74 research outputs found

    Компьютерная оценка формы графита в высокопрочном чугуне

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    Разработана методика индивидуальной и групповой оценки фактора формы графита в высокопрочном чугуне на основе некоммерческой программы ImageJ. Установлены графические и аналитические зависимости для перехода от значений фактора формы графита к соответствующим эталонным структурам, и наоборот, – от эталонных структур к фактору формы.Розроблена методика індивідуальної та групової оцінки фактора форми графіту у високоміцному чавуні на основі некомерційної програми ImageJ. Встановлено графічні та аналітичні залежності для переходу від значень фактора форми графіту до відповідних еталонних структур, і навпаки, – від еталонних структур до фактора форми.The technique of individual and group assessment form factor of graphite in ductile iron, based on a non-profit program ImageJ. Established graphic and analytic expressions for the transition from the values of the form factor of graphite to the corresponding reference structures and vice versa - from the reference structures to the form factor

    Supporting citizen inquiry: an investigation of Moon rock

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    Citizen inquiry is an innovative way for non-professionals to engage in practical scientific activities, in which they take the role of self-regulated scientists in informal learning contexts. This type of activity has similarities to inquiry-based learning and to citizen science, but also important differences. To understand the challenges of supporting citizen inquiry, a prototype system and activity has been developed: the Moon Rock Explorer. Based on the nQuire Toolkit, this offers people without geology expertise an open investigation into authentic specimens of Moon rock, using a Virtual Microscope. The Moon Rock Explorer inquiry has been evaluated in an informal learning context with PhD students from the Open University. Results of the evaluation raise issues related to motivation and interaction between inquiry participants. They also provide evidence that the integration of scientific tools was successful and that the nQuire Toolkit is suitable to deploy and enact citizen inquiries

    Aula virtual CristoAct para mejorar la actitud de los estudiantes frente a la asignatura de cristología en la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Chiclayo 2014

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    La investigación surge como respuesta a la preocupación por las actitudes de rechazo y desinterés de los estudiantes frente a las asignaturas de teología, específicamente cristología; así mismo a la exigencia de la incorporación de la tecnología de la información y comunicación (TIC) en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, potenciando así, la construcción del aprendizaje. Se propone la implementación del aula CristoAct, en la plataforma Moodle, como medio de apoyo a las sesiones presenciales de la asignatura de cristología; teniendo como objetivo demostrar que el uso del aula virtual CristoAct, mejora la actitud de los estudiantes frente a la asignatura de cristología de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. La metodología aplicada fue de tipo experimental, con diseño cuasi experimental de un sólo grupo, con pretest y postest. Teniendo como población, estudiantes matriculados en la asignatura de cristología distribuidos en 7 secciones; y como muestra a los estudiantes de la sección “G”. El grupo en estudio mejoró el nivel de actitud frente a la asignatura de cristología demostrando que la utilización del aula CristoAct ha facilitado espacios para compartir, interactuar y realizar la extensión de la temática en estudio, reflejándose los resultados en su rendimiento académico. La actitud positiva de los estudiantes se debió al uso del entorno virtual como elemento didáctico, ya que motivó a los estudiantes y acrecentó una actitud favorable frente a la asignatura; siendo reutilizables los recursos multimedia diseñados e implementados por el autor en cualquier plataforma y/o servidores de la web.Tesi

    Graphical means for inspecting qualitative models of system behaviour

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    This article presents the design and evaluation of a tool for inspecting conceptual models of system behaviour. The basis for this research is the Garp framework for qualitative simulation. This framework includes modelling primitives, such as entities, quantities and causal dependencies, which are combined into model fragments and scenarios. Given a library of model fragments and a scenario describing an initial situation, the qualitative simulation engine generates predictions in the form of a state-transition graph. This rich knowledge representation has potential for educational purposes. However, communicating the contents of simulation models effectively to learners is not trivial. The predicate logic format used by Garp is not easy for non-experts to understand, and a simulation often contains so much information that it is difficult to get an overview while still having access to detailed information. To address these problems, a tool has been developed that generates graphical representations of the information contained in a qualitative simulation. This tool, named VisiGarp, incorporates a vocabulary of graphical elements for model ingredients and relationships, and combines these into interactive diagrams. VisiGarp has been evaluated by thirty students, with promising results, using a setup which included simulation results and exercises about Brazilian Cerrado ecology

    Learning from multimedia and hypermedia

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    Computer-based multimedia and hypermedia resources (e.g., the world wide web) have become one of the primary sources of academic information for a majority of pupils and students. In line with this expansion in the field of education, the scientific study of learning from multimedia and hypermedia has become a very active field of research. In this chapter we provide a short overview with regard to research on learning with multimedia and hypermedia. In two review sections, we describe the educational benefits of multiple representations and of learner control, as these are the two defining characteristics of hypermedia. In a third review section we describe recent scientific trends in the field of multimedia/hypermedia learning. In all three review sections we will point to relevant European work on multimedia/hypermedia carried out within the last 5 years, and often carried out within the Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence. According to the interdisciplinary nature of the field this work might come not only from psychology, but also from technology or pedagogy. Comparing the different research activities on multimedia and hypermedia that have dominated the international scientific discourse in the last decade reveals some important differences. Most important, a gap seems to exist between researchers mainly interested in a “serious” educational use of multimedia/ hypermedia and researchers mainly interested in “serious” experimental research on learning with multimedia/hypermedia. Recent discussions about the pros and cons of “design-based research” or “use-inspired basic research” can be seen as a direct consequence of an increasing awareness of the tensions within these two different cultures of research on education