29,582 research outputs found

    Einstein Manifolds As Yang-Mills Instantons

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    It is well-known that Einstein gravity can be formulated as a gauge theory of Lorentz group where spin connections play a role of gauge fields and Riemann curvature tensors correspond to their field strengths. One can then pose an interesting question: What is the Einstein equations from the gauge theory point of view? Or equivalently, what is the gauge theory object corresponding to Einstein manifolds? We show that the Einstein equations in four dimensions are precisely self-duality equations in Yang-Mills gauge theory and so Einstein manifolds correspond to Yang-Mills instantons in SO(4) = SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R gauge theory. Specifically, we prove that any Einstein manifold with or without a cosmological constant always arises as the sum of SU(2)_L instantons and SU(2)_R anti-instantons. This result explains why an Einstein manifold must be stable because two kinds of instantons belong to different gauge groups, instantons in SU(2)_L and anti-instantons in SU(2)_R, and so they cannot decay into a vacuum. We further illuminate the stability of Einstein manifolds by showing that they carry nontrivial topological invariants.Comment: v4; 17 pages, published version in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Evidence of unconventional low-frequency dynamics in the normal phase of Ba(Fe1-xRhx)2As2 iron-based supercondutors

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    This work presents 75As NMR spin echo decay rate (1/T2) measurements in Ba(Fe1-xRhx)2As2 superconductors, for 0.041 < x < 0.094. It is shown that 1/T2 increases upon cooling, in the normal phase, suggesting the onset of an unconventional very low-frequency activated dynamic. The correlation times of the fluctuations and their energy barriers are derived. The motion is favored at large Rh content, while it is hindered by the application of a magnetic field perpendicular to the FeAs layers. The same dynamic is observed in the spin-lattice relaxation rate, in a quantitatively consistent manner. These results are discussed in the light of nematic fluctuations involving domain wall motion. The analogies with the behaviour observed in the cuprates are also outlined

    Achieving diffraction-limited performance on the Berkeley MET5

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    The Berkeley MET5, funded by EUREKA, is a 0.5-NA EUV projection lithography tool located at the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley National Lab. Wavefront measurements of the MET5 optic have been performed using a custom in-situ lateral shearing interferometer suitable for high-NA interferometry. In this paper, we report on the most recent characterization of the MET5 optic demonstrating an RMS wavefront 0.31 nm, and discuss the specialized mask patterns, gratings, and illumination geometries that were employed to accommodate the many challenges associated with high-NA EUV interferometry

    Quantum simulation of artificial Abelian gauge field using nitrogen-vacancy center ensembles coupled to superconducting resonators

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    We propose a potentially practical scheme to simulate artificial Abelian gauge field for polaritons using a hybrid quantum system consisting of nitrogen-vacancy center ensembles (NVEs) and superconducting transmission line resonators (TLR). In our case, the collective excitations of NVEs play the role of bosonic particles, and our multiport device tends to circulate polaritons in a behavior like a charged particle in an external magnetic field. We discuss the possibility of identifying signatures of the Hofstadter "butterfly" in the optical spectra of the resonators, and analyze the ground state crossover for different gauge fields. Our work opens new perspectives in quantum simulation of condensed matter and many-body physics using hybrid spin-ensemble circuit quantum electrodynamics system. The experimental feasibility and challenge are justified using currently available technology.Comment: 6 papes+supplementary materia