220 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas X (Akuntansi) Smk Rokan Bagan Siapiapi Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Based on the results of interviews and observations that have been implemented by researchers teachers rarely use model cooperative learning, student learning outcomes and low it can be known from the students who completely individually on the KKM 75 IE 67,64%. Therefore carried out the renovation of the learning by applying cooperative learning to improve the learning outcomes of students in SMK ROKAN Bagansiapiapi. One type of cooperative learning, i.e. Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD). This research was conducted in class X SCIENCE (accounting) SMK Rokan Bagansiapiapi the academic year 2015/2016 to know improvements learn IPA students by applying cooperative learning model type STAD. This research is a research action class is done in two cycles, which consists of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The data collected in this study is the student learning which consists of absorption, learning, student activities and teacher activities. The data collected using the test and the observation sheet. Absorption based on the value of the post test on cycle I rise on post test 1 is 71.14% (less) become 97.40% (very good) on the post test 2 and in cycle II, the average post test 1 94.53 (very good) became 96.36 (very good) on the post test 2. student learning based on Deuteronomy I cycle daily i.e. 72.12% (less) and cycle II increased to 82.12% (good). Group Award at the cycle I, 2 groups and 2 super group the predicate predicate excellent and good Group 2. In cycle II, all predicate good. Learning activities of students at the time of discussing with the application of cooperative learning model type STAD cycle 1 rise in cycle I, namely 67.87% (less) increased to 82.12% (good) in cycle II. The activity of the teacher in the process of teaching and learning on a cycle I was 87,83%, (good) and cycle II is 95.83% (very good). It can be concluded that the application of the model of the pembelaaran cooperative type STAD can improve the learning results of IPA students class X SCIENCE (accounting) years 2016 2015/Lessons

    Irrigation Investment in Indonesia: Trend and Determinants

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    Penurunan produksi padi di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini mendorong para penentu kebijaksanaan untuk kembali membicarakan tentang sumber-sumber pertumbuhan produksi padi dan diversifikasi tanaman pada masa yang akan datang. Topik utama dalam diskusi tersebut adalah peranan irigasi. Tulisan ini mengkaji kebijaksanaan irigasi alternatif dalam konteks penyediaan dan permintaan tanaman pangan di Indonesia pada masa yang akan datang. Hasil kajian dipresentasikan dalam model perilaku investasi irigasi pemerintah di Indonesia. Skenario investasi irigasi alternatif diuji dengan proyeksi dan model kebijaksanaan, selanjutnya dibahas mengenai implikasi kebijaksanaan investasi dan manajemen irigas

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pengusaha Kecil melalui Dana Zakat, Infaq, dan Sedekah (Zis): Studi Kasus Program Masyarakat Mandiri Dompet Dhuafa terhadap Komunitas Pengrajin Tahu di Kampung Iwul, Kecamatan Parung, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Poverty is still one of big issues in the world particularly for developing contries. Poverty has close relation to the rural area where the people relied on agriculure activities for deriving income. Having a big Muslim population, Indonesia has great opportunity to utilize the huge potential of zakat fund particularly for empowerment program to the poor. Empowerment and capacity building program handled by Masyarakat Mandiri Dompet Dhuafa (MM-DD) to the poor people is believed to have a positive contribution to reduce poverty. The program includes providing business capital as agent of change and assistancy in order to increase the quality of human resources from the poor who generate income through producing tofu (in Kampung Iwul). Cross cultural innovation as well as regresion analysis is used to measure the program of MM-DD to their clients. The results show that based on the perception of the targeted clients regarding the indicator of material capabilties and intelectual, the empowerment program conducted by MM-DD reaches the goals of the program. While other perceptions linked to the manajemen ability from the targeted group show that the program can not reach the aims of MM-DD program yet. Several factors including their characteristics affected these perception. For the crosscultural innovation, most of respondent give positive response to the program. In addition, after adopting these programs, the avarage income of the people could increase. This increase is affected by the amount of lending, daily income from tofu business, and other income from other businesses

    Kejahatan Genosida terhadap Etnis Rohingnya dalam Perspektif Humaniter dan Pertanggungjawaban Berdasarkan Statuta Roma (Icc)

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    Inter-ethnic problems in Myanmar long time ago, since Myanmar's independence in 2012 until the spawning of heart-wrenching news. These problems with their deeds and cruelty received by Ethnic Rohingya Muslims, to their ethnic cleansing or genocide. The conflict in Myanmar is motivated by several things, namely: First Rohingya is this distinction is clear from the use of language, color, and religion. Both cases of violence in the Muslim Rohingya began in June 2012, which is deadly on the western Arakan State between ethnic Buddhists and Muslim Rohingya. Third konfilik procession by Muslim Rohingya communities began with the increase in human rights violations and violence. Fourth citizenship that is not owned Rohingya as well as accountability for crimes under the ICC applies to individuals and commanders on orders from superiors. The purpose of this thesis is; First, the view of humanitarian law related to the Genocide crimes and human rights violations against ethnic Rohingya set out in the Rome Statute (ICC). Second, accountability for the ethnic Rohingya in view of the Rome Statute (ICC). Research conducted by the researchers used a normative juridical approach, the research discusses the principles of law. If viewed from its nature, this research belong to the descriptive, meaning this study illustrates the fact that studied by researchers. From the research problems consists of two things can be concluded: First, gross human rights violations contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights regarding the rights that exist in humans, as well as some of the International Convention on Human Rights were also set up. International crimes in the ICC crimes include genocide and crimes against Rohingya Humanity under Article 6 and Article 7 of the Rome Statute. Second, accountability Genocide against the perpetrators carried out by individuals, command of superior orders and official positions of government by virtue of Article 25: Individuals responsible and can be punished for his actions, Article 27: All persons without distinction of official position, either as a Head of State or Government , parliamentarians, government officials can be held accountable, and Article 28: military command is criminally responsible for crimes by troops under his control / authority to know the troops had committed or was about to commit such crimes, or the failure to prevent, Tops it knows, or consciously disregarded information to indicate that; Crimes related to activities that are within the responsibility by the Rome Statute

    Zakat: Instrumen Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat

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    Sebagian besar kaum Muslim masih akrab dengan kemiskinan. Kondisi ini seringkalimenyebabkan banyak masyarakat Muslim kita tidak mampu mendapatkanpendidikan yang memadai dan pada akhirnya membuat merekaterjebak dan sulitkeluar dari belenggu kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan. Kehidupan sosial-ekonominegeri ini dirasakan belum memberikan proteksi bagi kelompok lemah, sehinggaentitas ini sangat mudah ditindas oleh golongan pemilik modal besar. SebagaiNegara dengan jumlah penduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia, tidak berlebihan jikazakat dijadikan alat untuk menstimulasi pertumbuhan perekonomian secara mikromaupun makro dengan mentransformasikan zakat dari sebatas nilai dan kewajibanrelijius dalam masyarakat Islam menjadi salah satu instrument pentingpembangunan ekonomi Indonesia. Dengan hitungan kuantitatif umat Islam yangsangat besar, tentunya potensi zakat di Indonesia sungguh sangat melimpah.Namun dari Rp 216 triliun potensi zakat yang bisa diperoleh tersebut, ternyata baruterserap sekitar 1% atau Rp 2,73 triliun. Kondisi ini ditengarai terjadi karena belumtumbuhnya kesadaran akan penting dan manfaat zakat, serta kurangnyakepercayaan masyarakat terhadap lembaga zakat. Untuk itu sudah saatnyapemerintah meninjau dan mempertimbangkan kembali pentingnya menjadikan zakatsebagai instrument penting pembangunan perekonomian nasional dan peningkatandevisa negara di samping instrument fiscal atau ekonomi lainnya dengan bersinergidengan para ulama dan pemuka agama agar pemanfaatan zakat dapatteroptimalkan

    Analisa Penggunaan Dan Penyaluran Pupuk Di Kalimantan Barat

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    Kajian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperkaya dengan informasi kualitatif melalui wawancara untuk menganalisa penggunaan dan penyaluran pupuk di Wilayah Pemasaran Kalimantan Barat. Didapatkan bahwa pengalihan program Bimas ke Inmas mengakibatkan menurunnya secara tajam penggunaan berbagai jenis pupuk Sub Sektor Tanaman Pangan. Penyebabnya antara lain adalah besarnya kendala teknis budidaya, keadaan agroekologi yang kurang menguntungkan perkembangan tanaman pangan dan masih lemahnya persepsi petani tentang penggunaan berbagai jenis pupuk, khususnya TSP. Konsumsi pupuk Sub Sektor Perkebunan dalam jangka pendek akan dapat ditingkatkan dengan memperluas areal Perkebunan Besar Negara, berbagai proyek pengembangan komoditi perkebunan dan memantapkan pembinaan pemasaran komoditi swadaya seperti cengkih, lada dan jeruk. Bidang USAha penyaluran pupuk yang kurang emnarik di daerah ini dapat dirangsang diantaranya dengan meningkatkan margin penyaluran dan mengalihkan penjualan langsung oleh KPW Pusri kepada penyalur. Pemecahan kendala penyaluran pupuk dari Lini IV ke petani secara koordinatif diyakinkan akan dapat memperlancar penyaluran pupuk secara keseluruhan di daerah ini

    Penegakan Hukum terhadap Pelaku Pengangkutan dan Penyimpanan Bahan Bakar Minyak Bersubsidi Ilegal Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 Tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Resor Kota Pekanbaru

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    Fuel scarcity happened recently has given a very broad impact in many areas of life. The sectors most affected are fast transport sector resulting in queues at most gas stations General. Scarcity of fuel oil that occurred in various provinces in Indonesia is one of Pekanbaru Riau Province in particular can not be separated from the less active surveillance and number of cases of the transport and storage of fuel oil illegal subsidies. In this case Pekanbaru City Police as law enforcement course is expected to run for the sake of justice in the community.In accordance with the above description, the authors are interested in doing research with the title of Law Enforcement Against Perpetrators of Transportation and Storage of Fuel Subsidized Illegal Under Act No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas in the area of Pekanbaru City Police Law. Then to find out the constraints faced in the implementation of law enforcement transport and storage of fuel oil in the area of illegal subsidies Law Pekanbaru City Police. Finally aims to determine the barriers to the implementation of countermeasures for law enforcement transport and storage of fuel oil in the area of illegal subsidies Law Pekanbaru City Police.In writing this essay, the author uses empirical approach or sociological research. Regional research sites in Pekanbaru City Police Law. Data sources supported by the primary data source, secondary. While data collection techniques are interviews / interview and review of data using deductive method is to analyze the problems of a general nature and then drawn to a conclusion in particular based on existing theory.The results of the discussion in this paper is, first, that the crime of transporting and storage of fuel oil illegal subsidies Pekanbaru City Police has been working as it should, but have not optimal as expected. Both the lack of public awareness. Performers transport and storage of fuel oil subsidy Illegal organized, lack of facilities and infrastructure support. funds are limited, the suspect fled. Third, efforts made in addressing the crime of transporting and storage Actors Fuel subsidy Illegal Conduct effective and efficient action in managing the funds available, Capitalize infrastructure available, search and publish wanted list
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