8 research outputs found

    The role of tenascin-C in tissue injury and tumorigenesis

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    The extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C is highly expressed during embryonic development, tissue repair and in pathological situations such as chronic inflammation and cancer. Tenascin-C interacts with several other extracellular matrix molecules and cell-surface receptors, thus affecting tissue architecture, tissue resilience and cell responses. Tenascin-C modulates cell migration, proliferation and cellular signaling through induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oncogenic signaling molecules amongst other mechanisms. Given the causal role of inflammation in cancer progression, common mechanisms might be controlled by tenascin-C during both events. Drugs targeting the expression or function of tenascin-C or the tenascin-C protein itself are currently being developed and some drugs have already reached advanced clinical trials. This generates hope that increased knowledge about tenascin-C will further improve management of diseases with high tenascin-C expression such as chronic inflammation, heart failure, artheriosclerosis and cancer

    What the papers say: text mining for genomics and systems biology.

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    Keeping up with the rapidly growing literature has become virtually impossible for most scientists. This can have dire consequences. First, we may waste research time and resources on reinventing the wheel simply because we can no longer maintain a reliable grasp on the published literature. Second, and perhaps more detrimental, judicious (or serendipitous) combination of knowledge from different scientific disciplines, which would require following disparate and distinct research literatures, is rapidly becoming impossible for even the most ardent readers of research publications. Text mining - the automated extraction of information from (electronically) published sources - could potentially fulfil an important role - but only if we know how to harness its strengths and overcome its weaknesses. As we do not expect that the rate at which scientific results are published will decrease, text mining tools are now becoming essential in order to cope with, and derive maximum benefit from, this information explosion. In genomics, this is particularly pressing as more and more rare disease-causing variants are found and need to be understood. Not being conversant with this technology may put scientists and biomedical regulators at a severe disadvantage. In this review, we introduce the basic concepts underlying modern text mining and its applications in genomics and systems biology. We hope that this review will serve three purposes: (i) to provide a timely and useful overview of the current status of this field, including a survey of present challenges; (ii) to enable researchers to decide how and when to apply text mining tools in their own research; and (iii) to highlight how the research communities in genomics and systems biology can help to make text mining from biomedical abstracts and texts more straightforward

    The global lung initiative 2012 reference values reflect contemporary Australasian spirometry

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    We aimed to ascertain the fit of the European Respiratory Society Global Lung Initiative 2012 reference ranges to contemporary Australasian spirometric data. Z-scores for spirometry from Caucasian subjects aged 4-80 years were calculated. The mean (SD) Z-scores were 0.23 (1.00) for forced expirtory volume in 1 s (FEV 1 ), 0.23 (1.00) for forced vital capacity (FVC), -0.03 (0.87) for FEV 1 /FVC and 0.07 (0.95) for forced expiratory flows between 25% and 75% of FVC. These results support the use of the Global Lung Initiative 2012 reference ranges to interpret spirometry in Caucasian Australasians