431 research outputs found

    Charge asymmetries of lepton transverse momenta in Drell-Yan processes at the LHC

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    Charged lepton transverse momenta in the Drell-Yan processes play an important role at the LHC in precision measurements of the Standard Model parameters, such as the W-boson mass and width, their charge asymmetries and sin^2(theta_W). Therefore, their distributions should be described as accurate as possible by the Monte Carlo event generators. In this paper we discuss the problem of matching the hard-process kinematics of the Monte Carlo generator WINHAC with the parton-shower kinematics of the PYTHIA 6.4 generator while interfacing these two programs. We show that improper assignment of the quark and antiquark effective momenta in the LO matrix element computations may affect considerably the predicted lepton transverse momenta and even completely reverse their charge asymmetries at the LHC. We propose two matching schemes in which the NLO QCD distributions of the leptonic kinematical variables can be well reproduced by the LO WINHAC generator.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Multiphoton Radiation in Leptonic W-Boson Decays

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    We present the calculation of multiphoton radiation effects in leptonic W-boson decays in the framework of the Yennie-Frautschi-Suura exclusive exponentiation. This calculation is implemented in the Monte Carlo event generator WINHAC for single W-boson production in hadronic collisions at the parton level. Some numerical results obtained with the help of this program are also presented.Comment: 26 pages, 16 Postscript figure

    Drell-Yan processes with WINHAC

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    We present the Monte Carlo event generator WINHAC for Drell-Yan processes in proton-proton, proton-antiproton, proton-ion and ion-ion collisions. It features multiphoton radiation within the Yennie-Frautschi-Suura exclusive exponentiation scheme with O(alpha) electroweak corrections for the charged-current (W+/W-) processes and multiphoton radiation generated by PHOTOS for neutral-current (Z+gamma) ones. For the initial-state QCD/QED parton shower and hadronisation it is interfaced with PYTHIA. It includes several options, e.g. for the polarized W-boson production, generation of weighted/unweighted events, etc. WINHAC was cross-checked numerically at the per-mille level with independent Monte Carlo programs, such as HORACE and SANC. It has been used as a basic tool for developing and testing some new methods of precise measurements of the Standard Model parameters at the LHC, in particular the W-boson mass. Recently, it has been applied to simulations of double Drell-Yan processes resulting from double-parton scattering, in order to assess their influence on the Higgs-boson detection at the LHC in its ZZ and W+W- decay channels.Comment: 8 pages; presented at the XXXVII International Conference of Theoretical Physics "Matter To The Deepest", Ustron, Poland, 1-6 September 2013; to appear in Acta Physica Polonica

    Markovian Monte Carlo program EvolFMC v.2 for solving QCD evolution equations

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    We present the program EvolFMC v.2 that solves the evolution equations in QCD for the parton momentum distributions by means of the Monte Carlo technique based on the Markovian process. The program solves the DGLAP-type evolution as well as modified-DGLAP ones. In both cases the evolution can be performed in the LO or NLO approximation. The quarks are treated as massless. The overall technical precision of the code has been established at 0.05% precision level. This way, for the first time ever, we demonstrate that with the Monte Carlo method one can solve the evolution equations with precision comparable to the other numerical methods.Comment: 38 pages, 9 Postscript figure

    NLO corrections in the initial-state parton shower Monte Carlo

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    The decade-old technique of combining NLO-corrected hard process with LO-level parton shower Monte Carlo is now mature and used in practice of the QCD calculations in the LHC data analysis. The next step, its extension to an NNLO-corrected hard process combined with the NLO-level parton shower Monte Carlo, will require development of the latter component. It does not exist yet in a complete form. In this note we describe recent progress in developing the NLO parton shower for the initial-state hadron beams. The technique of adding NLO corrections in the fully exclusive form (defined in recent years) is now simplified and tested numerically, albeit for a limited set of NLO diagrams in the evolution kernels.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    On the dependence of QCD splitting functions on the choice of the evolution variable

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    We show that already at the NLO level the DGLAP evolution kernel Pqq starts to depend on the choice of the evolution variable. We give an explicit example of such a variable, namely the maximum of transverse momenta of emitted partons and we identify a class of evolution variables that leave the NLO Pqq kernel unchanged with respect to the known standard MS-bar results. The kernels are calculated using a modified Curci-Furmanski-Petronzio method which is based on a direct Feynman-graphs calculation.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    e^+ (Anti)Quark Scattering in the Presence of the Anomalous HERA Positron-Jet Event Phenomenon

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    We discuss the leptoquark interpretation of the anomalous HERA positron-jet events in the context of the YFS exponentiated Monte Carlo event generator treatment of the attendant multiple photon radiative effects for both the would-be signal and the SM background, wherein finite-pTp_T photon effects are properly taken into account and wherein infrared singularities are cancelled to all orders in α\alpha. We show that H1 and ZEUS data are consistent with such an interpretation for a leptoquark coupling 0.3gW\lesssim 0.3g_W, mass 200\sim 200 GeV, and width 2\lesssim 2GeV. Possible future tests are proposed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Latex and bbl file

    New simpler method of matching NLO corrections with parton shower Monte Carlo

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    Next steps in development of the KrkNLO method of implementing NLO QCD corrections to hard processes in parton shower Monte Carlo programs are presented. This new method is a simpler alternative to other well-known approaches, such as MC@NLO and POWHEG. The KrkNLO method owns its simplicity to the use of parton distribution functions (PDFs) in a new, so-called Monte Carlo (MC), factorization scheme which was recently fully defined for the first time. Preliminary numerical results for the Higgs-boson production process are also presented.Comment: 8 pages, 5 JPG figures, conference: "Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory", 24-29 April 2016, Leipzig, German