1,295 research outputs found

    Presence of Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. in Wild Small Mammals on Organic Farms

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    The presence of Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. in rodents and insectivores (n 282) was investigated on organic farms. Infections were encountered in house mice (8 of 83 Campylobacter positive and 1 of 83 Salmonella sp. strain Livingstone positive) and brown rats (1 of 8 Campylobacter positive) but not in other species. No shared Campylobacter genotypes were found between rodent and pig manure isolates. Effective on-farm rodent management is recommended

    Something Old and Something New: Wedding Recombinant Inbred Lines with Traditional Line Cross Analysis Increases Power to Describe Gene Interactions

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    In this paper we present a novel approach to quantifying genetic architecture that combines recombinant inbred lines (RIL) with line cross analysis (LCA). LCA is a method of quantifying directional genetic effects (i.e. summed effects of all loci) that differentiate two parental lines. Directional genetic effects are thought to be critical components of genetic architecture for the long term response to selection and as a cause of inbreeding depression. LCA typically begins with two inbred parental lines that are crossed to produce several generations such as F1, F2, and backcrosses to each parent. When a RIL population (founded from the same P1 and P2 as was used to found the line cross population) is added to the LCA, the sampling variance of several nonadditive genetic effect estimates is greatly reduced. Specifically, estimates of directional dominance, additive x additive, and dominance x dominance epistatic effects are reduced by 92%, 94%, and 56% respectively. The RIL population can be simultaneously used for QTL identification, thus uncovering the effects of specific loci or genomic regions as elements of genetic architecture. LCA and QTL mapping with RIL provide two qualitatively different measures of genetic architecture with the potential to overcome weaknesses of each approach alone. This approach provides cross-validation of the estimates of additive and additive x additive effects, much smaller confidence intervals on dominance, additive x additive and dominance x dominance estimates, qualitatively different measures of genetic architecture, and the potential when used together to balance the weaknesses of LCA or RIL QTL analyses when used alone

    Orbital and spin physics in LiNiO2 and NaNiO2

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    We derive a spin-orbital Hamiltonian for a triangular lattice of e_g orbital degenerate (Ni^{3+}) transition metal ions interacting via 90 degree superexchange involving (O^{2-}) anions, taking into account the on-site Coulomb interactions on both the anions and the transition metal ions. The derived interactions in the spin-orbital model are strongly frustrated, with the strongest orbital interactions selecting different orbitals for pairs of Ni ions along the three different lattice directions. In the orbital ordered phase, favoured in mean field theory, the spin-orbital interaction can play an important role by breaking the U(1) symmetry generated by the much stronger orbital interaction and restoring the threefold symmetry of the lattice. As a result the effective magnetic exchange is non-uniform and includes both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin interactions. Since ferromagnetic interactions still dominate, this offers yet insufficient explanation for the absence of magnetic order and the low-temperature behaviour of the magnetic susceptibility of stoichiometric LiNiO_2. The scenario proposed to explain the observed difference in the physical properties of LiNiO_2 and NaNiO_2 includes small covalency of Ni-O-Li-O-Ni bonds inducing weaker interplane superexchange in LiNiO_2, insufficient to stabilize orbital long-range order in the presence of stronger intraplane competition between superexchange and Jahn-Teller coupling.Comment: 33 pages, 12 postscript figures, uses iopams.sty . This article features in New Journal of Physics as part of a Focus Issue on Orbital Physics - all contributions may be freely accessed at (http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/6/i=1/a=E05). The published version of this article may be found at http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/7/12

    Coupling of longitudinal and transverse motion of accelerated electrons in laser wakefield acceleration

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    Abstract The acceleration dynamics of electrons in a laser wakefield accelerator is discussed, in particular the coupling of longitudinal and transverse motion. This coupling effect is important for electrons injected with a velocity below the laser pulse group velocity. It is found that the electron bunch is adiabatically focused during the acceleration and that a finite bunch width contributes to bunch lengthening and growth of energy spread. These results indicate the importance of a small emittance for the injected electron bunch

    Quality of reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate quality of reporting in diagnostic accuracy articles published in 2000 in journals with impact factor of at least 4 by using items of Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) statement published later in 2003. MATERIALS AND METHODS: English-language articles on primary diagnostic accuracy studies in 2000 were identified with validated search strategy in MEDLINE. Articles published in journals with impact factor of 4 or higher that regularly publish articles on diagnostic accuracy were selected. Two independent reviewers evaluated quality of reporting by using STARD statement, which consists of 25 items and encourages use of a flow diagram. Total STARD score for each article was calculated by summing number of reported items. Subgroup analyses were performed for study design (case-control or cohort study) by using Student t tests for continuous outcomes and chi(2) tests for dichotomous outcomes. RESULTS: Included were 124 articles published in 2000 in 12 journals: 33 case-control and 91 cohort studies. Only 41% of articles (51 of 124) reported on more than 50% of STARD items, while no articles reported on more than 80%. A flow chart was presented in two articles. Assessment of reporting on individual items of STARD statement revealed wide variation, with some items described in 11% of articles and others in 92%. Mean STARD score (0-25 points available) was 11.9 (range, 3.5-19.5). Mean difference in STARD score between cohort studies and case-control studies was 1.53 (95% confidence interval: 0.24, 2.82). CONCLUSION: Quality of reporting in diagnostic accuracy articles published in 2000 is less than optimal, even in journals with high impact factor. Authors, editors, and reviewers should pay more attention to reporting by checking STARD statement items and including a flow diagram to represent study design and patient flow. Supplemental material: radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/full/2352040507/DC1 (c) RSNA, 200

    Analysis of blood coagulation in mice: pre-analytical conditions and evaluation of a home-made assay for thrombin-antithrombin complexes

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    BACKGROUND: The use of mouse models for the study of thrombotic disorders has gained increasing importance. Methods for measurement of coagulation activation in mice are, however, scarce. The primary aim of this study was to develop a specific mouse thrombin-antithrombin (TAT) ELISA for measurement of coagulation activation and to compare it with two commercially available assays for human TAT complexes. In addition, we aimed to improve methods for mouse plasma anticoagulation and preparation. METHODS AND RESULTS: First, for the measurement of TAT-complexes in plasma a mouse specific TAT-ELISA was developed using rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised against mouse thrombin and rat antithrombin, respectively. This ELISA detected an increase in TAT levels in a mouse model of endotoxemia. Two commercial human TAT ELISAs appeared to be less specific for mouse thrombin-rat antithrombin complexes. Second, to prevent clotting of mouse blood sodium citrate was either mixed with blood during collection in a syringe or was injected intravenously immediately prior to blood collection. Intravenous sodium citrate completely inhibited blood coagulation resulting in plasma with consistently low TAT levels. Sodium citrate mixed with blood during collection resulted in increased TAT levels in 4 out of 16 plasma samples. Third, heparinase was added to plasma samples after in vivo injection of different heparin doses to test its neutralizing effect. Heparinase neutralized up to a 20 U of heparin/mouse and resulted in accurate APTT and factor VIII determinations. CONCLUSION: These procedures and reagents for plasma preparation and coagulation testing will improve studies on thrombotic disorders in mice

    Excluding venous thromboembolism using point of care D-dimer tests in outpatients: a diagnostic meta-analysis

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    Objective To review the evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of the currently available point of care D-dimer tests for excluding venous thromboembolism

    Subspecies Variation of Daucus carota Coastal (“Gummifer”) Morphotypes (Apiaceae) Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing

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    The genus Daucus is widely distributed worldwide, but with a concentration of diversity in the Mediterranean Region. The D. carota complex presents the greatest taxonomic problems in the genus. We focus on a distinctive phenotypic group of coastal morphotypes of D. carota, strictly confined to the margins to within about 0.5 km of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, which we here refer to as coastal morphotypes or D. carota subsp. “gummifer” complex. They are loosely morphologically coherent, sharing a relatively short stature, thick, broad, sometimes highly glossy leaf segments, and usually flat or convex fruiting umbels. We analyzed 288 accessions obtained from genebanks in England, France, and the USA, and an expedition to Spain in 2016, covering the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts and Balearic Islands, where much of the gummifer complex variation occurs. Our study includes 112 accessions not examined before in this context. Genotyping-by-sequencing identified 29,041 filtered SNPs. Based on high bootstrap support from maximum likelihood and Structure analysis we highlight three main clades. The gummifer morphotypes are intercalated with members of Daucus carota subspecies carota and subspecies maximus in two of these main clades, including a clade containing accessions from Tunisia (also including D. carota subsp. capillifolius) and a clade containing accessions from western Europe (including the British Isles), southern Europe (including the Balearic Islands and the Iberian Peninsula) and Morocco. These results support five independent selections of the gummifer morphotypes in these restricted maritime environments in the Mediterranean and nearby Atlantic coasts. Daucus annuus (=Tornabenea annua) and Daucus tenuissimus (=Tornabenea tenuissima) also fall firmly within D. carota, supporting their classification as morphologically well-defined subspecies of D. carota, which are accepted here under the new combinations Daucus carota subsp. annuus and D. carota subsp. tenuissimus , respectively. Types are indicated for most of treated names, including designation of four lectotypes and three epitypes, which fix their further use.This research was partly funded by the research grant UA2004-47056131 (University of Alicante) to FMF and by the USDA

    Identification of the estrogen receptor beta as a possible new tamoxifen-sensitive target in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common lymphoma subtype. Despite the proven efficacy of combined immunochemotherapy (R-CHOP) in the majority of patients, ~40% of DLBCL patients do not respond or will relapse and consequently have a very poor prognosis. The development of targeted therapies has not improved patient survival, underscoring the need for new treatment approaches. Using an unbiased genome-wide CD20 guilt-by-association approach in more than 1800 DLBCL patients, we previously identified the estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) as a new target in DLBCL. Here, we demonstrate that ERβ is expressed at significantly higher levels in DLBCL compared to normal B cells, and ERβ plays a role in the protection against apoptosis in DLBCL. Targeting of the ERβ with the selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen reduces cell viability in all tested DLBCL cell lines. Tamoxifen-induced cell death was significantly decreased in an ERβ knock-out cell line. The activity of tamoxifen was confirmed in a xenograft human lymphoma model, as tumor growth decreased, and survival significantly improved. Finally, tamoxifen-treated breast cancer (BC) patients showed a significantly reduced risk of 38% for DLBCL compared to BC patients who did not receive tamoxifen. Our findings provide a rationale to investigate tamoxifen, a hormonal drug with a good safety profile, in DLBCL patients