5,090 research outputs found

    Color, composition, and thermal environment of Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth

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    The outer Solar System object (486958) Arrokoth (provisional designation 2014 MU₆₉) has been largely undisturbed since its formation. We study its surface composition using data collected by the New Horizons spacecraft. Methanol ice is present along with organic material, which may have formed through irradiation of simple molecules. H₂O ice is not detected. This composition indicates hydrogenation of CO-rich ice and/or energetic processing of CH₄+H₂O ices in the cold, outer edge of the early Solar System. There are only small regional variations in color and spectra across the surface, suggesting Arrokoth formed from a homogeneous or well-mixed reservoir of solids. Microwave thermal emission from the winter night side is consistent with a mean brightness temperature of 29 ± 5 K

    An adjoint for likelihood maximization

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    The process of likelihood maximization can be found in many different areas of computational modelling. However, the construction of such models via likelihood maximization requires the solution of a difficult multi-modal optimization problem involving an expensive O(n3) factorization. The optimization techniques used to solve this problem may require many such factorizations and can result in a significant bottle-neck. This article derives an adjoint formulation of the likelihood employed in the construction of a kriging model via reverse algorithmic differentiation. This adjoint is found to calculate the likelihood and all of its derivatives more efficiently than the standard analytical method and can therefore be utilised within a simple local search or within a hybrid global optimization to accelerate convergence and therefore reduce the cost of the likelihood optimization

    Three-terminal devices to examine single molecule conductance switching

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    We report electronic transport measurements of single-molecule transistor devices incorporating bipyridyl-dinitro oligophenylene-ethynylene dithiol (BPDN-DT), a molecule known to exhibit conductance switching in other measurement configurations. We observe hysteretic conductance switching in 8% of devices with measurable currents, and find that dependence of the switching properties on gate voltage is rare when compared to other single-molecule transistor devices. This suggests that polaron formation is unlikely to be responsible for switching in these devices. We discuss this and alternative switching mechanisms.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supporting material available upon reques

    Resilience–Recovery Factors in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Female and Male Vietnam Veterans: Hardiness, Postwar Social Support, and Additional Stressful Life Events

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    Structural equation modeling procedures were used to examine relationships among several war zone stressor dimensions, resilience-recovery factors, and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in a national sample of 1,632 Vietnam veterans (26% women and 74% men). A 9-factor measurement model was specified on a mixed-gender subsample of the data and then replicated on separate subsamples of female and male veterans. For both genders, the structural models supported strong mediation effects for the intrapersonal resource characteristic of hardiness, postwar structural and functional social support, and additional negative life events in the postwar period. Support for moderator effects or buffering in terms of interactions between war zone stressor level and resiliencerecovery factors was minimal

    Are the distributions of Fast Radio Burst properties consistent with a cosmological population?

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    High time resolution radio surveys over the last few years have discovered a population of millisecond-duration transient bursts called Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), which remain of unknown origin. FRBs exhibit dispersion consistent with propagation through a cold plasma and dispersion measures indicative of an origin at cosmological distances. In this paper we perform Monte Carlo simulations of a cosmological population of FRBs, based on assumptions consistent with observations of their energy distribution, their spatial density as a function of redshift and the properties of the interstellar and intergalactic media. We examine whether the dispersion measures, fluences, inferred redshifts, signal-to-noises and effective widths of known FRBs are consistent with a cosmological population. Statistical analyses indicate that at least 50 events at Parkes are required to distinguish between a constant co-moving FRB density, and a FRB density that evolves with redshift like the cosmological star formation rate density.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Color, composition, and thermal environment of Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth

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    The outer Solar System object (486958) Arrokoth (provisional designation 2014 MU₆₉) has been largely undisturbed since its formation. We study its surface composition using data collected by the New Horizons spacecraft. Methanol ice is present along with organic material, which may have formed through irradiation of simple molecules. H₂O ice is not detected. This composition indicates hydrogenation of CO-rich ice and/or energetic processing of CH₄+H₂O ices in the cold, outer edge of the early Solar System. There are only small regional variations in color and spectra across the surface, suggesting Arrokoth formed from a homogeneous or well-mixed reservoir of solids. Microwave thermal emission from the winter night side is consistent with a mean brightness temperature of 29 ± 5 K

    The solar nebula origin of (486958) Arrokoth, a primordial contact binary in the Kuiper Belt

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    The New Horizons spacecraft’s encounter with the cold classical Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth (provisional designation 2014 MU₆₉) revealed a contact-binary planetesimal. We investigate how Arrokoth formed, finding it is the product of a gentle, low-speed merger in the early Solar System. Its two lenticular lobes suggest low-velocity accumulation of numerous smaller planetesimals within a gravitationally collapsing cloud of solid particles. The geometric alignment of the lobes indicates they were a co-orbiting binary that experienced angular momentum loss and subsequent merger, possibly due to dynamical friction and collisions within the cloud or later gas drag. Arrokoth’s contact-binary shape was preserved by the benign dynamical and collisional environment of the cold classical Kuiper Belt, so informs the accretion processes that operated in the early Solar System
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