5,682 research outputs found

    Perturbative and non-perturbative QCD corrections to wide-angle Compton scattering

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    We investigate corrections to the handbag approach for wide-angle Compton scattering off protons at moderately large momentum transfer: the photon-parton subprocess is calculated to next-to-leading order QCD and contributions from the generalized parton distribution E} are taken into account. Photon and proton helicity flip amplitudes are non-zero due to these corrections which leads to a wealth of polarization phenomena in Compton scattering. Thus, for instance, the incoming photon asymmetry or the transverse polarization of the proton are non-zero although small.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures (using LATEX with epsfig

    The Distance and Age of the SNR Kes 73 and AXP 1E 1841-045

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    We provide a new distance estimate to the supernova remnant (SNR) Kes 73 and its associated anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) 1E 1841-045. 21 cm HI images and HI absorption/ emission spectra from new VLA observations, and 13CO emission spectra of Kes 73 and two adjacent compact HII regions (G27.276+0.148 and G27.491+0.189) are analyzed. The HI images show prominent absorption features associated with Kes 73 and the HII regions. The absorption appears up to the tangent point velocity giving a lower distance limit to Kes 73 of 7.5 kpc, which has previously been given as the upper limit. Also, G27.276+0.148 and G27.491+0.189 are at the far kinematic distances of their radio recombination line velocities. There is prominent HI emission in the range 80--90 km/s for all three objects. The two HII regions show HI absorption at ~ 84 km/s, but there is no absorption in the Kes 73 absorption spectrum. This implies an upper distance limit of ~ 9.8 kpc to Kes 73. This corrected larger distance to Kes 73/ AXP 1E 1841-045 system leads to a refined age of the SNR of 500 to 1000 yr, and a ~ 50% larger AXP X-ray luminosity.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, ApJ, dol:10.1086/"529120

    Semileptonic B Decays and Determination of |Vub|

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    Semileptonic decays of the B mesons provide an excellent probe for the weak and strong interactions of the bottom quark. The large data samples collected at the B Factories have pushed the experimental studies of the semileptonic B decays to a new height and stimulated significant theoretical developments. I review recent progresses in this fast-evolving field, with an emphasis on the determination of the magnitude of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vub|.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Double Spin Asymmetries in P-wave Charmonium Hadroproduction

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    We discuss the double spin asymmetries in P-wave charmonium hadroproduction with non-zero transverse momenta at fixed target energies, s≃40\sqrt{s}\simeq40 GeV, within the framework of the NRQCD factorization approach. The size of the asymmetries and the projected statistical errors in a future option of HERA with longitudinally polarized protons scattering off a polarized target (HERA-N⃗\vec N) are calculated. Measurements of the χc1\chi_{c1} and χc2\chi_{c2} decays into dilepton plus photon should allow to distinguish between different parametrizations for the polarized gluon distribution in the proton. At higher energies (s=200\sqrt{s}=200 GeV) the situation appears less favourable with the presently envisaged integrated luminosities of the polarized RHIC collider.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, with 5 eps figs included with epsfig.st

    One-Loop Helicity Amplitudes for Parton Level Virtual Compton Scattering

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    We calculate the one-loop QCD virtual corrections to all helicity amplitudes for parton level virtual Compton scattering processes. We include the amplitudes both on quark target process γ∗q→γq\gamma^* q\to\gamma q and on gluon target process γ∗g→γg\gamma^*g\to\gamma g. The infrared pole structure of the amplitudes is in agreement with the prediction of Catani's general formalism for the singularities of one-loop amplitudes, while expressions for the finite remainder are given in terms of logarithms and dilogarithms that are real in the physical region.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, detailed comparison with DVCS include

    Polarized light-flavor antiquarks from Drell-Yan processes of h+\vec{N}\to\vec{l^{+-}} + l^{-+} + X

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    We propose a formula to determine the first moment of difference between the polarized uˉ\bar u- and dˉ\bar d-quarks in the nucleon, {\it i.e.} Δuˉ−Δdˉ\Delta\bar u-\Delta \bar d from the Drell-Yan processes in collisions of unpolarized hadrons with longitudinally polarized nucleons by measuring outgoing lepton helicities. As coefficients in the differential cross section depend on the uu- and dd-quark numbers in the unpolarized hadron beam, the difference Δuˉ−Δdˉ\Delta\bar u-\Delta\bar d can be independently tested by changing the hadron beam. Moreover, a formula for estimating the KK-factor in Drell-Yan processes is also suggested.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Color Octet Contribution to J/psi Photoproduction Asymmetries

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    We investigate J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction asymmetries in the framework of the NRQCD factorization approach. It is shown that the color octet contribution leads to large uncertainties in the predicted asymmetries which rules out the possibility to precisely measure the gluon polarization in the nucleon through this final state. For small values of the color octet parameters being compatible with J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction data it appears possible that a measurement of J/ψJ/\psi asymmetries could provide a new test for the NRQCD factorization approach, on one hand, or a measurement of the polarized gluon distribution from low inelasticity events (z<0.7)(z<0.7), on the otherComment: 12 pages, LaTeX, with 6 figs. Final version published in Phys.Rev.

    Spectroscopy of Heavy Mesons Expanded in 1/m_Q

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    Operating just once with the naive Foldy-Wouthuysen-Tani transformation on the relativistic Fermi-Yang equation for QqˉQ\bar q bound states described by the semi-relativistic Hamiltonian which includes Coulomb-like as well as confining scalar potentials, we have calculated heavy meson mass spectra of D and B together with higher spin states. Based on the formulation recently proposed, their masses and wave functions are expanded up to the second order in 1/mQ1/m_Q with a heavy quark mass mQm_Q and the lowest order equation is examined carefully to obtain a complete set of eigenfunctions for the Schr\"odinger equation. Heavy quark effective theory parameters, Λˉ\bar\Lambda, λ1\lambda_1, and λ2\lambda_2, are also determined at the first and second order in 1/mQ1/m_Q.Comment: 49 pages, 5 epsf figure

    Polarized Parton Distribution Functions in the Nucleon

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    Polarized parton distribution functions are determined by using world data from the longitudinally polarized deep inelastic scattering experiments. A new parametrization of the parton distribution functions is adopted by taking into account the positivity and the counting rule. From the fit to the asymmetry data A_1, the polarized distribution functions of u and d valence quarks, sea quarks, and gluon are obtained. The results indicate that the quark spin content is \Delta\Sigma=0.20 and 0.05 in the leading order (LO) and the next-to-leading-order (NLO) MS-bar scheme, respectively. However, if x dependence of the sea-quark distribution is fixed at small x by "perturbative QCD" and Regge theory, it becomes \Delta \Sigma=0.24 ~ 0.28 in the NLO. The small-x behavior cannot be uniquely determined by the existing data, which indicates the importance of future experiments. From our analysis, we propose one set of LO distributions and two sets of NLO ones as the longitudinally-polarized parton distribution functions.Comment: 51 pages, REVTeX, aps.sty, aps12.sty, epsfig.sty, prabib.sty, revtex.sty, revtex.cls, 17 eps figures. Submitted for publication. Email: [email protected]

    Double-Spin Asymmetry of J/psi Production in Polarized pp Collisions at HERA-N⃗\vec N

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    We calculated the color-octet contribution to the double spin asymmetry of J/ψJ/\psi hadroproduction with nonzero transverse momenta at fixed target energies s≃40\sqrt{s}\simeq40 GeV. It is shown that the color-octet contribution is dominant in the asymmetries. The expected asymmetries and statistical errors in a future option of HERA with longitudinally polarized protons at HERA-N⃗\vec N should allow one to distinguish between different parametrizations for the polarized gluon distribution in the proton.Comment: 14 pages with 6 figures (epsfig), LaTeX; Some figures are changed and misprint is correcte
