19,876 research outputs found

    Jet conversions in a quark-gluon plasma

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    Quark and gluon jets traversing through a quark-gluon plasma not only lose their energies but also can undergo flavor conversions. The conversion rates via the elastic q(qˉ)ggq(qˉ)q(\bar q)g\to gq(\bar q) and the inelastic qqˉggq\bar q\leftrightarrow gg scatterings are evaluated in the lowest order in QCD. Including both jet energy loss and conversions in the expanding quark-gluon plasma produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions, we have found a net conversion of quark to gluon jets. This reduces the difference between the nuclear modification factors for quark and gluon jets in central heavy ion collisions and thus enhances the p/π+p/\pi^+ and pˉ/π{\bar p}/\pi^- ratios at high transverse momentum. However, a much larger net quark to gluon jet conversion rate than the one given by the lowest-order QCD is needed to account for the observed similar ratios in central Au+Au and p+p collisions at same energy. Implications of our results are discussed.Comment: version to appear in PR

    Partonic Effects in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC

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    Effects of partonic interactions in heavy ion collisions at RHIC are studied in a multiphase transport model (AMPT) that includes both initial partonic and final hadronic interactions.It is found that a large parton scattering cross section is needed to understand the measured elliptic flow of pions and two-pion correlation function.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Workshop on Quark and Hadron Dynamics, Budapest, Hungary, March 3-7, 200

    DsJD_{sJ}(2317) meson production at RHIC

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    Production of DsJD_{sJ}(2317) mesons in relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC is studied. Using the quark coalescence model, we first determine the initial number of DsJD_{sJ}(2317) mesons produced during hadronization of created quark-gluon plasma. The predicted DsJD_{sJ}(2317) abundance depends sensitively on the quark structure of the DsJD_{sJ}(2317) meson. An order-of-magnitude larger yield is obtained for a conventional two-quark than for an exotic four-quark DsJD_{sJ}(2317) meson. To include the hadronic effect on the DsJD_{sJ}(2317) meson yield, we have evaluated the absorption cross sections of the DsJD_{sJ}(2317) meson by pion, rho, anti-kaon, and vector anti-kaon in a phenomenological hadronic model. Taking into consideration the absorption and production of DsJD_{sJ}(2317) mesons during the hadronic stage of heavy ion collisions via a kinetic model, we find that the final yield of DsJD_{sJ}(2317) mesons remains sensitive to its initial number produced from the quark-gluon plasma, providing thus the possibility of studying the quark structure of the DsJD_{sJ}(2317) meson and its production mechanism in relativistic heavy ion collisions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Cross sections for pentaquark baryon production from protons in reactions induced by hadrons and photons

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    Using hadronic Lagrangians that include the interaction of pentaquark Θ+\Theta^+ baryon with KK and NN, we evaluate the cross sections for its production from meson-proton, proton-proton, and photon-proton reactions near threshold. With empirical coupling constants and form factors, the predicted cross sections are about 1.5 mb in kaon-proton reactions, 0.1 mb in rho-nucleon reactions, 0.05 mb in pion-nucleon reactions, 20 μ\mub in proton-proton reactions, and 40 nb in photon-proton reactions.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Effect of resonance decays on hadron elliptic flows

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    The influence of resonance decays on the elliptic flows of stable hadrons is studied in the quark coalescence model. Although difference between the elliptic flow of pions from resonance decays, except the rho meson, and that of directly produced pions is appreciable, those for other stable hadrons are small. Since there are more pions from the decays of rho mesons than from other resonances, including resonance decays can only account partially the deviation of final pion elliptic flow from the observed scaling of hadron elliptic flows, i.e., the hadron elliptic flow per quark is the same at same transverse momentum per quark. The remaining deviation can be explained by including the effect due to the quark momentum distribution inside hadrons.Comment: 13 pages and 5 figures, version pubblished in PRC, updated references and figure

    Identified Hadrons and Jet Chemistry for p+p and Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

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    The study of hadron spectra at high pTp_{T} in p+p collisions provides a good test of perturbative quantum chromo-dynamic calculations (pQCD) and baseline for measurements of nuclear modification factors in Au+Au collisions. Using events triggered by the Barrel Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter, identified charged hadron transverse momentum (pTp_T) spectra are measured up to 15 GeV/cc at mid-rapidity (y\mid y\mid << 0.5) and neutral kaon pTp_T spectra up to 12 GeV/cc in p + p collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV. The particle ratios of p/π+p/\pi^{+}, pˉ/π\bar{p}/\pi^{-} and K±,0K^{\pm,0} / π±\pi^{\pm} in p + p collisions are shown and compared with next-to-leading order pQCD calculations. In central Au+Au collisions, we report nuclear modification factors (RAAR_{AA}) for pion, kaon, proton and ρ\rho and discuss several model calculations: color-charge dependence of jet quenching and jet conversion. Finally, centrality dependence of RAAR_{AA} at high pTp_T (>> 5.5 GeV/c) for kaon are compared with that of pion in Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, SQM 2009 contributio

    Thermalization of quark-gluon matter by 2-to-2 and 3-to-3 elastic scatterings

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    Thermalization of quark-gluon matter is studied with a transport equation that includes contributions of 2-to-2 and 3-to-3 elastic scatterings. Thermalization time is related to the squared amplitudes for the elastic scatterings that are calculated in perturbative QCD.Comment: LaTex, 6 pages, 3 figures, talk presented at the 19th international conference on ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, Shanghai, China, Nov. 200

    Lymphotoxins and cytomegalovirus cooperatively induce interferon-beta, establishing host-virus détente

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related cytokines regulate cell death and survival and provide strong selective pressures for viruses, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), to evolve counterstrategies in order to persist in immune-competent hosts. Signaling by the lymphotoxin (LT)-β receptor or TNF receptor-1, but not Fas or TRAIL receptors, inhibits the cytopathicity and replication of human CMV by a nonapoptotic, reversible process that requires nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)-dependent induction of interferon-β (IFN-β). Efficient induction of IFN-β requires virus infection and LT signaling, demonstrating the need for both host and viral factors in the curtailment of viral replication without cellular elimination. LTα-deficient mice and LTβR-Fc transgenic mice were profoundly susceptible to murine CMV infection. Together, these results reveal an essential and conserved role for LTs in establishing host defense to CMV

    Transverse hydrodynamics with sudden hadronization -- production of strangeness

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    We consider a physical scenario for ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions where, at the early stage, only transverse degrees of freedom of partons are thermalized, while the longitudinal motion is described by free streaming. When the energy density of the partonic system drops to a certain critical value, the partons hadronize and the newly formed hadronic system freezes out. This sudden change is described with the help of the Landau matching conditions followed by the simulations done with THERMINATOR. The proposed scenario reproduces well the transverse-momentum spectra, the elliptic flow coefficient v2, and the HBT radii of pions and kaons studied at RHIC (Au+Au collisions at the top beam energy). It also reproduces quite well the transverse-momentum spectra of hyperons.Comment: talk presented by WF at the Strangeness in Quark Matter Conference, Buzios, Brazil, Sept. 27 - oct. 2, 200