11 research outputs found

    Prehistoric and Early Middle Age anthropogenic forms within the landscape of the middle Wieprza river catchment

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    W dolinie Wieprzy znajduje się stosunkowo niewiele form antropogenicznych o genezie pradziejowej lub wczesnośredniowiecznej widocznych obecnie w krajobrazie. Są to głównie kurhany oraz grodziska. Kurhany pochodzą z okresów od epoki brązu po wczesne średniowiecze, natomiast grodziska reprezentują wyłącznie okres wczesnego średniowiecza. Tradycyjnie funkcja kurhanów sprowadzana jest do miejsca pochówku zmarłego, a grodziska miały pełnić głównie rolę związaną z obronnością. Coraz częściej pojawiają się interpretacje wskazujące, że kurhany mogły również odgrywać rolę legitymizowania praw do danego terytorium, wyznaczać granice terytorialne poszczególnych grup społecznych. Unikatowy wczesnośredniowieczny zespół osadniczy z okolic Wrześnicy pozwala na jego interpretację (w tym krajobrazowych form antropogenicznych) jako złożoną strukturę społeczno-kulturową, w której wszystkie elementy były ze sobą powiązane znaczeniowo.Anthropogenic forms within the landscape of the central catchment of the Wieprza river are only a small part of the traces of primeval and medieval cultural activity. Likewise, the range of these remains is very narrow. So far only two types of such remains have been identified. They are barrows (earth or stone-earth mounds connected with burials) and the ramparts of medieval strongholds. The burial mounds currently identified in the landscape date from different periods – from the Bronze Age (approx. 1000 BC.) to the early Middle Ages. They not only occur in clusters numbering from several to hundreds, but also in isolation. It is hard to define any clear cultural patterns connected with the location and construction of the mounds in any specific period. In the regions of Janiewice and Żukowo the burial mounds were built on elevated ground, on small morainic hills. It has not been ruled out that such locations were chosen consciously, so that the form of the mound would not only dominate the past landscape but also serve as a point of reference for the local community (as well as any travellers). The second category of archaeological sites whose form in the landscape has survived are strongholds. In the catchment of the central Wieprza river all the strongholds date from the early Middle Ages. Three are situated in the Wieprza valley: Wrześnica (site 7) and Sławsko (site 5) on the flood plain, and Stary Kraków (site 6) on the edge of the valley. Three remaining sites are located a few kilometres east of the Wieprza valley: in Gać (site 2), Kczewo (site 2) and Dobrzęcin (site 3). Each of the six strongholds is in a specific position and of particular size and shape, therefore we can rule out any repetition of construction design. All the strongholds (except for Sławsko) date from the 8th–9th/10th centuries. The largest concentration of anthropogenic earthworks in the central Wieprza catchment can be found around Wrześnica. There is an early medieval stronghold and a complex of six burial mounds. We can also include the remains of medieval villages (all on the left bank of the Wieprza) of which there are no traces visible as landscape forms. The whole settlement complex is unique in Pomerania and the archaeological and environmental research carried out so far leads to discussion as to how the medieval landscape was shaped. I assume that for the elite living in the stronghold the range of visibility related to power, control over the living and the relation between this world and the one of the dead. But there is also another visual relation which seems to be important – the range of visibility from the burial mounds, particularly where larger mounds are concerned. The ancestors buried on the top of the burial mounds had a huge range of visibility over the micro-region and in a symbolic way they controlled the whole range of activities of the living – their settlements, fields and other places of activity. The elite living in the stronghold were also under the control of their ancestors. The whole community could be safe from enemies, inner disturbances in social relations as well as spiritual influences. The community was controlled and protected by their ancestors. Thanks to mutually inclusive relations between the inhabitants of the settlement and those of the stronghold, as well as the ancestors’ graves, a complex structure was created and social structure was authorised and strengthened. From a social aspect both the stronghold and the burial mounds became the proof of power, symbolizing the prestige of the group as well as its elite. The elite who lived in the stronghold could, thanks to the range of visibility, in a both practical and symbolic way control the area and be, in a way, intermediaries for contact between the world of the living (on the left bank of the Wieprza river) and that of the dead (on the right bank of the river). And vice versa, the ancestors could control the world of living. How the positions of the strongholds and burial mounds to be constructed were chosen was not therefore due to environmental conditions but the juncture of the whole social and cultural structure which was essential for the community

    Osuwiska jako ważny element geozagrożeń we Włoszech

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    Town as cultural heritage. Historic aerial photographs in investigating conservation strategies

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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate suitability of historic aerial photographs for the identification of urban conservation strategies in Poland after World War II. Legal regulations on heritage protection are discussed and the historic photographs - on which urban spatial structures are visible - are compared with modern aerial photographs. The discussed regulations and their social and political contexts led to identification of several practices. Many ? Some towns were viewed as German heritage. There was also a trend to unify and typify construction projects, to change spatial functions of town parts and to eliminate some elements from the town spatial structure. These practices are illustrated by the cases of Brzeg Dolny, Koźmin Wielkopolski, Lubiąż, Sławno, Ścinawa and Śmigiel. Our studies have affirmed that historic aerial photographs are highly suitable for the recording of landscape changes and activities of institutions responsible for urban heritage. They also demonstrate that there has been no devised model of conservation policy in Poland after World War II. The cultural heritage of every town should be approached on its own terms together with individual decisions taken and their social and political contexts

    Numerical modelling of the landslide slope deformation - Maślana Góra in Szymbark near Gorlice

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    W pracy przedstawiono metodę i wyniki numerycznego modelowania procesów deformacji osuwiska na stoku Maślanej Góry w okolicach Szymbarku k. Gorlic (Beskid Niski). Jest to stare, rozległe osuwisko o skomplikowanej strukturze i o zaawansowanych deformacjach, jednak wciąż aktywne. W masywie skalnym zbocza przeważają słabe i miękkie łupki ilaste. Symulacja numeryczna zsuwu przy zastosowaniu programu FLAC 2D opartego na metodzie różnic skończonych pozwoliła na oszacowanie wpływu warunków wodnych na aktywność osuwiska i na wielkość potencjalnego przemieszczenia. Wyniki symulacji wykazały, że równoczesny zsuw całego zbocza jest mało prawdopodobny, natomiast możliwe są zsuwy lokalne o względnie małym zasięgu. Zwrócono również uwagę na możliwość interpretacji procesów deformacji zbocza na podstawie kształtu krzywych obliczonego przemieszczenia w wytypowanych profilach pionowych.The paper presents the method and results of numerical modelling of deformations on the landslide slope Maślana Góra in neighbourhood of Szymbark near Gorlice (Beskid Niski Mts.). It is complex, large landslide in advanced stage, but still active. The slope is composed of weak and soft clay shale. Numerical analysis performed using FLAC 2D program, based on finite difference method allowed to estimate the influence of water conditions on the landslide activity. It has been proved that the slide probability of the whole slope in the same time is low, but the zones having smaller extent can move gradually. Attention has been paid on the possibility of the interpretation of deformation processes basing on the displacement curves in vertical profiles

    Stratotypy i inne ważne stanowiska Karpat polskich

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    Karpaty polskie, będące częścią orogenu alpejskiego, charakteryzują się dużym zróżnicowaniem jednostek facjalno-tektonicznych i płaszczowinową budową. Rzeźba gór jest poligeniczna i odzwierciedla wyraźnie budowę geologiczną obszaru. Ochrona przyrody Karpat ma długą tradycję i duże osiągnięcia. Geologiczne i geomorfologiczne wartości są tu uwzględniane w ustanawianiu ochrony wielu obszarów i obiektów. Proponowana obecnie sieć geostanowisk o znaczeniu europejskim, reprezentatywnym dla Karpat polskich, składa się z czterech parków narodowych (kategoria II w klasyfikacji IUCN) oraz 21 małych obszarów zawierających pojedyncze stanowiska lub ich zespoły (siedem z nich znajduje się już pod ochroną). Standardowa lista powinna być w przyszłości uzupełniona zwłaszcza o typowe obiekty północnej części Karpat Wschodnich w odniesieniu do ich rozprzestrzenienia na Ukrainę. System stanowisk o randze dziedzictwa geologicznego Europy reprezentuje główne litostratygraficzne jednostki Karpat wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych oraz znaczące elementy ich rzeźby

    The issues of landslides in the activities of the Geological Survey and public administration units

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    The development of landslides in southern Poland caused financial and public substantial losses at the turn of centuries. It became an impulse for developing of the counteraction standardized system against harmful effects of mass movements. A reconstruction of destroyed objects was the first step after every landslide event. The issue of mass movements turned up at the Polish legislation after 2000. Landslides were regarded as act of natural processes, while numerous reactivating of the landslides were regarded as state of natural disasters. An obligation of taking landslides into account in the land-use planning was established. An obligation of monitoring and registering of landslides was imposed also on self-government units. At the same time assumptions of the Landslide Counteracting System (LCS; SOPO in Polish) project were developed. The aim of the Project is to collect and archiving in a standardized format results of investigations of the landslide.Within the frame of the LCS project on seventy five percent of the Carpathian area landslide inventory has been made, while still sixty landslides are currently monitored. Results of the work are archived in on-line available LCS database. The detailed data about landslines is accessible to the local authorities. This data is a primary source of information essential for raising fouds needed for stabilization, restoration and shifting of the destroyed public infrastructure. This data is also a tool for keping the spatial sustainable policy on the local level