313 research outputs found

    National Geodetic Satellite Program, Part II: University of California, Los Angeles

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    Satellite orbit analyses are presented which were undertaken for: (1) reasons of insight and economy; (2) obtaining geophysically interesting tesseral harmonics; (3) comparing effects of tracking station location error drag, radiation pressure, and luni-solar attraction to tesseral harmonic effects; and (4) combination of satellite and terrestrial data. The analyses were divided into the following phases: (1) MINITRACK interferometry; early Baker-Nunn camera directions; (2) late Baker-Nunn camera directions; and (3) combined Baker-Nunn camera and TRANET Doppler data

    Analysis of Geodetic Satellite Tracking Data to Determine Tesseral Harmonics of the Earth's Gravitational Field Final Report

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    Photographic and Doppler tracking of geodetic satellites to determine tesseral harmonics of earth gravitational field

    Lunar orbiter selenodesy studies Quarterly reports, 1 Jan. - 30 Jun. 1969

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    Lunar gravitation and mass concentration observed by lunar orbite

    Elastic models of the mantle corresponding to variations in the external gravity field

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    Elastic models of earth mantle corresponding to variations in external gravity fiel

    Variations of the earth's gravitational field from camera tracking of satellites

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    Simultaneous determinations of tesseral harmonic coefficients of gravitational field, ground station coordinates, and orbital elements by satellite photographic trackin

    Geodynamic problems

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    The understanding of the solid earth and suggestions of what measurements should be undertaken based on estimates of instrumental feasibilities were reviewed. The observations include: (1) earth evolution and mantle convection; (2) lithosphere-asthenosphere-surface load interaction; (3) glacier-ocean-solid earth interaction; (4) solid earth interactions with the sun, moon, core, oceans, and atmosphere; (5) zones of strain accumulation; and (6) earthquakes

    Tidal theory and orbital perturbations Semiannual report, 1 Dec. 1968 - 31 May 1969

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    Tidal theory and orbital perturbation

    Tests of satellite determinations of the gravity field against gravimetry and their combination

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    Gravity field determinations from satellite orbit perturbations tested against gravimetric standard

    Mechanical processess affecting differentiation of protolunar material

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    Mechanisms prior to lunar formation are sought to account for the loss of volatiles, the depletion of iron, and the enrichment of plagioclase. Some of the same mechanisms are necessary to account for achondritic, stony-iron, and iron meteorites. Collisions seem marginally capable of providing the heat to accomplish the differentiation into iron, magnesian silicates, and plagioclase. Once this differentiation is accomplished, the subsequent mechanical history should have been sufficient to sort material according to composition in the protolunar circumterrestrial cloud. Effects operating include the correlation of body size with mechanical strength; the lesser ability of the cloud to trap the larger, denser infalling bodies; the more rapid drawing into the Earth of the larger moonlets; and the higher energy orbits for dominantly plagioclase smaller pieces broken off by collision

    Venus tectonic styles and crustal differentiation

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    Two of the most important constraints are known from Pioneer Venus data: the lack of a system of spreading rises, indicating distributed deformation rather than plate tectonics; and the high gravity/topography ratio, indicating the absence of an asthenosphere. In addition, the high depth/diameter ratios of craters on Venus indicate that Venus probably has no more crust than Earth. The problems of the character of tectonics and crustal formation and recycling are closely coupled. Venus appears to lack a recycling mechanism as effective as subduction, but may also have a low rate of crustal differentiation because of a mantle convection pattern that is more distributed, less concentrated, than Earth's. Distributed convection, coupled with the nonlinear dependence of volcanism on heat flow, would lead to much less magmatism, despite only moderately less heat flow, compared to Earth. The plausible reason for this difference in convective style is the absence of water in the upper mantle of Venus. We have applied finite element modeling to problems of the interaction of mantle convection and crust on Venus. The main emphasis has been on the tectonic evolution of Ishtar Terra, as the consequence of convergent mantle flow. The early stage evolution is primarily mechanical, with crust being piled up on the down-stream side. Then the downflow migrates away from the center. In the later stages, after more than 100 m.y., thermal effects develop due to the insulating influence of the thickened crust. An important feature of this modeling is the entrainment of some crustal material in downflows. An important general theme in both convergent and divergent flows is that of mixing vs. stratification. Models of multicomponent solid-state flow obtain that lower-density crustal material can be entrained and recycled, provided that the ration of low-density to high-density material is small enough (as in subducted slabs on Earth). The same considerations should apply in upflows; a small percent of partial melt may be carried along with its matrix and never escape to the surface. Models that assume melt automatically rising to the crust and no entrainment or other mechanism of recycling lower-density material obtain oscillatory behavior, because it takes a long time for heat to build up enough to overcome a Mg-rich low-density residuum. However, these models develop much thicker crust than consistent with estimates from crater depth/diameter ratios