39 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Kesiapsiagaan Kebakaran di Permukiman

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    Sosialisasi dan pelatihan kesiapsiagaan kebakaran di permukiman, Widya Mulya, Universitas Balikpapan, Jalan Pupuk Raya Gunung Bahagia Kota Balikpapan, [email protected]. Tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi mengakibatkan pertumbuhan pemukiman semakin padat. Kebakaran merupakan salah satu bencana non alam yang biasanya terjadi di daerah Perumahan atau di daerah permukiman padat penduduk. Pemerintah Kota Balikpapan mencatat pada tahun 2015 terdapat 46 kejadian kebakaran, pada tahun 2016 terdapat 35 kejadian kebakaran. Pada Kelurahan Gunung Sari Ulu Kota Balikpapan, pernah terjadi kebakaran pada Tahun 2013 di RT 66 dan RT 69 (Kaltim.tribunnews.com). Sumber kebakaran pada permukiman masyarakat yaitu karena arus listrik dan kompor gas, kebakaran dapat ditangani dini sehingga tidak terjadi bencana kebakaran yang meluas, masyarakat dapat mempraktekkan cara memadamkan api dengan peralatan sederhana berupa kain/ handuk yang dibasahi. Apabila tingkat kepanikan tinggi terutama terjadi pada kasus ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam penanganan kompor gas, dapat segera melakukan evakuasi di dalam rumah seperti melewati jalur api dengan membungkus badan menggunakan kain basah, berjalan merunduk untuk meminimalisasi asap yang terhirup dan penglihatan. Meminta pertolongan terhadap tetangga dan menyimpan nomor telepon darurat apabila bencana kebaran semakin meluas seperti kantor pemadam kebakaran, kantor polisi, rumah sakit untuk ambulans. Kata Kunci: Kesiapsiagaan, Kebakaran, Permukiman

    Decomposition Rate of Avicennia lanata in Bakau Kecil Mangrove Forest Area, Mempawah District

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    Avicenna lanata is a type of mangrove that dominates the Mempawah Kecil Mangrove Forest. As many as 10 bacterial genera were identified from station 1 which is close to the influence of sea water, and 8 bacterial genera from station 2 which are close to residential areas. This study aims to determine the rate of decomposition of A. lanata leaf litter with 4 observation time periods with an interval of 15 days, namely the 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th days. The observations show that the rate of decomposition of the litter on the 15th day of observation is higher. Namely 0.206 gram/day at station I and 0.19 gram/day at station II, while the lowest rate of decomposition of litter occurred on the 60th day of observation, namely 0.112 gram/day at station I and 0.106 gram/day at station II. In addition, the parameters of physical and chemical of the environment such as DO, temperature, pH and salinity are in the range of their optimum values


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    Background: The elderly have a higher risk of developing hypertension. The elderly will experience a decrease in physical activity due to a decrease in stamina and body strength due to aging. This situation can increase the risk of non-communicable diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and affect blood cholesterol levels in the body. Objective: This study aimed to understand the correlation of physical activity intensity with the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL in hypertension elderly at Puskesmas Gedangan Sidoarjo.Methods: This study is an analytic study with the research subjects elderly with hypertension at the Puskesmas Gedangan Sidoarjo with a cross-sectional study design. Using Spearman's correlative test with the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) program, data analysis was carried out. Results: There is a negative correlation between physical activity and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL in the elderly with hypertension with p = 0.004 (5. Conclusion: There is a negative correlation between physical activity intensity and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL in the elderly with hypertension at Puskesmas Gedangan Sidoarjo, which means the higher the intensity of physical activity carried out by the hypertensive elderly, the lower the total cholesterol/HDL ratio

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tabungan Kepingan Terhadap Disiplin Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk Bungo Setangkai Kota Payakumbuh

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    Based on the results of field observations to discipline students is still low and teachers still use learning methods that dominate and not varied. So that should be the application of the technique savings pieces. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of the technique savings pieces to discipline children aged 4-5 years in TK Bungo Setangkai, Payakumbuh City. The sample used in this study19 people. The data collection techniques were used that observation. Data were analyzed using t-test using SPSS 20.0. Research hypothesis is that there is a very significant influence on the discipline of the students after applying the technique avings pieces. It can be seen from the analysis of data obtained t = 24.509 and ttabel=2.101 so thitung>ttabel and p = 0.000. Because p < 0.05, it can be concluded that there are differences in discipline very significant protégé after using a savings pieces in learning techniques. So it means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted which means there is a very significant difference between before and after the experiment by applying the technique savings pieces

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pakar dalam Penentuan Jenis Penyakit pada Hewan Sapi

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    Livestock is one of the aspects that play a role in increasing state revenues. One of the animals are very much in breeding cows are animals. Because the cow has the benefit that pretty much started from the skin, meat and milk. In maintaining the cattle, the disease is one of the risks that must be faced. Just as a cow is suffering from certain diseases that can damage the quality of cow milk production. There is also a disease that can lead to miscarriage and even death in cattle, especially infectious disease. Cow disease was not a little, there is caused by bacteria, parasites and fungi. Of course this can not be allowed because it can be very detrimental to cattle owners. For it is necessary to act quickly and appropriately to the sick cow. Solutions to overcome the above problems is to use an expert system application in determining the type of the disease in cattle. By using the expert system application we can know the type of the disease quickly through existing symptoms in cattle and provide appropriate measures to mitigate them. Thus another disease affecting cattle can be controlled and not to spread and cause death in cattle


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    Corporate Social Responsibility lately has become the main topic arround the business companies in Indonesia. In order to grow the business, they use corporate social responsibility to get the public symphaty. Even the sharia bank of BNI use the social activities and publicity to increase the purchase intention of their savings product. There is a relation between CSR and corporate image and then affect the purchase intention, and this is one of the purpose of this research. This research take 100 samples from BNI Sharia customers who knows about the CSR and who already had the savings product. This study was held at BNI Sharia in Depok to identify the purchase intention of savings product among the citizen. The results of this research are CSR positively and significantly affecting purchase intention and corporate image also positively and significantly affecting purchase intention. another results of this research is There is an interaction between CSR and corporate image and corporate image positively and significantly has function as a moderate variable that influence CSR to purchase intention

    Evaluasi Lahan Fisik Dan Ekonomi Komoditas Pertanian Utama Transmigran Di Lahan Marjinal Kering Masam Rantau Pandan Sp-4, Provinsi Jambi

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    Most of the land used for transmigration resettlement activities outside of Java Island is marginal land that requires highproduction inputs and susceptible to degradation. One of the need to be taken into consideration in the choice of location is land suitability. The objective of this study is to determine the land suitability of agricultural transmigration area with a case study of Transmigration Settlement Unit (UPT) of RantauPandan SP-4, Jambi Province, for cultivation of food crops, vegetables and perennial crops and analyse the level of biophysical and economical feasibility of several commodities. The actual land suitability assessment for the three agricultural commodities indicate the dominance land suitability classes of S3 (marginally suitable) with terrain, nutrient retention and nutrients available become dominant limiting factors. Economic land suitability analysis indicate that the biggest gross margin is rubber, while the smallest is rice. Results of analysis are used to determine the spatial land use recommendations on transmigration location. Results of analysis are not always in line with the transmigration pattern of land allocation. Nonetheless, these results suggested to be applied, for considerations of land conservation as well as farmers\u27 welfare


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    Penelitian dan pengembangan berdasarkan kejadianpada kasus kecelakaan PLTN TMI-2 telah banyak mengarah pada penelitian terkait performateras dan bejananya. Penelitian yang paling banyak dilakukan mengarah pada fenomenaperpindahan panas pendidihan, semenjak teras reaktor mengalami kehilangan pendinginan(post-LOCA) hingga kecelakaan parah (Severe Accident), yaitu lelehnya teras. Studiperpindahan panas pendidihan telah dilakukan melalui simulasi proses penggenangan terasdari bawah dan pendinginan pada celah sempit. Hasil penelitian secara eksperimental yangdilakukan BATAN terkait LOCA dan kecelakaan parah memberikan gambaran yang jelasbagaimana fenomena perpindahan panas pendidihan terjadi selama sekuen kecelakaan padareaktor nuklir, khususnya kecelakaan TMI-2. Pemetaan perpindahan panas selama pendidihan,berdasarkan data temperatur transien dibuat dalam bentuk kurva pendidihan yangmenunjukkan perbedaan fluks kalor pada tiga rejim pendidihan. Simulasi eksperimenal LOCAmenunjukkan nilai CHF (67,31 kW/m2) yang lebih kecil dibandingkan nilai CHF (262 kW/m2)untuk peristiwa kecelakaan parah