127 research outputs found

    Bell Theorem for Nonclassical Part of Quantum Teleportation Process

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    The quantum teleportation process is composed of a joint measurement performed upon two subsystems A and B (uncorrelated), followed by a unitary transformation (parameters of which depend on the outcome of the measurement) performed upon a third subsystem C (EPR correlated with system B). The information about the outcome of the measurement is transferred by classical means. The measurement performed upon the systems A and B collapses their joint wavefunction into one of the four {\it entangled} Bell states. It is shown here that this measurement process plus a possible measurement on the third subsystem (with classical channel switched off - no additional unitary transformation performed) cannot be described by a local realistic theory.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Interference contrast in multi-source few photon optics

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    Many recent experiments employ several parametric down conversion (PDC) sources to get multiphoton interference. Such interference has applications in quantum information. We study here how effects due to photon statistics, misalignment, and partial distinguishability of the PDC pairs originating from different sources may lower the interference contrast in the multiphoton experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, journal versio

    Family of Zeilinger-Horne-Greenberger "W" states lead to stronger nonclassicality than family of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger "GHZ" states

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    The N-qubit states of the W class, for N>10, lead to more robust (against noise admixture) violations of local realism, than the GHZ states. These violations are most pronounced for correlations for a pair of qubits, conditioned on specific measurement results for the remaining (N-2) qubits. The considerations provide us with a qualitative difference between the W state and GHZ state in the situation when they are separately sent via depolarizing channels. For sufficiently high amount of noise in the depolarizing channel, the GHZ states cannot produce a distillable state between two qubits, whereas the W states can still produce a distillable state in a similar situation.Comment: v3: 7 pages, 2 figures, REVTeX4; v2: result on comparative yield of singlets added, 1 new figur

    Four Photon Entanglement from Down Conversion

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    Double-pair emission from type-II parametric down conversion results in a highly entangled 4-photon state. Due to interference, which is similar to bunching from thermal emission, this state is not simply a product of two pairs. The observation of this state can be achieved by splitting the two emission modes at beam splitters and subsequent detection of a photon in each output. Here we describe the features of this state and give a Bell theorem for a 4-photon test of local realistic hidden variable theories.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, submitted to PR

    Better detection of Multipartite Bound Entanglement with Three-Setting Bell Inequalities

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    It was shown in Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 230402 (2001) that N (N >= 4) qubits described by a certain one parameter family F of bound entangled states violate Mermin-Klyshko inequality for N >= 8. In this paper we prove that the states from the family F violate Bell inequalities derived in Phys. Rev. A, 56, R1682 (1997), in which each observer measures three non-commuting sets of orthogonal projectors, for N >=7. We also derive a simple one parameter family of entanglement witnesses that detect entanglement for all the states belonging to F. It is possible that these new entanglement witnesses could be generated by some Bell inequalities.Comment: Revtex4, 1 figur

    Output state in multiple entanglement swapping

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    The technique of quantum repeaters is a promising candidate for sending quantum states over long distances through a lossy channel. The usual discussions of this technique deals with only a finite dimensional Hilbert space. However the qubits with which one implements this procedure will "ride" on continuous degrees of freedom of the carrier particles. Here we analyze the action of quantum repeaters using a model based on pulsed parametric down conversion entanglement swapping. Our model contains some basic traits of a real experiment. We show that the state created, after the use of any number of parametric down converters in a series of entanglement swappings, is always an entangled (actually distillable) state, although of a different form than the one that is usually assumed. Furthermore, the output state always violates a Bell inequality.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX

    Functional Bell inequalities can serve as a stronger entanglement witness

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    We consider a Bell inequality for a continuous range of settings of the apparatus at each site. This "functional" Bell inequality gives a better range of violation for generalized GHZ states. Also a family of N-qubit bound entangled states violate this inequality for N>5.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX

    Violations of local realism with quNits up to N=16

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    Predictions for systems in entangled states cannot be described in local realistic terms. However, after admixing some noise such a description is possible. We show that for two quNits (quantum systems described by N dimensional Hilbert spaces) in a maximally entangled state the minimal admixture of noise increases monotonically with N. The results are a direct extension of those of Kaszlikowski et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 4418 (2000), where results for N9N\leq 9 were presented. The extension up to N=16 is possible when one defines for each N a specially chosen set of observables. We also present results concerning the critical detectors efficiency beyond which a valid test of local realism for entangled quNits is possible.Comment: 5 pages, 3 ps picture