5,915 research outputs found

    Analysing powers for the reaction npppπ\vec{\rm n} {\rm p} \to {\rm p} {\rm p} \pi^{-} and for np elastic scattering from 270 to 570 MeV

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    The analysing power of the reaction npppπ{\rm n}{\rm p} \to {\rm p}{\rm p} \pi^{-} for neutron energies between threshold and 570 MeV has been determined using a transversely polarised neutron beam at PSI. The reaction has been studied in a kinematically complete measurement using a time-of-flight spectrometer with large acceptance. Analysing powers have been determined as a function of the c.m. pion angle in different regions of the proton-proton invariant mass. They are compared to other data from the reactions npppπ{\rm n}{\rm p} \to {\rm p}{\rm p} \pi^{-} and ppppπ0{{\rm p}{\rm p} \to {\rm p}{\rm p} \pi^{0}}. The np elastic scattering analysing power was determined as a by-product of the measurements.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, subitted to EPJ-

    The reaction npppπ{n} {p} \to {p} {p} \pi^{-} from threshold up to 570 MeV

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    The reaction npppπ{n} {p} \to {p} {p} \pi^{-} has been studied in a kinematically complete measurement with a large acceptance time-of-flight spectrometer for incident neutron energies between threshold and 570 MeV. The proton-proton invariant mass distributions show a strong enhancement due to the pp(1S0^{1}{S}_{0}) final state interaction. A large anisotropy was found in the pion angular distributions in contrast to the reaction ppppπ0{p}{p} \to {p}{p} \pi^{0}. At small energies, a large forward/backward asymmetry has been observed. From the measured integrated cross section σ(npppπ)\sigma({n}{p} \to {\rm p}{p} \pi^{-}), the isoscalar cross section σ01\sigma_{01} has been extracted. Its energy dependence indicates that mainly partial waves with Sp final states contribute. Note: Due to a coding error, the differential cross sections dσ/dMpp{d \sigma}/{d M_{pp}} as shown in Fig. 9 are too small by a factor of two, and inn Table 3 the differential cross sections dσ/dΩπ{d \sigma}/{d \Omega_{\pi}^{*}} are too large by a factor of 10/2π10/2\pi. The integrated cross sections and all conclusions remain unchanged. A corresponding erratum has been submitted and accepted by European Physics Journal.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    Low temperature structural phase transition and incommensurate lattice modulation in the spin gap compound BaCuSi2O6

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    Results of high resolution x-ray diffraction experiments are presented for single crystals of the spin gap compound BaCuSi2_2O6_6 in the temperature range from 16 to 300 K. The data show clear evidence of a transition from the room temperature tetragonal phase into an incommensurately modulated orthorhombic structure below \sim100 K. This lattice modulation is characterized by a resolution limited wave vector {\bf q}IC_{IC}=(0,\sim0.13,0) and its 2nd^{nd} and 3rd^{rd} harmonics. The phase transition is first order and exhibits considerable hysteresis. This observation implies that the spin Hamiltonian representing the system is more complex than originally thought.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Polarised target for Drell-Yan experiment in COMPASS at CERN, part I

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    In the polarised Drell-Yan experiment at the COMPASS facility in CERN pion beam with momentum of 190 GeV/c and intensity about 10810^8 pions/s interacted with transversely polarised NH3_3 target. Muon pairs produced in Drel-Yan process were detected. The measurement was done in 2015 as the 1st ever polarised Drell-Yan fixed target experiment. The hydrogen nuclei in the solid-state NH3_3 were polarised by dynamic nuclear polarisation in 2.5 T field of large-acceptance superconducting magnet. Large helium dilution cryostat was used to cool the target down below 100 mK. Polarisation of hydrogen nuclei reached during the data taking was about 80 %. Two oppositely polarised target cells, each 55 cm long and 4 cm in diameter were used. Overview of COMPASS facility and the polarised target with emphasis on the dilution cryostat and magnet is given. Results of the polarisation measurement in the Drell-Yan run and overviews of the target material, cell and dynamic nuclear polarisation system are given in the part II.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the 22nd International Spin Symposium, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 25-30 September 201

    A Thermo-Compositional Model of the African Cratonic Lithosphere

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    Recently, the continually increasing availability of seismic data has allowed high-resolution imaging of lithospheric structure beneath the African cratons. In this study, S-wave seismic tomography is combined with high resolution satellite gravity data in an integrated approach to investigate the structure of the cratonic lithosphere of Africa. A new model for the Moho depth and data on the crustal density structure is employed along with global dynamic models to calculate residual topography and mantle gravity residuals. Corrections for thermal effects of an initially juvenile mantle are estimated based on S-wave tomography and mineral physics. Joint inversion of the residuals yields necessary compositional adjustments that allow to recalculate the thermal effects. After several iterations, we obtain a consistent model of upper mantle temperature, thermal and compositional density variations, and Mg# as a measure of depletion, as well as an improved crustal density model. Our results show that thick and cold depleted lithosphere underlies West African, northern to central eastern Congo, and Zimbabwe Cratons. However, for most of these regions, the areal extent of their depleted lithosphere differs from the respective exposed Archean shields. Meanwhile, the lithosphere of Uganda, Tanzania, most of eastern and southern Congo, and the Kaapvaal Craton is thinner, warmer, and shows little or no depletion. Furthermore, the results allow to infer that the lithosphere of the exposed Archean shields of Congo and West African cratons was depleted before the single blocks were merged into their respective cratons

    Spin-Triplet Excitons in the S=1/2S=1/2 Gapped Antiferromagnet BaCuSi2_2O6_6: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies

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    BaCuSi2_2O6_6, a S=1/2S=1/2 quantum antiferromagnet with a double-layer structure of Cu2+^{2+} ions in a distorted planar-rectangular coordination and with a dimerized spin singlet ground state, is studied by means of the electron paramagnetic resonance technique. It is argued that multiple absorptions observed at low temperatures are intimately related to a thermally-activated spin-triplet exciton superstructure. Analysis of the angular dependence of exciton modes in BaCuSi2_2O6_6 allows us to accurately estimate anisotropy parameters. In addition, the temperature dependence of EPR intensity and linewidth is discussed.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Outbursts and Orbit of the Accreting Pulsar GS 1843-02 = 2S 1845-024

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    We present observations of a series of 10 outbursts of pulsed hard X-ray flux from the transient 10.6 mHz accreting pulsar GS 1843-02, using the Burst and Transient Source Experiment on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. These outbursts occurred regularly every 242 days, coincident with the ephemeris of the periodic transient GRO J1849-03 (Zhang et al. 1996), which has recently been identified with the SAS 3 source 2S 1845-024 (Soffitta et al. 1998). Our pulsed detection provides the first clear identification of GS 1843-02 with 2S 1845-024. We present a pulse timing analysis which shows that the 2S 1845-024 outbursts occur near the periastron passage of the neutron star's highly eccentric (e = 0.88+-0.01) 242.18+-0.01 day period binary orbit about a high mass (M > 7 solar masses) companion. The orbit and transient outburst pattern strongly suggest the pulsar is in a binary system with a Be star. Our observations show a long-term spin-up trend, with most of the spin-up occurring during the outbursts. From the measured spin-up rates and inferred luminosities we conclude that an accretion disk is present during the outbursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Correlation Between BATSE Hard X-ray Spectral and Timing Properties of Cygnus X-1

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    We have analyzed approximately 1100 days of Cygnus X-1 hard X-ray data obtained with BATSE to study its rapid variability. We find for the first time correlations between the slope of the spectrum and the hard X-ray intensity, and between the spectral slope and the amplitude of the rapid variations of the hard X-ray flux. We compare our results with expectations from current theories of accretion onto black holes.Comment: 17 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses aasms4.sty. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter