279 research outputs found


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    Bedrock Geology of the Adirondack Region

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    Precambrian rocks of Adirondack Region were part of a global system of mountains whose formation approximately one billion years ago led to the assembly of a supercontinent called Rodinia. In New York State, the eroded remnants of these enormous mountains extend beneath the Paleozoic cover rocks on the edge of the Adirondack topographic dome to form the basement rocks of New York State and connect, through exposures in the Thousand Islands Region, to the bulk of the contiguous Grenville Province of the Canadian Shield. Similar rocks are exposed in basement windows along the spine of the much younger Appalachian Mountains and can be traced into Mexico and beyond. Like other areas in the Grenville Province, the High Peaks region of New York is underlain by a large intrusive body of massif anorthosite, a rock composed of exceptionally large crystals of plagioclase feldspar. Rocks in the Adirondacks range in age from approximately 1350 to 1000 million years old and record as many as three or four tectonic events which were part of the Grenville Orogenic Cycle. The net results of these events were high-grade metamorphism, strong deformation, and the widespread overprinting of original relationships and primary textural features. Younger Paleozoic rocks include Cambrian and Ordovician sandstones, limestones, and shales deposited on the eroded metamorphic and igneous basement. These sedimentary rocks are found in fault-bounded outliers within the Adirondack massif and around the Adirondack margins. The current topography of the Adirondacks is related to doming which began about 180 million years ago, when the Atlantic Ocean opened; although the reason(s) for this doming remain to be fully elucidated. Doming has stripped away the younger Paleozoic rocks and exposed the roots of the mountains, which at one time were deformed and metamorphosed deep in the crust

    The Founding of The University of Melbourne, 1852-1855

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    In part this paper is about ideas, especially those held by some men in nineteenth-century Melbourne who set about establishing a university. They had carried a set of ideas about what a university should be with them as they journeyed across the world, some of them in search of a promised land. They found that turning these ideas into reality was complex and disappointing, but their struggle sheds light on the social, political, and educational life of Antipodean society

    Tectonic Evolution of the Adirondack Mountains and Grenville Orogen Inliers within the USA

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    Recent investigations in geochronology and tectonics provide important new insights into the evolution of the Grenville Orogen in North America. Here, we summarize results of this research in the USA and focus upon ca. 1.4–0.98 Ga occurrences extending from the Adirondack Mountains to the southern Appalachians and Texas. Recent geochronology (mainly by U/Pb SHRIMP) establishes that these widely separated regions experienced similar tectonomagmatic events, i.e., the Elzevirian (ca. 1.25–1.22 Ga), Shawinigan (ca. 1.2–1.14 Ga), and Grenvillian (ca. 1.09–0.98 Ga) orogenies and associated plate interactions. Notwithstanding these commonalities, Nd model ages and Pb isotopic mapping has revealed important differences that are best explained by the existence of contrasting compositions of deep crustal reservoirs beneath the Adirondacks and the southern Appalachians. The isotopic compositions for the Adirondacks lie on the same Pb–Pb array as those for the Grenville Province, the Granite-Rhyolite Province and the Grenvillian inliers of Texas suggesting that they all developed on Laurentian crust. On the other hand, data from the southern Appalachians are similar to those of the Sunsas Terrane in Brazil and suggest that Amazonian crust with these Pb–Pb characteristics was thrust onto eastern Laurentia during its Grenvillian collision with Amazonia and subsequently transferred to the latter during the late Neoproterozoic breakup of the supercontinent, Rodinia, and the formation of the Iapetus Ocean. The ca. 1.3–1.0 Ga Grenville Orogen is also exposed in the Llano Uplift of Texas and in small inliers in west Texas and northeast Mexico. The Llano Uplift contains evidence for a major collision with a southern continent at ca. 1.15–1.12 Ga (Kalahari Craton?), magmatic arcs, and back-arc and foreland basins, all of which are reviewed.     The Grenvillian Orogeny is considered to be the culminating tectonic event that terminated approximately 500 m.y. of continental margin growth along southeastern Laurentia by accretion, continental margin arc magmatism, and metamorphism. Accordingly, we briefly review the tectonic and magmatic histories of these Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic pre-Grenvillian orogens, i.e., Penokean, Yavapai, and Mazatzal as well as the Granite-Rhyolite Province and discuss their ~5000 km transcontinental span.SOMMAIREDes recherches récentes en géochronologie et en tectonique révèlent d’importants faits nouveaux sur l’évolution de l’orogénie de Grenville en Amérique du Nord.  Nous présentons ici un sommaire des résultats de cet effort de recherche aux USA en mettant l’accent sur les indices datés entre env. 1,4 et 0,98 Ga, à partir des monts Adirondack jusqu’au sud des Appalaches et au Texas.  Des données géochronologiques récentes (par microsonde SHRIMP principalement) indiquent que les roches de ces régions très éloignées les unes des autres ont subies l’effet d’épisodes tectonomagmatiques similaires, par exemple, aux orogenèses de l’Elzévirien (env. 1.25–1.22 Ga), de Shawinigan (env. 1.2–1.14 Ga), et du Grenvillien (env. 1.09–0.98 Ga), ainsi que des interactions des plaques associées.  Malgré ces points communs, la chronologie Nd et la cartographie isotopique Pb a révélé des différences importantes qui s’expliquent plus aisément par des compositions contrastées des réservoirs profonds de croûte sous les Adirondacks et le sud des Appalaches.  Les compositions isotopiques des Adirondacks sont de la même gamme Pb-Pb que ceux de la Province de Grenville, de la Province Granite-rhyolite et des boutonnières grenvilliennes du Texas, suggérant qu'ils se sont tous développées sur la croûte des Laurentides.  Par ailleurs, les données des Appalaches du sud sont semblables à celles du terrane de Sunsas au Brésil, ce qui incite à penser que la croûte amazonienne, avec de telles caractéristiques Pb-Pb, a été poussée sur la portion est de Laurentia lors de sa collision grenvillienne avec l’Amazonie puis laissée à cette dernière au cours de la rupture du supercontinent Rodinia vers la fin du Néoprotérozoïque, avec la formation de l'océan Iapetus.  L’orogène de Grenville (1,3 à 1,0 Ga env.) est également exposé dans le soulèvement de Llano au Texas et dans de petites boutonnières dans l'ouest du Texas et le nord du Mexique.  Le soulèvement de Llano montre des indices d'une collision majeure avec un continent au sud, entre env. 1,15 et 1,12 Ga (craton de Kalahari?), des zones d’arcs magmatiques, d'arrière-arc et de bassin d'avant-pays, chacun étant présenté ci-dessous.    L'orogenèse de Grenville est considéré comme l'événement tectonique culminant qui marqué la fin d’une période d’environ 500 ma d’accroissement de la marge continentale le long de la bordure sud-est de la Laurentie, par accrétion, magmatisme d’arc de marge continentale, et métamorphisme.  C’est pourquoi, nous passons brièvement en revue l'histoire tectonique et magmatique de ces orogènes pré-grenvilliennes paléoprotérozoïques et mésoprotérozoïques, pénokéenne, de Yavapai, et de Mazatzal ainsi que la Province de Granite-rhyolite, et discutons de son étendue sur env. 5 000 km.

    Survival of Hendra Virus in the Environment: Modelling the Effect of Temperature

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    Hendra virus (HeV), a highly pathogenic zoonotic paramyxovirus recently emerged from bats, is a major concern to the horse industry in Australia. Previous research has shown that higher temperatures led to lower virus survival rates in the laboratory. We develop a model of survival of HeV in the environment as influenced by temperature. We used 20 years of daily temperature at six locations spanning the geographic range of reported HeV incidents to simulate the temporal and spatial impacts of temperature on HeV survival. At any location, simulated virus survival was greater in winter than in summer, and in any month of the year, survival was higher in higher latitudes. At any location, year-to-year variation in virus survival 24 h post-excretion was substantial and was as large as the difference between locations. Survival was higher in microhabitats with lower than ambient temperature, and when environmental exposure was shorter. The within-year pattern of virus survival mirrored the cumulative within-year occurrence of reported HeV cases, although there were no overall differences in survival in HeV case years and non-case years. The model examines the effect of temperature in isolation; actual virus survivability will reflect the effect of additional environmental factor

    Survival of Hendra Virus in the Environment: Modelling the Effect of Temperature

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    Hendra virus (HeV), a highly pathogenic zoonotic paramyxovirus recently emerged from bats, is a major concern to the horse industry in Australia. Previous research has shown that higher temperatures led to lower virus survival rates in the laboratory. We develop a model of survival of HeV in the environment as influenced by temperature. We used 20 years of daily temperature at six locations spanning the geographic range of reported HeV incidents to simulate the temporal and spatial impacts of temperature on HeV survival. At any location, simulated virus survival was greater in winter than in summer, and in any month of the year, survival was higher in higher latitudes. At any location, year-to-year variation in virus survival 24 h post-excretion was substantial and was as large as the difference between locations. Survival was higher in microhabitats with lower than ambient temperature, and when environmental exposure was shorter. The within-year pattern of virus survival mirrored the cumulative within-year occurrence of reported HeV cases, although there were no overall differences in survival in HeV case years and non-case years. The model examines the effect of temperature in isolation; actual virus survivability will reflect the effect of additional environmental factor

    Reduced Sensitivity of Influenza A (H5N1) to Oseltamivir

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    We tested the neuraminidase drug sensitivity of clade 1 and clade 2 influenza A virus (H5N1). All viruses demonstrated similar sensitivity to zanamivir, but compared to the 2004 clade 1 viruses, the Cambodian 2005 viruses were 6-fold less sensitive and the Indonesian clade 2 viruses were up to 30-fold less sensitive to oseltamivir

    Serologic evidence for the presence in Pteropus bats of a paramyxovirus related to equine morbillivirus.

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    Two outbreaks of a previously unknown disease in horses and humans occurred in Queensland in 1994. The outbreaks occurred within 1 month of each other in Brisbane and Mackay, which are approximately 1000 km apart. In the Brisbane incident, 21 horses were infected of which 14 died or were euthanized after severe clinical signs of an acute respiratory disease. Two human cases were in patients with less well defined clinical signs; one patient died (1,2). In the Mackay incident two horses became seriously ill and died, and one person also died (3). Although it is now known that the two outbreaks occurred in August and September 1994, knowledge of the Mackay outbreak did not occur until late 1995 when the infected person died of a relapsing encephalitis. The name equine morbillivirus (EMV) has been proposed for a paramyxovirus isolated from four of the Brisbane horses and the first patient who died (2)

    A noncanonical autophagy pathway restricts Toxoplasma gondii growth in a strain-specific manner in IFN-γ-activated human cells

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    ABSTRACT A core set of autophagy proteins is required for gamma interferon (IFN-γ)-mediated clearance of Toxoplasma gondii in the mouse because of their control of several downstream effectors, including immunity-related GTPases (IRGs) and guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs). However, these effectors are absent (i.e., IRGs) from or nonessential (i.e., GBPs) in IFN-γ-activated human cells, raising the question of how these cells control parasite replication. Here, we define a novel role for ubiquitination and recruitment of autophagy adaptors in the strain-specific control of T. gondii replication in IFN-γ-activated human cells. Vacuoles containing susceptible strains of T. gondii became ubiquitinated, recruited the adaptors p62 and NDP52, and were decorated with LC3. Parasites within LC3-positive vacuoles became enclosed in multiple layers of host membranes, resulting in stunting of parasite replication. However, LC3-positive T. gondii-containing vacuoles did not fuse with endosomes and lysosomes, indicating that this process is fundamentally different from xenophagy, a form of autophagy involved in the control of intracellular bacterial pathogens. Genetic knockout of ATG16L or ATG7 reverted the membrane encapsulation and restored parasite replication, indicating that core autophagy proteins involved in LC3 conjugation are important in the control of parasite growth. Despite a role for the core autophagy machinery in this process, upstream activation through Beclin 1 was not sufficient to enhance the ubiquitination of T. gondii-containing vacuoles, suggesting a lack of reliance on canonical autophagy. These findings demonstrate a new mechanism for IFN-γ-dependent control of T. gondii in human cells that depends on ubiquitination and core autophagy proteins that mediate membrane engulfment and restricted growth