258 research outputs found

    Analisis Capital Budgeting Sebagai Sarana Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Aset Tetap (Studi Pada Perusahaan Shanghai “Gangsar” Ngunut Tulungagung)

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    Business extension is one form of investment that can be done by adding production capacity existing as the company can expand market share. Investment to obtain fixed asset expenditure is the number of the greatest in industrial companies. Investment in fixed asset this be done by means add assets namely by buy assets new replacement do the fixed assets long with capacity bigger and make improvements or modernization assets by add components to increase performance fixed asset. Company shanghai “gangsar” Ngunut Tulungagung is firm engaged in production snacks. The occurrence of an increase in demand and cannot the governor, then required investment plan sale of fixed form of machine for adding production capacity. Big fund and there is uncertainty in a period the return of capital has implanted be things that needs to be considered properly. Planning budget capital or “capital budgeting” serves think the investment implemented. The results of the five methods of analysis using the method of capital budgeting ARR, payback period, NPV, IRR and B / C ratio shows the investment plan is feasible, thus the company is able to meet demand and increase revenue

    Penerapan Disiplin sebagai Pemoderasi Hubungan antara Pemberian Kompensasi dan Penghargaan terhadap Kinerja

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the compensation and rewards to the employee of BKKBN in East Java Province performance both simultaneously and partially, and was to determine whether the application of discipline moderated the correlation between compensation and rewards distribution to employee's performance. The Method of sample selection used in this study was cluster sampling technique that took randomly from the population. The numbers of the samples of this study were 82 respondents. The type of data used was primary data collected through questionnaire. The regression analysis with variables moderating was used thoroughly in analyzing the data. To prove moderating variable to become mediation variable or not therefore residual test is used. The results of this study showed that giving compensation and awards simultaneously affected to employee's performance. Distributing compensation partially did not affect employee's performance while distributing awards partially affected the performance of the employees. Application of discipline was a moderating variable affecting the correlation between the compensation and rewards distribution to employee's performance. Keywords: the application of discipline, compensation, reward, performanc

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Tanah Sawah di Desa Sukawali dan Desa Belimbing, Kabupaten Tangerang

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    Penggunaan pupuk kimia secara berlebih dapat menyebabkan kerusakan tanah dan menyebabkan ekosistem yang ada didalamnya terganggu. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) adalah bakteri yang hidup di daerah rizosfer tanaman yang dapat berperan sebagai biofertilizer, biostimulan dan bioprotektan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh dan mengetahui karakteristik bakteri tanah yang berasal dari dua area persawahan, lokasi pertama di Desa Sukawali (TGR 1) dan lokasi kedua di Desa Belimbing (TGR 2), Kabupaten Tangerang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel tanah, kemudian sampel dikultur dalam media agar nutrien dengan pengenceran bertingkat. Total bakteri dihitung dan isolat yang diperoleh diuji kemampuan dan karakternya dalam menambat nitrogen (BPN), melarutkan fosfat (BPF), menghasilkan indole acetic acid (IAA), menghasilkan Hidrogen Cyanide (HCN), aktivitas katalase, jenis Gram dan karakter motilitas. Total bakteri yang dapat tumbuh dari kedua lokasi sebanyak 2,4x106 CFU/g dan 1,8x106 CFU/g. Kedua lokasi diperoleh total 45 isolat dengan seluruhnya positif BPN, 42 isolat positif BPF, 24 isolat menghasilkan IAA, 27 isolat menghasilkan HCN, 43 isolat katalase positif, 39 isolat Gram positif, 6 isolat Gram negatif, serta 41 isolat motil. Berdasarkan uji yang dilakukan, terdapat 16 isolat yang berpotensi sebagai pupuk hayati

    Study Baliak Nagari Baliak Ka Surau AS Local Wisdom In Kenagarian Koto Tangah Tilatang Kamang District District West Sumatra Agam

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    Minangkabau is one of the ethnic groups and living in West Sumatra province, famous for its culture matrilinealnya (maternal lineage). Custom element, Nagari, and the ideology that Islam is not a simple blend in Minang peoples lives. With this concept Minang society and see themselves and view the world. This is reflected in a very famous proverb Nagari namely: Indigenous basandi Syarak, Syarak basandi Quraan, Syarak Mangato, Indigenous mamakai, Natural Takambang so Teacher. The rapid development of science and advanced technology such as this, be the most important component in the social life of the community. This makes the government, traditional leaders, the elders and religious leaders wanted to reinstate a system of government that has begun bernagari forgotten because it is not running anymoreThis research uses descriptive qualitative method of data collection that was obtained based on the reality on the ground through observation, interviews, and documentation. Where the informant in the NAC board, community leaders, and the public. The informant obtained with snowbaal sampling technique with key informants niniak mamak.The results showed that Baliak Baliak ka ka village mosque is one of the ways in which local governments in order to crystallize the Minang culture is not lost and restore social life community like Minang rules when in reality not run properly due to lack of knowledge and communication to the public especially mamak niniak young people.Keyword: communication, Local wisdom,Baliak ka nagari Baliak ka sura

    Upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti dalam Penyediaan Air Bersih di Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Tahun 2012-2014

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    THIS research is motivated by the defunct local company's drinking water, so the need for water is a mobdatory requirement for the community. Water inftrastructure is one that is important to remember that water is a basic requirement is always consumed. The purpose of this study to influence the district govermment meranti islands and the inhibiting factors in the provision of clean water. The method used is a qualitatif research method with a descriptive type of reasearch that can be defined that can be interprated as a problems-solving process to describe the state of the subject and object of reseacrh at the presesnt time based on the facts that appear. Basa on the research that govermment efforts are still not up to the water supply in the districh high clifss theree are several factors that influence the govermment, namely the geographical conditions and economic factor

    Potensi Bakteri Asal Tanah Rizosfer, Sedimen Tanah, Dan Pupuk Kandang Sapi Untuk Biodegradasi Minyak Berat Dan Oli Bekas

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    . The objective of this research was to obtain potential bacteria capable to degrade heavy oil and used oil. The research carried out in several steps: isolating bacteria from ten sampling location, selection of bacteria capability to degrade heavy oil and used oil in liquid minimal media, characterizing the physiology and biochemistry of bacteria, testing of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH). Five selected isolates was obtained, they were: OB3-10% from Babakan Lebak river sediment, OB5-10% and MB5-5% from dried cow manure, OB9-10% from taro rhisozphere, and MB10-10% from oil palm plantation area. Isolate MB5-5% had the best capability in reducing TPH of heavy oil contaminated soil and isolate OB9-10% had the best capability in reducing TPH of used oil contaminated soil

    Analisis Pengaruh Susunan Komposit Laminat Graphene-TiO2 sebagai Lapisan Semikonduktor terhadap Unjuk Kerja Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)

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    Penelitian mengenai sel surya mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan beberapa tahun terakhir. Khususnya penelitian tentang sel surya lanjutan, Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC).Karena fabrikasinya yang mudah dan murah dibandingkan dengan sel surya konvensional. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan untuk menghasilkan prototype DSSC. DSSC tersebut difabrikasi menggunakan susunan komposit laminat Graphene – TiO2 yang berbeda dengan metode Spincoating sebagai lapisan semikonduktor dan dye organik dari ekstrak Bunga Geranium. Lapisan semikonduktor dikarakterisasi menggunakan X –Ray Diffraction (XRD) dan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) untuk mengetahui terbentuknya lapisan Graphene-TiO2. Absorbansi larutan dye diuji menggunakan UV-Vis Spektrofotometer. Dan pengujian unjuk kerja kelistrikan diukur menggunakan I-V Keithley Instrumen.Hasil terbaik didapatkan pada susunan komposit laminat TiO2/Graphene/TiO2 (TGT) dengan nilai daya maksimum sebesar 0.259 Wm-2 , nilai efisiensi sebesar 0.0241 % dan Fill Factor sebesar 0.42
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