407 research outputs found

    Amplitudes Fitted to Experimental Data and to Roy's Equations

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    The scalar-isoscalar, scalar-isotensor and vector-isovector pi-pi amplitudes are fitted simultaneously to experimental data and to Roy's equations. The resulting amplitudes are compared with those fitted only to experimental data. No additional constraints for the pi-pi threshold behaviour of the amplitudes are imposed. Threshold parameters are calculated for the amplitudes in the three waves. Spectrum of scalar mesons below 1.8 GeV is found from the analysis of the analytical structure of the fitted amplitudes.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at MESON 2004: 8th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interactions, Cracow, Poland, 4-8 Jun 2004. Submitted to Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    0ν2β0\nu2\beta Nuclear Matrix Elements and Neutrino Magnetic Moments

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    We compare different methods of obtaining the neutrinoless double beta decay nuclear matrix elements (NME). On the example of 76Ge we use the NME to calculate the Majorana neutrino transition magnetic moments, generated through particle-sparticle R-parity violating loop diagrams whithin the minimal supersymmetric standard model.Comment: I've decided to move the collection of my papers to arXiv for easier access. Proceedings of the Nuclear Physics Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 200

    Neutralino Induced Majorana Neutrino Transition Magnetic Moments

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    We calculate the effect of neutrino-neutralino mixing on the neutrino magnetic moment and compare it with the contribution of pure particle-sparticle loop. We have found that the dominated mechanism is still the bare loop, and that the bilinear insertions on the external neutrino lines contribute at least one order of magnitude weaker.Comment: I've decided to move the collection of my papers to arXiv for easier access. Proceedings of the Nuclear Physics Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 200

    Quantum constraints, Dirac observables and evolution: group averaging versus Schroedinger picture in LQC

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    A general quantum constraint of the form C=T2BIHC= - \partial_T^2 \otimes B - I\otimes H (realized in particular in Loop Quantum Cosmology models) is studied. Group Averaging is applied to define the Hilbert space of solutions and the relational Dirac observables. Two cases are considered. In the first case, the spectrum of the operator (1/2)π2BH(1/2)\pi^2 B - H is assumed to be discrete. The quantum theory defined by the constraint takes the form of a Schroedinger-like quantum mechanics with a generalized Hamiltonian B1H\sqrt{B^{-1} H}. In the second case, the spectrum is absolutely continuous and some peculiar asymptotic properties of the eigenfunctions are assumed. The resulting Hilbert space and the dynamics are characterized by a continuous family of the Schroedinger-like quantum theories. However, the relational observables mix different members of the family. Our assumptions are motivated by new Loop Quantum Cosmology models of quantum FRW spacetime. The two cases considered in the paper correspond to the negative and, respectively, positive cosmological constant. Our results should be also applicable in many other general relativistic contexts.Comment: RevTex4, 32 page

    The kernel and the injectivity of the EPRL map

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    In this paper we prove injectivity of the EPRL map for |\gamma|<1, filling the gap of our previous paper.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Dust reference frame in quantum cosmology

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    We give a formulation of quantum cosmology with a pressureless dust and arbitrary additional matter fields. The system has the property that its Hamiltonian constraint is linear in the dust momentum. This feature provides a natural time gauge, leading to a physical hamiltonian that is not a square root. Quantization leads to Schr{\"o}dinger equation for which unitary evolution is directly linked to geodesic completeness. Our approach simplifies the analysis of both Wheeler-deWitt and loop quantum cosmology (LQC) models, and significantly broadens the applicability of the latter. This is demonstrated for arbitrary scalar field potential and cosmological constant in LQC.Comment: 8 pages, iopart style + BibTe

    Precise dispersive data analysis of the f0(600) pole

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    We review how the use of recent precise data on kaon decays together with forward dispersion relations (FDR) and Roy's equations allow us to determine the sigma resonance pole position very precisely, by using only experimental input. In addition, we present preliminary results for a modified set of Roy-like equations with only one subtraction, that show a remarkable improvement in the precision around the sigma region. We also improve the matching between the parametrizations at low and intermediate energy of the S0 wave, and show that the effect of this on the sigma pole position is negligible.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of the Meson 2008 conference, June 6-10, Cracow, Polan

    One vertex spin-foams with the Dipole Cosmology boundary

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    We find all the spin-foams contributing in the first order of the vertex expansion to the transition amplitude of the Bianchi-Rovelli-Vidotto Dipole Cosmology model. Our algorithm is general and provides spin-foams of arbitrarily given, fixed: boundary and, respectively, a number of internal vertices. We use the recently introduced Operator Spin-Network Diagrams framework.Comment: 23 pages, 30 figure

    The EPRL intertwiners and corrected partition function

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    Do the SU(2) intertwiners parametrize the space of the EPRL solutions to the simplicity constraint? What is a complete form of the partition function written in terms of this parametrization? We prove that the EPRL map is injective for n-valent vertex in case when it is a map from SO(3) into SO(3)xSO(3) representations. We find, however, that the EPRL map is not isometric. In the consequence, in order to be written in a SU(2) amplitude form, the formula for the partition function has to be rederived. We do it and obtain a new, complete formula for the partition function. The result goes beyond the SU(2) spin-foam models framework.Comment: RevTex4, 15 pages, 5 figures; theorem of injectivity of EPRL map correcte