513 research outputs found

    An investigation into manufacturing execution systems

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    Hardware and software developments of this decade have exposed an hiatus between business/management applications and process control in heavy industry in the implementation of computer technology. This document examines the development of discrete manufacturing and of relevant implementations of computing. It seeks to examine and to clarify the issues involved in a perceived current drive to bridge this gap, to integrate all the systems in a manufacturing enterprise in a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in order to address two hypotheses: I) That overseas trends towards the development of manufacturing execution systems have application in the Australian industrial context. 2) That significant gains in production efficiency and quality may be achieved by the application of an MES. It became apparent early in this study that any understanding the function of an MES requires an understanding of the context in which it works. Following the Introduction, therefore, Section Two contains a brief overview of the history and development of modem industry with particular attention to the subject of inventory and inventory management. Since the 1970s, three main streams of change in manufacturing management methodology developed. These are dealt with in some detail in Section Three. Section Four outlines a variety of areas of increasing computerisation on the shop floor while Section Five addresses the integration of the whole system, management and shop floor, seeking to demonstrate the complexity of the subject and to discover current trends and developments. Section Five includes a survey of some of the software and hardware options currently available and Section Six summarises the work and presents some observations and conclusions. Three appendices provide more detailed information on MES software availability, pricing and market penetratio

    Optical Spectroscopy of Galactic Cirrus Clouds: Extended Red Emission in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium

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    We present initial results from the first optical spectroscopic survey of high latitude Galactic cirrus clouds. The observed shape of the cirrus spectrum does not agree with that of scattered ambient Galactic starlight. This mismatch can be explained by the presence of Extended Red Emission (ERE) in the diffuse interstellar medium, as found in many other astronomical objects, probably caused by photoluminescence of hydrocarbons. The integrated ERE intensity, I_ERE \approx 1.2 x 10^{-5} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} sr^{-1}, is roughly a third of the scattered light intensity, consistent with recent color measurements of diffuse Galactic light. The peak of the cirrus ERE (lambda_{0} \sim 6000 AA) is shifted towards short (bluer) wavelengths compared to the ERE in sources excited by intense ultraviolet radiation, such as HII regions (lambda_{0} sim 8000 AA); such a trend is seen in laboratory experiments on hydrogenated amorphous carbon films.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    A Reanalysis of the Carbon Abundance in the Translucent Cloud toward HD 24534

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    We have reanalyzed the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph data set presented by Snow et al. which contains the interstellar intersystem C II] 2325A line through the translucent cloud toward HD 24534 (X Persei). In contrast to the results of Snow et al., we clearly detect the C II] feature at the 3-sigma confidence level and measure a C^+ column density of 2.7 +/- 0.8 x 10^17 cm^-2. Accounting for the C I column density along the line of sight, we find 10^6 C/H = 106 +/- 38 in the interstellar gas toward this star. This gas-phase carbon-to-hydrogen ratio suggests that slightly more carbon depletion may be occurring in translucent as compared to diffuse clouds. The average diffuse-cloud C/H, however, is within the 1-sigma uncertainty of the measurement toward HD 24534. We therefore cannot rule out the possibility that the two cloud types have comparable gas-phase C/H, and therefore comparable depletions of carbon.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Mid-Infrared Spectropolarimetric Constraints on the Core-Mantle Interstellar Dust Model

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    In the framework of the silicate core-carbonaceous organic mantle interstellar dust model, the bulk of the visual/near-IR extinction and the entire polarization are from nonspherical and aligned core-mantle grains. The 3.4 micron C-H and 9.7 micron Si-O absorption features, respectively arising from the hydrocarbon mantle and the amorphous silicate core, are expected to be polarized to a modestly different degree. Spectropolarimetric observations toward the same lines of sight both in the 3.4 micron region and in the 9.7 micron region would be of great value to test the core-mantle dust model. The fact that the 3.4 micron feature is not polarized along the line of sight toward the Galactic center source IRS 7 is not yet sufficient to reject the core-mantle model due to the lack of spectropolarimetric observation of this region in the 9.7 micron region.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figues, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Master Equation for Hydrogen Recombination on Grain Surfaces

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    Recent experimental results on the formation of molecular hydrogen on astrophysically relevant surfaces under conditions similar to those encountered in the interstellar medium provided useful quantitative information about these processes. Rate equation analysis of experiments on olivine and amorphous carbon surfaces provided the activation energy barriers for the diffusion and desorption processes relevant to hydrogen recombination on these surfaces. However, the suitability of rate equations for the simulation of hydrogen recombination on interstellar grains, where there might be very few atoms on a grain at any given time, has been questioned. To resolve this problem, we introduce a master equation that takes into account both the discrete nature of the H atoms and the fluctuations in the number of atoms on a grain. The hydrogen recombination rate on microscopic grains, as a function of grain size and temperature, is then calculated using the master equation. The results are compared to those obtained from the rate equations and the conditions under which the master equation is required are identified.Comment: Latex document. 14 pages of text. Four associated figs in in PS format on separate files that are "called-in" the LaTeX documen

    Spatial Separation of the 3.29 micron Emission Feature and Associated 2 micron Continuum in NGC 7023

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    We present a new 0.9" resolution 3.29 micron narrowband image of the reflection nebula NGC 7023. We find that the 3.29 micron IEF in NGC 7023 is brightest in narrow filaments NW of the illuminating star. These filaments have been seen in images of K', molecular hydrogen emission lines, the 6.2 and 11.3 micron IEFs, and HCO+. We also detect 3.29 micron emission faintly but distinctly between the filaments and the star. The 3.29 micron image is in contrast to narrowband images at 2.09, 2.14, and 2.18 micron, which show an extended emission peak midway between the filaments and the star, and much fainter emission near the filaments. The [2.18]-[3.29] color shows a wide variation, ranging from 3.4-3.6 mag at the 2 micron continuum peak to 5.5 mag in the filaments. We observe [2.18]-[3.29] to increase smoothly with increasing distance from the star, up until the filament, suggesting that the main difference between the spatial distributions of the 2 micron continuum and the the 3.29 micron emission is related to the incident stellar flux. Our result suggests that the 3.29 micron IEF carriers are likely to be distinct from, but related to, the 2 micron continuum emitters. Our finding also imply that, in NGC 7023, the 2 micron continuum emitters are mainly associated with HI, while the 3.29 micron IEF carriers are primarily found in warm molecular hydrogen, but that both can survive in HI or molecular hydrogen. (abridged)Comment: to appear in ApJ, including 1 table and 8 figures, high resolution figures available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~jin/n7023

    Diffusion-limited reactions on a two-dimensional lattice with binary disorder

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    Reaction-diffusion systems where transition rates exhibit quenched disorder are common in physical and chemical systems. We study pair reactions on a periodic two-dimensional lattice, including continuous deposition and spontaneous desorption of particles. Hopping and desorption are taken to be thermally activated processes. The activation energies are drawn from a binary distribution of well depths, corresponding to `shallow' and `deep' sites. This is the simplest non-trivial distribution, which we use to examine and explain fundamental features of the system. We simulate the system using kinetic Monte Carlo methods and provide a thorough understanding of our findings. We show that the combination of shallow and deep sites broadens the temperature window in which the reaction is efficient, compared to either homogeneous system. We also examine the role of spatial correlations, including systems where one type of site is arranged in a cluster or a sublattice. Finally, we show that a simple rate equation model reproduces simulation results with very good accuracy.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    The adsorption and desorption of ethanol ices from a model grain surface

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    Reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS) and temperature programed desorption (TPD) have been used to probe the adsorption and desorption of ethanol on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) at 98 K. RAIR spectra for ethanol show that it forms physisorbed multilayers on the surface at 98 K. Annealing multilayer ethanol ices (exposures > 50 L) beyond 120 K gives rise to a change in morphology before crystallization within the ice occurs. TPD shows that ethanol adsorbs and desorbs molecularly on the HOPG surface and shows four different species in desorption. At low coverage, desorption of monolayer ethanol is observed and is described by first-order kinetics. With increasing coverage, a second TPD peak is observed at a lower temperature, which is assigned to an ethanol bilayer. When the coverage is further increased, a second multilayer, less strongly bound to the underlying ethanol ice film, is observed. This peak dominates the TPD spectra with increasing coverage and is characterized by fractional-order kinetics and a desorption energy of 56.3 +/- 1.7 kJ mol(-1). At exposures exceeding 50 L, formation of crystalline ethanol is also observed as a high temperature shoulder on the TPD spectrum at 160 K. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics
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