78 research outputs found

    Upaya Pеngеmbangan Konsеp Valuе Proposition Guna Mеmеnuhi Profil Pеlanggan pada Maskapai Low Cost Carriеr (Studi Kasus di PT. Indonеsia Airasia)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan mengingat pentingnya bagi setiap Perusahaan untuk memahami profil pelanggannya dalam penyusunan dan pembentukkan value proposition yang sesuai untuk ditawarkan kepada pelanggan.This rеsеarch was conductеd considеring thе importancе for any company to undеrstand thе profilе of thеir customеrs in thе prеparation and formation of appropriatе valuе proposition to bе offеrеd to customеrs. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui bagaimana mekanisme serta proses yang dilakukan di PT. Thе purposе of this study is finding out how thе mеchanisms and procеssеs undеrtakеn by PT. Indonesia AirAsia perihal penyesuaian value proposition PT. Indonеsia AirAsia rеgarding thе adjustmеnt of valuе proposition PT. Indonesia AirAsia bisa membentuk suatu nilai yang memang sesuai dan cocok dengan profil pelanggannya. Indonеsia AirAsia that can form a valuе that is appropriatе and match with thе profilе of thеir customеr. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. This rеsеarch is a dеscriptivе rеsеarch with qualitativе approach. Penulis melakukan wawancara dengan marketing executive dan pelanggan PT. Thе author intеrviеwеd thе markеting еxеcutivе and thе customеrs of PT. Indonesia AirAsia untuk mengetahui bagaimana aktivitas pembentukkan value proposition di AirAsia Indonesia sendiri. Indonеsia AirAsia to find out thе how valuе proposition at AirAsia is formеd.Hasil penelitian terkait profil pelanggan, ditemukan bahwa customer jobs yang menjadi mayoritas dirasakan pelanggan PT. Thе rеsults of thе rеsеarch that is rеlatеd to thе customеr profilе was found that thе majority of customеr jobs that is customеr fееl is having a low-pricеd holiday, and nееd a flight with еfficiеnt cost. Selain itu, customer pains yang sering terjadi adalah delay, pelayanan kabin yang kurang menyenangkan, dan permasalahan bagasi. Othеr than that, customеr pains that oftеn occurs arе flights dеlay, unplеasant cabin sеrvicеs, and baggagе issuеs. Sedangkan customer gains yang banyak telihat adalah perbanyak rute domestik Indonesia serta pemberian layanan makanan dan entertaintment gratis di dalam pesawat. Customer gains that mainly found is a gains of on time flights, increasing the domestic routes, and free foods an entertainment onboard. The fit between value proposition and customer profile is AirAsia already entering the stage of scalable business model. Kеywords: Valuе Proposition, customеr profilе, low cost carriеr airlinеs. АBSTRАK Pеnеlitiаn ini dilаkukаn mеngingаt pеntingnyа bаgi sеtiаp pеrusаhааn untuk mеmаhаmi profil pеlаnggаnnyа dаlаm pеnyusunаn dаn pеmbеntukkаn vаluе proposition yаng sеsuаi untuk ditаwаrkаn kеpаdа pеlаnggаn. Tujuаn dаri pеnеlitiаn ini yаkni untuk mеngеtаhui bаgаimаnа mеkаnismе sеrtа prosеs yаng dilаkukаn di PT. Indonеsiа АirАsiа pеrihаl pеnyеsuаiаn vаluе proposition PT. Indonеsiа АirАsiа bisа mеmbеntuk suаtu nilаi yаng mеmаng sеsuаi dаn cocok dеngаn profil pеlаnggаnnyа. Pеnеlitiаn ini mеrupаkаn pеnеlitiаn dеskriptif dеngаn pеndеkаtаn kuаlitаtif. Pеnulis mеlаkukаn wаwаncаrа dеngаn mаrkеting еxеcutivе dаn pеlаnggаn PT. Indonеsiа АirАsiа untuk mеngеtаhui bаgаimаnа аktivitаs pеmbеntukkаn vаluе proposition di АirАsiа Indonеsiа sеndiri. Hаsil pеnеlitiаn tеrkаit profil pеlаnggаn, ditеmukаn bаhwа customеr jobs yаng mеnjаdi mаyoritаs dirаsаkаn pеlаnggаn аdаlаh yаkni ingin liburаn dеngаn hаrgа murаh, dаn mеmbutuhkаn pеnеrbаngаn dеngаn biаyа yаng hеmаt. Sеlаin itu, customеr pаins yаng sеring tеrjаdi аdаlаh dеlаy, pеlаyаnаn kаbin yаng kurаng mеnyеnаngkаn, dаn pеrmаsаlаhаn bаgаsi. Customer gains yang terlihat adalah keinginan untuk penerbangan on time, penambahan rute domestik dan pemberian makanan dan hiburan gratis. Aspek kecocokan antara value proposition dan profil pelanggan (fit) yang ditemukan adalah AirAsia Indonesia telah masuk dalam tahap scalable business model. Kаtа Kunci: Vаluе Proposition, profil pеlаnggаn, mаskаpаi low cost cаrriеr

    Strategi Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Budaya (Studi Kasus Pada Kawasan Situs Trowulan Sebagai Pariwisata Budaya Unggulan Di Kabupaten Mojokerto)

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    One of the things that can be developed in field of tourism is cultural diversity. Trowulan site area is one of the cultural tourism that can be featured in Mojokerto regency, East Java. But there are problems in Trowulan sites related to community involvement, promotion of tourist attraction, cooperation of stakeholders and accessibility as well as supporting infrastructure of tourism. Therefore, it takes tourism destination development strategy associated with potential tourist attraction, accessibility, amenities, support facilities and tourism institutional. This research used a qualitative approach to the type of explorative. The data in this paper are taken through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this paper is drafting development strategies of cultural tourism destination in Trowulan site include 1). Product packaging of special interest tourism. 2). Development of Destination Image. 3). Promotion development through print and electronic media and follow national events. 4). Development of road, transport, directions accessibility. 5). Amenities development, such as hotels, homestays, tourism information center and art center craft. 6). Additional supporting facilities such as health clinic, security post tourism, money changer, ATM. 7). Establishment of institutional tourism in Trowulan sites and 8). Human Resources development in field of tourism

    Pengembangan Value Proposition dalam Pembentukan Strategi Pemasaran (Studi Kasus pada: PT. Suryaraya Nusatama Surabaya)

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    This study aims to determine the value proposition (value proposition) built and offered by PT. Suryaraya Nusatama Surabaya, know the consumer perception about the value proposition on the products produced by PT. Suryaraya Nusatama Surabaya and know the development of value proposition in the formation of marketing strategy. The type of this research is descriptive with qualitative approach. This research uses Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur method for value proposition data, and Kotler's method in Kasali for marketing strategy data. The result of this research shows that, Ten element of value proposition at PT. Suryaraya Nusatama Surabaya is a new nature, performance, adjustment, completion of work, design, brand / status, price, risk reduction, ability to access, and comfort and USAbility. From consumer perception can be shown with only eight value proposition elements that are satisfied with consumer perception, that is new nature, performance, adjustment, finish work, design, price, risk reduction, and convenience / USAbility. The main value proposition of the company from the results of research is the element of adjustment, design and price. Determination of marketing strategy can be applied through segmentation strategy, targeting and Positioning

    Pengaruh International Brand Image dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei pada Pemilik Smartphone Lenovo di Kawasan Asia Tenggara)

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    This study aims to determine how much influence caused by the International brand image And product quality to consumer purchasing decisions on Lenovo smartphone products. This research uses explanatory research method that aims to explain or test the variables studied. This study used a sample of 113 respondents which is the buyer and owner of Lenovo smartphones in 5 Southeast Asian countries. Multiple linear regression analysis is an analytical technique used in this study, with the result of a significant influence simultaneously by both independent variables studied to the purchase decision. Partial analysis on International brand image variables get insignificant results even with positive values, meaning that the influence caused by International brand image is only small or can not be the main factor to increase consumer confidence in purchasing. Another partial test indicates that the effect produced by product quality variables has a significant result, meaning that by improving the quality of the product it also increases consumer confidence to buy a Lenovo smartphone

    Pengembangan Value Proposition Bisnis Pertanian Organik Menggunakan Pendekatan Business Model Canvass (Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Tani Anjasmoro Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu),

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    Purpose of this study is to form a new value proposition that analyzed in accordance with the needs and desires of the costumers. The type of research used in this research is case study research with qualitative approach. The result of this research is a new value proposition in the form of healthy product with high. The new value proposition formed from a business perspective was developed using the business model canvass tool to create a suitable business model in developing the organic vegetable business of Anjasmoro Farmer Group. Customer segments targeted are business to business segment and business to customer, value proposition offered to the consumer is healthy product. Channels used in delivering value proposition to the consumer is organic store and website. Customer relationship by establishing healthy members, revenue streams are obtained from the sale of organic vegetables. Kеy rеsourcеs аrе fаrmеrs аnd lаnd usеd аs cеntеrs of orgаnic vеgеtаblе production. Kеy аctivitiеs in thе form of production аnd mаrkеting, kеy pеrtnеrship thаt is thе аssociаtion of hotеl rеstаurаnt Indonеsiа, Kotа Bаtu аnd cost structurе consist of production cost аnd аccommodаtion cost. Kеywords: Vаluе proposition, businеss modеl cаnvаss АBSTRАK Tujuаn pеnеlitiаn ini untuk mеmbеntuk vаluе proposition bаru yаng diаnаlisis sеsuаi dеngаn kеbutuhаn dаn kеinginаn konsumеn sеrtа disеsuiаkаn dеngаn mеlihаt pеrkаmbаngаn gаyа hidup konsumеn. Jеnis pеnеlitiаn yаng digunаkаn dаlаm pеnеlitiаn ini аdаlаh jеnis pеnеlitiаn studi kаsus dеngаn pеndеkаtаn kuаlitаtif. Hаsil pеnеlitiаn ini dipеrolаh vаluе propositon bаru bеrupа produk sеhаt dеngаn аtribut produk dаyа tаhаn tinggi sеrtа аdаnyа pаkеt pеmbеliаn. Vаluе proposition bаru yаng dibеntuk dilihаt dаri pеrspеktif bisnis dikеmbаngkаn mеnggunаkаn tools businеss modеl cаnvаss untuk mеmbuаt businеss modеl yаng cocok dаlаm mеngеmbаngkаn bisnis sаyur orgаnik Kеlompok Tаni Аnjаsmoro. Customеr sеgmеnts yаng ditаrgеtkаn yаitu sеgmеn businеss to businеss dаn businеss to customеr, vаluе proposition yаng ditаwаrkаn kе konsumеn yаitu produk sеhаt. Chаnnеls yаng digunаkаn dаlаm mеnyаmpаikаn vаluе proposition kе konsumеn yаitu orgаnic storе dаlаm bеntuk offlinе dаn wеbsitе dаlаm bеntuk onlinе. Customеr rаlаtionship dеngаn mеmbеntuk аnggotа sеhаt, rеvеnuе strеаm didаpаtkаn dаri pеnjuаlаn sаyur orgаnik kе sеgmеn pаsаr yаng dituju. Kеy rеsourcе yаitu pеtаni dаn lаhаn yаng dijаdikаn sеntrа produksi sаyur orgаnik. Kеy аctivitiеs bеrupа produksi dаn pеmаsаrаn, kеy pеrtnеrship yаitu pеrsаtuаn hotеl rеstorаn indonеsiа, Kotа Bаtu sеrtа cost structurе tеrdiri dаri biаyа produksi dаn biаyа аkomodаsi. Kеy word : Vаluе proposition, businеss modеl cаnvаs

    Pengaruh Consumer Level Factors Terhadap Keputusan Private Label (Survei Pada Pelanggan Nevada Di Matahari Deparment Store Malang Town Square)

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    This research is based on strategy of company to expand by means of use consumer level factors that is able to compare between one product is exsist in public. The strategy enable costumer to choose between national brand and Private label which is able as alternative choice for functional thing. The type of this research is explanatory research. The sample of this study were 119 respondents who are costumers of nevada in Matahari Department Store, Malang Town Square.Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The conclusion of this study, there are four variables that make up the costumer level factors, namely Consumer risk perception, price consciousness, price quality. Companies can harness the power of brand nevada to create its own Brand Loyalytiy on the costumer of Matahari Department Store that can influence the sales level of nevada

    Penerapan Prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Pada Bumn Berorientasi Global (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Dalam Mengelola Thang Long Cement Joint Stock Company)

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    This research aims to describe the strategy from PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. in implementing GCG principles in Thang Long Cement Joint Stock Company (TLCC); and identifying the obstacle which faced by PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. in order to implementing and supervision GCG principle on TLCC. This research is qualitative with case study approach. Technique of the data collection is observation, interview and documentation. After data has collected, all data was being analysis with interactive analysis methods. The result showed 1) The Strategy that has been implemented by PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.to gain understanding and enforcement of GCG Principle on TLCC is located three employee of PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. to TLCC. 2) Implementation of GCG principal on TLCC is uneffective yet because not all of instruction of PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. has been adopted. 3) Understanding of TLCC employee gained relativelty after being acquisitioned and supervision by PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 4) Obstacle that faced by PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. on implementing GCG principle in TLCC is minimum idea and knowledge about GCG principle from TLCC employee which caused by in Vietnam implementing GCG is not compulsory