16,921 research outputs found

    Charm Lifetimes and Mixing

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    A review of the latest results on charm lifetimes and D-mixing is presented. The e+e- collider experiments are now able to measure charm lifetimes quite precisely, however comparisons with the latest results from fixed-target experiments show that possible systematic effects could be evident. The new D-mixing results from the B-factories have changed the picture that is emerging. Although the new world averaged value of y_CP is now consistent with zero, there is still a very interesting and favoured scenario if the strong phase difference between the Doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed and the Cabibbo-flavoured D0 -> Kpi decay is large.Comment: Presented at the 9th International Symposium on Heavy Flavors, Caltech, Pasadena, 10-13 Sept. 2001. To appear in proceeding

    Axiomatic Design Based Analysis and Equivalent Mass Comparison of Alternate Air Revitalization Systems

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    A proposed Photocatalytic Air Processor (PAP) would combine two atmosphere revitalization functions for a crewed spacecraft, carbon dioxide removal and oxygen provision. The axiomatic design method is used to develop the general requirements and alternate system designs that combine these two atmosphere revitalization functions. There are two current atmosphere revitalization approaches. Short missions such as the space shuttle use lithium hydroxide (LiOH) to remove carbon dioxide and tanks to provide oxygen. The ISS (International Space Station) uses the CDRA (Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly) to remove carbon dioxide and a Sabatier reactor and OGA (Oxygen Generation Assembly) to provide oxygen. The PAP could replace either of these combined systems, LiOH and oxygen tanks or the CDRA, Sabatier, and OGA. Axiomatic design is used to investigate these alternate high level system designs for atmosphere revitalization. The axiomatic design approach develops the requirements and design together from higher to lower system level, using a back-and-forth and top-down process. One objective is to reduce the coupling between design elements, which is a measure of system complexity. The equivalent system mass of the alternate systems is compared


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    The New NASA Approach to Reliability and Maintainability

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    In 2017, after 20 years, NASA issued a major revision of its reliability and maintainability (R&M) policy, NASA-STD- 8729.1A. Formerly NASA required certain specific R&M activities during each succeeding phase of project development. Now NASA requires a project to start by including the initial development of R&M requirements and the devising of strategies to implement and verify them. Rather than resolving all the requirements first and then designing the system, as has been usual in systems design, the design process now is to work top down by layers. It begins by first identifying the top level requirements and suggesting top level design strategies for those, then making these higher strategies the basis for a lower level set of requirements, and so on down to the lowest components. This approach is intended to ensure that R&M is designed in from the beginning rather than added later with difficulty to a completed design concept. The new R&M standard uses an innovative and effective top-down system design approach intended to effectively implement R&M

    A Method and Model to Predict Initial Failure Rates

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    It has long been well known that actual system reliability typically falls well short of early estimates. Failure rates are often ten or more times higher than anticipated. Many reasons have been given for this, but over-optimism is the fundamental cause of too-favorable reliability predictions. Most forecasts of reliability are essentially best-case scenarios, as are predictions of budget and schedule. Confident engineers assemble estimates bottom-up, including the known factors and ignoring problems that they hope wont happen. Traditional reliability estimation is based on simply summing up the component failure rates. This ignores most actual failure causes. The way to reduce over-optimism is to use the historical system level failure rate from similar projects. Adjustments should not be made based purely on engineering judgment, but only if there is so logical quantitative justification. The traditional component-based reliability estimate is useful as a lower bound on the system failure rate. The difference between this lower bound component-based reliability and the historical system level reliability indicates how much of the total failure rate is due to system level problems rather than component failures

    How Should Life Support Be Modeled and Simulated?

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    Why do most space life support research groups build and investigate large models for systems simulation? The need for them seems accepted, but are we asking the right questions and solving the real problems? The modeling results leave many questions unanswered. How then should space life support be modeled and simulated? Life support system research and development uses modeling and simulation to study dynamic behavior as part of systems engineering and analysis. It is used to size material flows and buffers and plan contingent operations. A DoD sponsored study used the systems engineering approach to define a set of best practices for modeling and simulation. These best practices describe a systems engineering process of developing and validating requirements, defining and analyzing the model concept, and designing and testing the model. Other general principles for modeling and simulation are presented. Some specific additional advice includes performing a static analysis before developing a dynamic simulation, applying the mass and energy conservation laws, modeling on the appropriate system level, using simplified subsystem representations, designing the model to solve a specific problem, and testing the model on several different problems. Modeling and simulation is necessary in life support design but many problems are outside its scope

    Oxygen Storage Tanks Are Feasible for Mars Transit

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    The Mars transit tanks will probably be titanium lined, composite over wrapped pressure vessels (COPVs) similar to those used in the space shuttle and International Space Station(ISS). Since the mass of a storage tank is proportional to the mass of the gas it contains, the required oxygen will use about the same mass of tanks regardless of the number and size ofthe tanks. Using existing relatively small COPVs is possible. Pressure vessels can fail due torupture and leakage but no failures have occurred in space and the expected failure rates are very low. Since one or two spare tanks are required for reliability, using smaller tanks can reduce the total mass. For a Mars round trip, the mass of oxygen and tanks including spares is roughly equal to the mass of the ISS Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) and its spares. Since the OGA must orbit Mars and be returned to Earth, while half the storage tanks are emptied on the way to Mars and can be abandoned, storage tanks have a significant launch mass advantage over the OGA. Storage tanks are simpler, more reliable,and have fewer failure modes than an OGA. They would have smaller design and development costs and need less crew time and maintenance. Oxygen storage tanks are feasible for Mars transit and are attractive compared to the ISS OGA