23 research outputs found

    Die unästhetische Demokratie. Kunst in d. Marktges.

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    Invasion from the artist s studio / Invasie vanuit het atelier

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    Hans Haacke

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    Four Decades: Hans Haacke (dvd); and Hans Haacke (book).

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    This dvd and publication together represent a single, braided research output relating to my ongoing work on the artist Hans Haacke. The book, which I co-edited with Walter Grasskamp and Molly Nesbit, contains my short article which takes the occasion of Haacke's Mixed Messages exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery (2001) as an opprtunity to outline some of the themes of his work over time. The dvd is an extended interview with the artist, and an example characteristic of other similar interview-based research in the department. This interview occured in relation to Haacke's major retrospective in the Diechtorhallen, Hamburg and Akademie der Kunst, Berlin (2007). Elements of the earlier show reprise in the latter, and form a continuity. The 59 minute film was broadcast on public television in the US, and at the artecinema international art film festival in Naples in 2007