75 research outputs found

    Analisis Permintaan Impor Bawang Merah di Indonesia

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    This research has a purpose to know the development of import demand of shallot in Indonesia and what influence national consumption of shallot, national income, production of shallot, price of import shallot, exchange rate and volume of shallot import have of import demand of shallot in Indonesia. This research uses time series data from 2002 to 2012 by using linier equation. Analysis method that is used in this research is multiple regression by using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The regression result shows that National Consumption of shallot has positive influence but does not significantly influence import demand of shallot while income has positive influence and significantlyinfluence import demand of shallot. Price of import shallot has positive influence and significantly influence import demand of shallot while the increasing of shallot's price does not decrease the amount of import demand of shallot because other factors beside price have bigger influence of import demand of shallot. National production has negative influence and significantly influence import demand of shallot while exchange rate and the volume of shallot import one year prior to current year have negative influence but do not significantly influence import demand of shallot

    Program Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Daerah Diversifikasi Produk Gelamai di Kanagarian Harau Kecamatan Harau Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Sumatera Barat

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    Kecamatan Harau merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dimana terdapat UMKM yang memproduksi makanan khas Gelamai. Saat ini gelamai hanya dijual dalam sajian konvensional dan pengemasan yang tidak representatif, sehingga belum memiliki nilai jual tinggi sebagai produk unggulan Sumatera Barat. Program Pengembangan Produk Ungulan Daerah ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra yakni tentang modifikasi produk Gelamai hingga pengemasan untuk industri skala kecil. Kegiatan ini secara khusus bertujuan untuk Peningkatan pengetahuan yang lebih baik tentang manfaat coklat sebagai antioksidan bagi tubuh dan dikombinasikan dengan gelamai sebagai makanan spesifik dan produk unggulan Sumatera Barat, mitra mampu mengolah gelamai dan coklat menjadi berbagai varian rasa yang memenuhi persyaratan kesehatan dan keamanan pangan sehingga layak untuk dipasarkan. Dengan demikian hasil olahan gelamai yang diproduksi memiliki nilai ekonomi yang lebih tinggi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni hingga bulan November 2018 di Jorong Lubuk Jantan, Nagari Harau, Kecamatan Harau melalui metode ceramah dan tanya jawab serta demonstrasi, latihan dan pemberian tugas dari instruktur kepada peserta pelatihan, dan bimbingan. Produk yang dihasilkan selanjutnya dilakukan uji organoleptik oleh panelis ahli untuk mengetahui kualitasnya dari segi bentuk, warna, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa

    Biological Activities Afforded by the Extract From Raru Bark to Inhibit Action of Alpha- Glucosidase Enzymes

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    Raru (Shoreabalanocarpoides Sym) signifies one of the tree species that grows widespread in Sumatra Island. Its bark portion is commonly used by local villagers as additional ingredient mixed to nira (sugar palm juice). This addition is intended to make the juice more durable and also to enrich its taste after the juice is previously fermented to become traditional toddy beverage or the so-call “tuak”. Local villagers believe that raru bark can reduce the level of blood sugar. As the relevance, the research was conducted to confirm that the extract from raru bark could afford its biological activities to inhibit alpha-glucosidase enzyme through its characterization, quantification, and isolation of its boactive compound. The extraction was performed using two methods (i.e.reflux and maceration techniques). Result revealed that the bark extract obtained from both techniques contained polyphenol compounds: flavonoid, saponin and tannin. Further, raru-bark extract from the reflux and maceration techniques could inhibit the action of alpha glucosidase enzymes on carbohydrate substrate ( i.e. p -nitrophenil-α-D-glucopyranose), at respectively 90.67% and 97.33%. Meanwhile, the inhibition activities afforded by the patented drug as a control (i.e. glucobay) equaled to 97.05%. Assesment using UV-VIS spectroscopy, showed that the maximum spectrum of bioactive compound in the extract was at the wave length of 288.6 nm. Scrutiny using FTIR spectroscopy could identif y the presence of aromatic groups in the compound, containing -OH, C-H, C=C, C-O and C-H bond types. Analysis using GC-MS exhibited that the compound had molecular weight of 390 with molecular structure as C20H22O8. Ultimately, data analysis scrutiny with the aid of NMR judged the most plausible compound as bioactive was 4-Glucosyl-3, 4', 5-trihydroxystilbene

    Komposisi dan Struktur Rerumputan di Kawasan Danau Toba Desa Haranggaol Kecamatan Haranggaol Horison Kabupaten Simalungun Sumatera Utara

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    The composition and structure of Grasses in Haranggaol Village Haranggaol Horison Subdistrict Simalungun Regency North Sumatra has been studied from April to July 2012. The objective of the study was to determine the composition and structure of grasses at different altitudes. Sampling area was defined by purposive sampling method and divided into three locations based on altitude with 20 plots of 1 x 1 m size for each area. From the study it was found 24 species of grasses that belong to two families. The first location was dominated by Microstegium ciliatum (81.095%), the second was dominated by Deyeuxia brachyathera (68.504%) and the third was dominated by Leersia hexandra (79.158%). The diversity index (H\u27) of grasses are 1.557, 1.790 and 1.414 in the location I, II and III, respectively and equitability index (E) of grasses are 0.607, 0.661, 0.726 in the location I, II and III, respectively. The similarity index ranges from 30 to 50%, with the highest similarity index is 50% that was found between location I and II

    Sistem Pengendalian Internal Pengelolaan dan Permintaan Barang Habis Pakai pada Balai Pemantapan Kawasan Wilayah XX Hutan Bandar Lampung

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    Balai Pemantapan Kawasan Hutan Wilayah XX Bandar Lampung adalah salah satu instansi pemerintahan yang memiliki bagian pengadaan barang pendukung. Bagian gudang memiliki tugas pengadaan barang habis pakai sebagai sarana penunjang kegiatan untuk keperluan kegiatan pegawai. Tersedianya persediaan barang habis pakai maka diharapkan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh sub kepala bagian sehingga pegawai dapat terpenuhi sehingga dapat memperlancar kegiatan pengguna dan dapat menghindari terjadinya kekurangan barang yang di butuhkan. Permasalahan yang ada yaitu barang habis pakai memerlukan pengolahan barang masuk dan barang keluar yang baik sehingga kebutuhan akan barang untuk keperluan kegiatan dapat terpenuhi secara optimal dengan resiko kerugian yang sangat kecil. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi Sistem Pengendalian internal dapat mengontrol pengolahan dan permintaan barang habis pakai pada bagian gudang tidak perlu lagi membuat formulir permintaan barang manual, tidak lagi melakukan perekapan permintaan barang dengan berdasarkan formulir karena di dalam sistem sudah terekap secara otomatis dan bagian gudang juga bisa melakukan pemisihan kebutuhan dengan menggunakan sistem ini. Perancangan Sistem pengendalian internal pengelolaan dan permintaan barang habis pakai pada Balai Pemantapan kawasan Hutan Wilyah XX Bandar Lampung berdasarkan kuesioner terhadap kualitas sistem yang terdiri dari 18 pernyataan dan 30 orang pengguna menghasilkan jawaban Sangat Setuju 44,43% Setuju 49,1% Kurang Setuju 6,46% dan Tidak Setuju 0%. Maka dengan demikian sistem layak digunakan atau di terapkan di Perusahan tersebut

    Effectivity of Aloe vera bioactives as feed additive for broilers reared on deep litter

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    There are plenty of Indonesian plants contain usefull bioactive components. One of them is Aloe vera. Previous experiment showed that Aloe vera bioactives reduced aerob bacteria in the intestinal and improved feed efficiency in broilers reared in cages. The results however, gave some variations, may be due to variation in rearing the chickens. Two experiments were carried out to study the effectivity of Aloe vera bioactives as feed additives for broilers reared on deep litter. In the first study, six experimental diets in mash form were formulated, i.e.: Control (K); K + antibiotic; K + 0.50 g/kg dry Aloe vera (LBK); K + 1.00 g/kg LBK; K + anthraquinone; K + Aloe vera in semi-liquid form. The amount of semi liquid Aloe vera and the anthraquinone were equally to 1.00 g LBK/kg. Results showed that antibiotic improved body weight gain 6.10% and feed efficiency 5.50% better than the control, although statistically not significant (P>0.05). Aloe vera bioactives in low doses (0.50 g/kg) also improved weight gain (6.30%) and feed efficiency (5.20%) similar to the antibiotic. However, Aloe vera in high doses and anthraquinone (equal to 1.00 g/kg diet) did not improve performance of broilers. There were no significant changes on carcass yield, abdominal fat levels, weight of liver, gizard and gastro intestinal tract due to any feed additives tested. The second experiment were carried out to study the effectivity of feed additives when included in crumble diets. Six experimental diets, i.e.: Control (K), K + antibiotic, K + Semi-liquid Aloe vera (equal to 1.00g dry Aloe vera/kg), K + 0.50 g dry Aloe vera/kg, K + 1.00 g dry Aloe vera/kg, K + 0.50 g dry Aloe vera + 0.50 g Curcuma xanthorrhiza meal/kg. All diets were fed in crumble form. Results showed that chickens fed with feed additives (antibiotic or Aloe vera bioactives) have a significantly (P<0.05) higher body weight gain and feed efficiency than those fed with control diet. The best weight gain was achieved by low dose dry Aloe vera (1342 g/bird) and the lowest was the control (1039 g/bird). The best feed conversion ratio was achieved by antibiotic treatment (1.756) followed by low dose dry Aloe vera + curcuma meal (1.758) and the worst was showed by the control (1.908). It is concluded that Aloe vera bioactives at low dose (0.50 g/kg diet) could improve body weight gain and feed efficiency of broilers reared on deep litter. The improvement achieved was similar as the antibiotic. The bioactive is more effective when fed in crumble diets.   Key words: Broilers, bioactives, Aloe ver

    Bacterial Protein Characterization of Streptococcus Agalactiae by SDS-page Method for Subclinical Mastitis Irradiated Vaccine Materials in Dairy Cattle

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    A study have been conducted to isolate and characterize bacterial protein S. agalactiae, which is antigenic and can be used to test immunogenicity of vaccine in order to manufacture irradiated mastitis (inflammation of the udder) vaccine in ruminant. The study aims to determine the Molecular Weight (MW) bacterial protein S. agalactiae irradiation, which can be used to test the nature of its antigenic caharacteristic. The character of S. agalactiae antigenic stimulates antibody induction of the immune system, in which case is the body\u27s defense system against mastitis disease in cattle. In this study, irradiation of gamma ray is used to attenuate the pathogenicity of bacteria by reducing S. agalactiae antigenic caharacteristic. Previous research, in irradiation dose orientation before antigenic protein isolation of S. agalactiae, indicated that irradiation lethal dose to 50% (LD50) is 17 Gy. The characterization of S. agalactiae bacteria isolate using SDS-page method results in no significance different between irradiated and non-irradiated group, which indicated by MW range 75 – 100 kDa base on marker standard which used, or 99 kDa by the linier equation of Y = 11,60 – 0.05X (where Y = bands distance; X = MW standard protein); r2 = 0.99. In conclusion, 17 Gy irradiation dose does not impair antigenic property of S. agalactiae and therefore, can be applied to produce base material of irradiated vaccine for mastitis. Received: 04 May 2012; Revised: 27 November 2012; Accepted: 27 August 201

    Isolation and Identification of Serum Gamma Immunoglobulin (IgG) of Native and Imported Chickens by Ion Exchange Chromatography and Immunochernistry Methods

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    The study was designed to isolate and identify serum IgG of native and imported chickens, after being immunized with Newcastle Disease Vaccine. The isolation method used was the DEAE-Cellulose ion exchange chromatography using 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer, at pH 8.0, with linear gradient NaCl from 0.01 M to 0.30 M after salting out with anhydrous Na2SO4. Identification of IgG characteristics carried out using the Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion, immuno-electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE 8% methods. Serum fractionation of native and imported chickens using the DEAE-Cellulose chromatography, after salting out with anhydrous Na2So4 of 18,14 and 14% resulted in four peaks of protein fractions