4,755 research outputs found

    Recent Advances in Diamond Detectors

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    With the commissioning of the LHC expected in 2009, and the LHC upgrades expected in 2012, ATLAS and CMS are planning for detector upgrades for their innermost layers requiring radiation hard technologies. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond has been used extensively in beam conditions monitors as the innermost detectors in the highest radiation areas of BaBar, Belle and CDF and is now planned for all LHC experiments. This material is now being considered as an alternate sensor for use very close to the interaction region of the super LHC where the most extreme radiation conditions will exist. Recently the RD42 collaboration constructed, irradiated and tested polycrystalline and single-crystal chemical vapor deposition diamond sensors to the highest fluences available. We present beam test results of chemical vapor deposition diamond up to fluences of 1.8 x 10^16 protons/cm^2 showing that both polycrystalline and single-crystal chemical vapor deposition diamonds follow a single damage curve allowing one to extrapolate their performance as a function of dose

    Characterization and Modeling of Non-Uniform Charge Collection in CVD Diamond Pixel Detectors

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    A pixel detector with a CVD diamond sensor has been studied in a 180 GeV/c pion beam. The charge collection properties of the diamond sensor were studied as a function of the track position, which was measured with a silicon microstrip telescope. Non-uniformities were observed on a length scale comparable to the diamond crystallites size. In some regions of the sensor, the charge drift appears to have a component parallel to the sensor surface (i.e., normal to the applied electric field) resulting in systematic residuals between the track position and the hits position as large as 40 μ\mum. A numerical simulation of the charge drift in polycrystalline diamond was developed to compute the signal induced on the electrodes by the electrons and holes released by the passing particles. The simulation takes into account the crystallite structure, non-uniform trapping across the sensor, diffusion and polarization effects. It is in qualitative agreement with the data. Additional lateral electric field components result from the non-uniform trapping of charges in the bulk. These provide a good explanation for the large residuals observed.Comment: Accepted by Nucl. Instr. and Met

    Hadroproduction of the Chi1 and Chi2 States of Charmonium in 800 GeV/c Proton-Silicon Interactions

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    The cross sections for the hadroproduction of the Chi1 and Chi2 states of charmonium in proton-silicon collisions at sqrt{s}=38.8 GeV have been measured in Fermilab fixed target Experiment 771. The Chi states were observed via their radiative decay to J/psi+gamma, where the photon converted to e+e- in the material of the spectrometer. The measured values for the Chi1 and Chi2 cross sections for x_F>0 are 263+-69(stat)+-32(syst) and 498+-143(stat)+-67(syst) nb per nucleon respectively. The resulting sigma(Chi1}/sigma(Chi2) ratio of 0.53+-0.20(stat)+-0.07(syst), although somewhat larger than most theoretical expectations, can be accomodated by the latest theoretical estimates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Characterization of a Single Crystal Diamond Pixel Detector in a High Energy Particle Beam

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    Diamond has been developed as a material for the detection of charged particles by ionization. Its radiation hardness makes it an attractive material for detectors operated in a harsh radiation environment e.g. close to a particle beam as is the case for beam monitoring and for pixel vertex detectors. Poly-crystalline chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond has been studied as strip and pixel detectors so far. We report on a first-time characterization of a single-crystal diamond pixel detector in a 100 GeV particle beam at CERN. The detectors are made from irregularly shaped single crystal sensors, 395mm thick, mated by bump bonding to a front-end readout IC as used in the ATLAS pixel detector with pixel sizes of 50 x 400 mm2. The diamond sensors show excellent charge collection properties: full collection over the entire detector volume, clean and narrow signal charge distributions with a S/N value of >100 and a hit detection efficiency of (99.9 +- 0.1)%. The measured spatial resolution for particles under normal incidence in the shorter pixel direction is (8.9 +- 0.1) um.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    B Physics at the Tevatron: Run II and Beyond

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    This report provides a comprehensive overview of the prospects for B physics at the Tevatron. The work was carried out during a series of workshops starting in September 1999. There were four working groups: 1) CP Violation, 2) Rare and Semileptonic Decays, 3) Mixing and Lifetimes, 4) Production, Fragmentation and Spectroscopy. The report also includes introductory chapters on theoretical and experimental tools emphasizing aspects of B physics specific to hadron colliders, as well as overviews of the CDF, D0, and BTeV detectors, and a Summary.Comment: 583 pages. Further information on the workshops, including transparencies, can be found at the workshop's homepage: http://www-theory.lbl.gov/Brun2/. The report is also available in 2-up http://www-theory.lbl.gov/Brun2/report/report2.ps.gz or chapter-by-chapter http://www-theory.lbl.gov/Brun2/report

    Diamond detectors for future particle physics experiments

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    Diamond has recently been shown to be a viable material for detectors in experiments at the next generation of particle accelerators. This contribution surveys the properties of diamond which give it advantages, the results achieved to date, the remaining unresolved issues, and the possible applications for diamond detectors in the future