36 research outputs found

    Die Wirkung des Tokolytikums Hexoprenalin auf das maternale kardiovaskuläre System

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    Alternative Inkontinenztherapie durch Elektrostimulation

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    Intrauterine Druckverh�ltnisse bei Rivanol-induzierter Wehent�tigkeit

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    Maternale Parameter unter Narkose nach stattgehabter tokolytischer Therapie

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    Geburtseinleitung durch intravaginale Gabe von PG E2-Tabletten

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    Lagerung von Abfällen

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    Methoden zur Erkundung und Beschreibung des Untergrundes von Deponien und Altlasten Schlussbericht

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    The ground beneath waste disposal sites is regarded as the final and most important barrier to the spread of contaminants. A detailed geological investigation and documentation is a prerequisite for potential waste disposal sites, as well as for assessing abandoned landfills and other contaminated land, particularly before planning remedial action or decontamination. With this in view, BMBF initiated a research program designed to analyse and improve conventional site-investigation methods and to develop effective and economical new ones. Interdisciplinary cooperation involving hydrogeology, geotechnics, remote sensing, geophysics, geochemistry and clay mineralogy has had considerable success in attaining this objective. The research program consisted of 28 individual project carried out by universities, research organisations, federal and state institutes, and companies. These projects, comprising ten predominantly hydrogeological studies, eleven geophysical and seven geochemical studies, as well as site investigations of nine test sites, were focussed on the following tasks: 1. analysis of the ground as a geological barrier; 2. analysis and evaluation of available site-investigation methods; 3. improvement ofconventional methods and development of new ones; 4. application of conventional and new methods at test sites to select the optimal combination of methods; 5. compilation of a handbook on methods. The results of the research program are being used as a basis for a handbook on investigation of the ground beneath landfills and contaminated sites which is being published by Springer Verlag. The handbook has seven parts: remote sensing (issued in May 1995), geophysics, geotechnics, geochemistry, groundwater flow and transport models, clay mineralogy, and soil physics. The other parts of the handbook will be completed by the end of 1996. Thus, the research program on the ground beneath landfills makes a substantial contribution towards enhancing the effectiveness of site-investigation techniques for potential waste disposal sites and for assessing and remediating contaminated sites. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F96B265 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman