 대해 비판적인 관점을 유지하는데, 이러한 태도는 사실 한국에만 국한된 것이 아니라 경제발전 단계에서 겪는 보편적인 경험이라고 볼 수도 있다. 초기의 한국은 미국에 대해 선망의 시선을 보이지만, 민족주의가 고조되는 ‘도약’의 단계에서는 미국에 대해 경쟁적, 비판적 관점을 보이기도 하며, 대량소비사회로 진입하는 1990년 이후에는 미국에 대한 특정한 시각보다는 자본주의 일반에 대한 비판으로 변화되는 양상을 확인할 수 있다. 일본, 한국, 중국은 이웃나라이면서 급속하게 민족주의 단계에서 대량소비사회로 넘어가는 길목에 놓여 있는 나라들이다. 본고에서는 이들이 편협한 민족주의 감정에서 벗어나는 길이 평화와 공존을 제시하고자 하는 유러피언 드림을 아시아에서 실천하는 길이라는 관점을 제시했다.The main topic of this paper is how the economic growth has changed the aspect of Korean novel in the viewpoints of the theory of W. W. Rostow. But the additional topic is Korean's viewpoint on American which had been reflected in Korean novels. Korea has made a long relationship to the United States since 1882. Korea have kept friendly and cooperative relationship to American. But sometimes the relationship was changed rapidly to the opponent or critical attitudes. It should be the universal phenomenon that the people of weak nations begin to have strong nationalistic feelings with the pace of economic growth and gather to show a strong enmity against the strong nation especially against the United States. According to this universal patterns, Korean admired American at first. But after rising to the stage of ‘take-off’, they began to turn to the opponent and critical attitudes. Finally at the age of high mass consumption, they will not compare to America any more because they belong to the similar economic situation. The economy of Japan, Korea and China rose up to higher level at the rapid speed. But the strong nationalistic feelings remained incessantly among their nations. The “European Dream” is one of the attitudes in which individuals find security not through individual accumulation of wealth, but through connectivity and respect for other nations. Our neighbouring countries and Korea must learn the attitudes of European Dream and try to establish this system in East Asia

    Depression and cardiovascular disease: Selected findings, controversies, and clinical implications from 2009

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    We systematically searched published empirical research on depression and cardiovascular disease (CVD) and found 494 unique articles published in 2009. Several particularly notable and provocative findings and controversies emerged from this survey of the 2009 literature. First, multiple large observational studies found that antidepressant use was associated with increased risk of incident stroke, CVD, or sudden cardiac death. Second, four randomized controlled trials on depression interventions in CVD patients reported important efficacy results that should guide future trials. Finally, the vigorous debate on whether patients with CVD should be routinely screened (and subsequently treated) for depression continued in 2009 even as some observed that routine screening for CVD in depressed patients is more evidence-based and appropriate. This article reviews these selected provocative findings and controversies from our search and explores their clinical implications

    A simple micro electret power generator

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    We developed a novel, yet simple, micro electret power generator prototype for low-frequency energy harvesting applications. In this prototype, two electrodes of the power generator are placed on the stator. The rotor is only a plate with metal strips of half of the spatial frequency of the stator plate. The packaging is to simply fix the stator to a container and put the rotor directly on top of the stator. CYTOP, a MEMS-compatible perfluoropolymer, served as the electret material and charged with corona charging. The power output was 2.267μW at 60Hz

    Understanding the competitiveness factors of Korean contractors in the international construction market

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    The international construction markets (ICM) are constantly changing with new pressures creating opportunities and threats., Enterprises from advanced major advanced economies have been successful in venturing overseas and winning projects by exploiting their design, engineering, technological, and managerial competencies. Construction markets have changed with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish construction enterprises securing more projects overseas. Understanding and exploiting the competitive advantage possessed by enterprises from major advanced economies is being challenged by enterprises from newly industrialised economies. This study investigates the competitiveness factors of the Korean construction (KOC) enterprises to understand how they have been successful in exploiting their competitive advantages. The competitiveness evaluation model (CEM) is developed using system dynamics which compares the project performances between the models generated by general and Korea-featured competitiveness factors in winning work in the ICM. The findings reveal that ownership of the enterprise, government strategy and support for the construction industry enterprises, strong leadership, technology-intensive, and special characteristics of large Korean enterprises (Chaebol system) could be critical factors for creating competitive advantage

    Balanced sustainable implementation in the construction industry: The perspective of Korean contractors

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    Successful sustainability cannot be realized considering only environmental issues. Along with these, economic and social issues must also be considered in a balanced approach toward ensuring sustainability. In this study, the importance and performance value of factors related to these three issues as well as the gap between their importance and practical performance are investigated. In addition, correlations among these three issues are also examined by means of a survey of Korean contractors. According to data analysis results, there are large gaps between the importance and performance value of soft skill and long-term benefit factors. Moreover, it is found that balanced application with economic and social issues is more essential for sustainable development, even if environmental factors are revealed as quite effective. Environmental factors generally are closely correlated with economic factors, except for several social factors that have the strongest correlation with environmental issues. Hence, from the perspective of Korean contractors, a balanced application between important and tangibly performed factors as well as between environmental, economic, and social issues is essential for successful sustainability and not just the application of an isolated dominant factor