179 research outputs found

    Heat transfer tests of an 0.006-scale thin-skin space shuttle model (41-OTS) in the Ames 3.5-foot HWT at M equals 5.3 (IH15)

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    Data obtained from heat transfer tests of an 0.006-scale space shuttle vehicle in a 3.5-foot hypersonic wind tunnel are presented. The purpose of these tests was to parametrically investigate the ascent heating of the integrated vehicle. Configurations tested were complete for integrated vehicle, orbiter alone, external tank alone, and SRB alone. All configurations were tested with and without transition grit. Testing was conducted at a Mach number of 5.3, and at Reynolds numbers of 2 and 5 million per foot. The angle of attack range varied from 0 to minus 5 degress, execpt for SRB alone, which was tested from minus 5 to 90 degrees. Heat transfer data were obtained from 223 iron-constantan thermocouples attached to thin-skin stainless steel inserts