8,205 research outputs found

    Evolution of pion HBT radii from RHIC to LHC -- Predictions from ideal hydrodynamics

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    We present hydrodynamic predictions for the charged pion HBT radii for a range of initial conditions covering those presumably reached in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC. We study central (b=0) and semi-central (b=7fm) collisions and show the expected increase of the HBT radii and their azimuthal oscillations. The predicted trends in the oscillation amplitudes reflect a change of the final source shape from out-of-plane to in-plane deformation as the initial entropy density is increased.Comment: 6 pages, incl. 5 figures. Contribution to the CERN Theory Institute Workshop "Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC -- Last Call for Predictions", CERN, 14 May - 8 June 2007, to appear in J. Phys.

    Stability of Impurities with Coulomb Potential in Graphene with Homogeneous Magnetic Field

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    Given a 2-dimensional no-pair Weyl operator with a point nucleus of charge Z, we show that a homogeneous magnetic field does not lower the critical charge beyond which it collapses.Comment: J. Math. Phys. (in press

    Temperature dependent sound velocity in hydrodynamic equations for relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We analyze the effects of different forms of the sound-velocity function cs(T) on the hydrodynamic evolution of matter formed in the central region of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. At high temperatures (above the critical temperature Tc) the sound velocity is calculated from the recent lattice simulations of QCD, while in the low temperature region it is obtained from the hadron gas model. In the intermediate region we use different interpolations characterized by the values of the sound velocity at the local maximum (at T = 0.4 Tc) and local minimum (at T = Tc). In all considered cases the temperature dependent sound velocity functions yield the entropy density, which is consistent with the lattice QCD simulations at high temperature. Our calculations show that the presence of a distinct minimum of the sound velocity leads to a very long (about 20 fm/c) evolution time of the system, which is not compatible with the recent estimates based on the HBT interferometry. Hence, we conclude that the hydrodynamic description is favored in the case where the cross-over phase transition renders the smooth sound velocity function with a possible shallow minimum at Tc.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, talk given at SQM'07 Levoca, Slovaki

    Evidence for a parsec scale X-ray jet from the accreting neutron star Circinus X-1

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    We analyzed the zero-order image of a 50 ks Chandra gratings observation of Circinus X-1, taken in 2005 during the source's low-flux state. Circinus X-1 is an accreting neutron star that exhibits ultra-relativistic arcsecond-scale radio jets and diffuse arcminute-scale radio jets and lobes. The image shows a clear excess along the general direction of the north-western counter-jet, coincident with the radio emission, suggesting that it originates either in the jet itself or in the shock the jet is driving into its environment. This makes Circinus X-1 the first neutron star for which an extended X-ray jet has been detected. The kinetic jet power we infer is significantly larger than the minimum power required for the jet to inflate the large scale radio nebula.Comment: Added journal reference, corrected on reference and typo in labels for Fig. 1; 5 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letter, in pres

    Quasiparticle Description of Hot QCD at Finite Quark Chemical Potential

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    We study the extension of a phenomenologically successful quasiparticle model that describes lattice results of the equation of state of the deconfined phase of QCD for Tc <= T < 4 Tc, to finite quark chemical potential mu. The phase boundary line Tc(mu), the pressure difference (p(T,mu)-p(T,mu=0))/T^4 and the quark number density nq(T,mu)/T^3 are calculated and compared to recent lattice results. Good agreement is found up to quark chemical potentials of order mu = Tc.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; added reference

    What is the meaning of the statistical hadronization model?

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    The statistical model of hadronization succeeds in reproducing particle abundances and transverse momentum spectra in high energy collisions of elementary particles as well as of heavy ions. Despite its apparent success, the interpretation of these results is controversial and the validity of the approach very often questioned. In this paper, we would like to summarize the whole issue by first outlining a basic formulation of the model and then comment on the main criticisms and different kinds of interpretations, with special emphasis on the so-called "phase space dominance". While the ultimate answer to the question why the statistical model works should certainly be pursued, we stress that it is a priority to confirm or disprove the fundamental scheme of the statistical model by performing some detailed tests on the rates of exclusive channels at lower energy.Comment: 14 pages, to be published in the Proceedings of the International workshop "Focus on multiplicity", Bari (Italy) June 17-19 200

    Chiminey: Reliable Computing and Data Management Platform in the Cloud

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    The enabling of scientific experiments that are embarrassingly parallel, long running and data-intensive into a cloud-based execution environment is a desirable, though complex undertaking for many researchers. The management of such virtual environments is cumbersome and not necessarily within the core skill set for scientists and engineers. We present here Chiminey, a software platform that enables researchers to (i) run applications on both traditional high-performance computing and cloud-based computing infrastructures, (ii) handle failure during execution, (iii) curate and visualise execution outputs, (iv) share such data with collaborators or the public, and (v) search for publicly available data.Comment: Preprint, ICSE 201

    OLA-DRB1 microsatellite variants are associated with ovine growth and reproduction traits

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    The DRB1 intron 2 (GT)n (GA)m microsatellite was genotyped in experimental flocks of seven Merinoland rams and 249 ewes as well as their offspring (381 lambs) from consecutive lambings. A total of 16 DRB1 alleles were detected, ranging between 353 and 857 bp. In comparison with carriers of other alleles, the ewes carrying the predominant 411 bp allele had higher values of all the recorded fertility traits. For ewes carrying the 394 and 857 bp alleles, the birth weight of lambs was about 400 g higher as compared to the residual group of ewes. The observed associations could be due to differences in disease resistance, cell recognition or tissue differentiation between carriers of various MHC haplotypes which can in turn affect individual fertility and growth performance

    Lightcone reference for total gravitational energy

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    We give an explicit expression for gravitational energy, written solely in terms of physical spacetime geometry, which in suitable limits agrees with the total Arnowitt-Deser-Misner and Trautman-Bondi-Sachs energies for asymptotically flat spacetimes and with the Abbot-Deser energy for asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes. Our expression is a boundary value of the standard gravitational Hamiltonian. Moreover, although it stands alone as such, we derive the expression by picking the zero-point of energy via a ``lightcone reference.''Comment: latex, 7 pages, no figures. Uses an amstex symbo