5 research outputs found

    Badania nad kumulacja Cd, Cu, Pb i Zn w tkankach kur niesnych w chowie przyzagrodowym w rejonie uprzemyslowionym i typowo rolniczym

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    Pobrano od kur nieśnych z chowu przyzagrodowego z rejonu typowo rolniczego (płd. Opolszczyzna), jak i uprzemysłowionego (LGOM) próby wątroby, płuc i mięśni, w których oznaczono metodą ASA zawartość Cd, Pb, Cu i Zn. Stwierdzono statystycznie istotnie wyższą zawartość Pb, Cu i Zn w mięśniach oraz Zn w płucach i wątrobie kur z rejonu uprzemysłowionego w porównaniu do typowo rolniczego. Biorąc pod uwagę dopuszczalne stężenia Cd i Pb, określone w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Zdrowia z 13 I 2003 r. (Cu i Zn nie figurują jako metale szkodliwe), należy stwierdzić, iż były one przekroczone w badanych tkankach i narządach w obu rejonach, co ogranicza ich przydatność kulinarną jako Í produktu spożywczego.The samples of muscles, livers and lungs were taken from laying hens kept in free-range system in the typical agricultural region (south Opolszczyzna) and in the industrial region (LGCR). The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were examined using AAS method. The significantly higher concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn in muscles, Zn in lungs and liver of laying hens from the industrial region were found as compared to concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn in laying hens raised in agricultural region. According to acceptable levels of Cd and Pb specified in the Decree of Health Minister of 13 I 2003 (Cu and Zn are not specified as harmful metals) the determined concentrations were higher in examined poultry tissues from both regions; that fact is limiting the usability of examined tissues as the groceries

    Kumulacja wybranych metali w osadach dennych stawu w parku Szczytnickim we Wrocławiu

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    The study was designed to establish the pollution of the water and bottom sediments as well as the accumulation rates of selected metals (lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, nickel) in the bottom sediments of the pond in Szczytnicki Park in Wroclaw, Poland. Samples for the study were taken from eight locations on four occasions during a 12-month period: in spring (24 April 2008), summer (19 July 2008), autumn (18 November 2008), winter (10 February 2009). The following were determined for the water: temperature, reaction, total hardness and selected metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni). For the bottom sediments the content and accumulation of the above metals were established. The accumulation rates of the studied metals in the bottom sediments were found to be arranged as follows: Ni > Cu > Zn > Pb > Cd, whereas metal concentrations in the bottom sediments were: Zn > Cu > Ni > Pb > Cd. Lead and cadmium had the lowest accumulation rates and contents in the bottom sediments. The water and bottom sediments covered by the study were found not to be polluted with metals.Celem pracy była ocena stopnia zanieczyszczenia wody i osadów dennych oraz ocena stopnia kumulacji wybranych metali (ołów, kadm, cynk, miedź, nikiel) w osadach dennych stawu położonego w Parku Szczytnickim. Próbki do badań pobrano z 8 stanowisk, czterokrotnie podczas roku: wiosna (24 IV 2008), lato (19 VII 2008), jesień (18 XI 2008), zima (10 II 2009). W wodzie oznaczono: temperaturę, odczyn, twardość ogólną oraz stężenie metali (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni). W osadach dennych analizowano zawartość oraz kumulacje powyżej podanych metali. Współczynniki kumulacji badanych metali w osadach dennych uszeregowane są w sposób następujący: Ni > Cu > Zn > Pb > Cd, natomiast szereg stężeń tych metali w osadzie dennym wygląda następująco: Zn > Cu > Ni > Pb > Cd. Najniższe współczynniki kumulacji i najniższą zawartość w osadzie dennym stwierdzono dla ołowiu i kadmu. Badana woda oraz osady denne należały do niezanieczyszczonych metalami

    Heavy metal concentration in plerocercoids of Triaenophorus nodulosus [Pallas, 1781] [Cestoda: Triaenophoridae] and in different organs of their host - perch Perca fluviatilis [L.]

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    Background. Heavy metals are at present classified among the most important and dangerous water pollutants. Since over 15 years parasites have been used as a bioindicators of water pollution, e.g. using their ability to accumulate heavy metals. Concentration of four elements (Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu) in selected organs of the perch (Perca fluviatilis) and in the tissues of its parasite, plerocercoid of the tapeworm Triaenophorus nodulosus, was analysed. Material and methods. The fish were subject to full helminthological section, resulting in 66 tapeworm larvae isolated from cysts, located in the liver. Plerocecroids, gills, liver and intestine with duodenum were removed and frozen. Content of heavy metals was determined with atomic absorption spectroscopy method. Results. The distribution of the content of Ni, Cd and Zn was similar. In all cases, among all the examined fish organs, the highest mean concentration of the metals was found in the liver, followed by the intestine; it was the lowest in the gills. The mean concentration of the metals in the tapeworm tissues was from 6 to 74 x higher than in the gills, 5−37 x higher than in the intestine and 2.5−28 x higher than in the liver. The concentration of Cu was also the highest in the tapeworm tissues, but its concentration in the fish intestine and liver was nearly the same; it was the lowest in the gills