621 research outputs found
A Visit to Cyberspace Mall: Who Owns a Web Site Address?
The location of a business or other entity on the Internet (its cyberspace address) is identified by its domain name. Many businesses seek to use readily recognizable names as domain names so that potential visitors can quickly locate their web sites. Because a single domain name can identify only one web site, trademark owners and web site owners have clashed over who owns the rights to a particular domain name. The status of these clashes as of January 1997 and possible solutions to the problem considered by that date are reviewed
UC-317 Do you know KSU? -A Quiz App
Do you know KSU is a mobile quiz app developed in Android Studio by Christian Meliezer, Erick Kamau, and Joshua Meder. The app tests your knowledge on all things KSU related, including notable places, people, and courses associated with the university. Do you know KSU is a full stack application that uses AWS Amplify for API and Database services. Users will answer 10 random questions regarding the university, and be given a score at the end that represents how well they did
Note and Comment
The Power of a Court to Compel a jury to Render its Verdict in Accordance with a Peremptory Instruction; The Liability of Municipal Corporations in the Discharge of Public or Governmental Duties and of Private or Corporate Duties; Some views of the Nature and Effect of Corporateness; Mitigation of Damages or Substituted Contract; Limitation of the Amount of a Carrier\u27s Liabilit
42 Pierwotne chłoniaki kości (PChK)
Pierwotne chłoniaki kości (PChK) stanowią 3% wszystkich złośliwych nowotworów kości oraz 4–5% wszystkich chłoniaków pozawęzłowych. Pierwsze przypadki opisane zostały przez Oberlinga w 1928 r.MateriałW latach 1982–1998 leczono w Centrum Onkologii – Instytucie w Warszawie 12 chorych z rozpoznaniem PChK. Grupę stanowiło 8 kobiet i 4 mężczyzn w wieku 20–69 lat (śr. 46,4 lat). Rozpoznanie mikroskopowe ustalono na podstawie badania materiału operacyjnego lub biopsyjnego. U 6 chorych rozpoznano chłoniaka o średniej złośliwości z komórek B i u jednego chorego chłoniaka o wysokiej złośliwości z komórek T. W 10 przypadkach ustalono stopień zaawansowania IEA i w 2- II EA. Lokalizacja zmian nowotworowych: u 4 chorych zmiany w kościach (w tym u 3 pojedyncze i u 1 wieloogniskowe), u 8 chorych nacieki nowotworowe tkanek miękkich.MetodaZastosowane leczenie: tylko operacyjne – 2 chorych; tylko chemioterapia – 1 chory; tylko radioterapia – 1 chory; u 3 chorych chemioterapia z następową radioterapią; u 4 chorych operacja chemio- i radioterapia oraz u jednego chorego operacja i radioterapia. Dawki leczenia napromienianiem wahały się od 40 do 50 Gy/T.Wyniki11 chorych żyje; 1 chora zmarła w trakcie leczenia z powodu progresji procesu nowotworowego. Przeżycie wolne od choroby od 6 miesięcy do 13 lat (średnio 65,5 miesięcy).WnioskiRzadkość występowania PChK, mała liczebność grup chorych, różnorodna histopatologia, różny stopień zaawansowania i schematy postępowania leczniczego oceniane w badaniach retrospektywnych powodują trudności w ustalaniu odpowiedniego sposobu leczenia
Labeling the Structural Integrity of Nanoparticles for Advanced In Situ Tracking in Bionanotechnology
Observing structural integrity of nanoparticles is essential in bionanotechnology but not always straightforward to measure in situ and in real-time. labels used for tracking intrinsically non fluorescent nanomaterials generally do not allow simultaneous observation of integrity. Consequently, structural changes like degradation and disassembly cannot easily be followed in situ using fluorescence signals. We show that thioflavin T (ThT), a fluorophore and molecular rotor known to tag specific fibril structures in amyloids, can "label" the structural integrity of widely used and intrinsically nonfluorescent, silica nanoparticles (SiNPs). Entrapment of ThT in SiNPs controls the fluorohphore's relaxation pathway and leads to a red-shifted fluorescence spectrum providing real time information on SiNP integrity. The dynamic change of ThT fluorescence during degradation of doped SiNPs is found much higher than that of common labels fluorescein and rhodamine. Degradation kinetics of core shell structures recorded by ThT fluorescence and light scattering prove the capability to clearly distinguish structural features during SiNPs degradation and allow obtaining degradation kinetics in vitro, in biological media, in serum, and in cells. The effect is transferable to different types of materials, here shown for ThT incorporated SiNPs with tightly tailorable sizes (9-100 nm), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles, poly(9-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) nanoparticles, and iron-doped-SiNPs (FeSiNPs). We thus suggest molecular rotors such as ThT as additional labels to effectively and easily sense nanoparticle structural status in situ and to enhance understanding and development of programmed nanoparticle disassembly in bionanotechnology
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