5,030 research outputs found

    Spin-Charge Separation in Two-dimensional Frustrated Quantum Magnets

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    The dynamics of a mobile hole in two-dimensional frustrated quantum magnets is investigated by exact diagonalization techniques. Our results provide evidence for spin-charge separation upon doping the kagome lattice, a prototype of a spin liquid. In contrast, in the checkerboard lattice, a symmetry broken Valence Bond Crystal, a small quasi-particle peak is seen for some crystal momenta, a finding interpreted as a restoration of weak holon-spinon confinement.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    The Gap Function Phi(k,w) for a Two-leg t-J Ladder and the Pairing Interaction

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    The gap function phi(k,omega), determined from a Lanczos calculation for a doped 2-leg t-J ladder, is used to provide insight into the spatial and temporal structure of the pairing interaction. It implies that this interaction is a local near-neighbor coupling which is retarded. The onset frequency of the interaction is set by the energy of an S=1 magnon-hole-pair and it is spread out over a frequency region of order the bandwith

    Magnetic ordering in a doped frustrated spin-Peierls system

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    Based on a model of a quasi-one dimensional spin-Peierls system doped with non-magnetic impurities, an effective two-dimensional Hamiltonian of randomly distributed S=1/2 spins interacting via long-range pair-wise interaction is studied using a stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo method. The susceptibility shows Curie-like behavior at the lowest temperatures reached although the staggered magnetisation is found to be finite for T→0T\to 0. The doping dependance of the corresponding three-dimensional Neel temperature is also computed.Comment: Published version, 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Dominant Role of Critical Valence Fluctuations on High TcT_{\rm c} Superconductivity in Heavy Fermions

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    Despite almost 40 years of research, the origin of heavy-fermion superconductivity is still strongly debated. Especially, the pressure-induced enhancement of superconductivity in CeCu2_2Si2_2 away from the magnetic breakdown is not sufficiently taken into consideration. As recently reported in CeCu2_2Si2_2 and several related compounds, optimal superconductivity occurs at the pressure of a valence crossover, which arises from a virtual critical end point at negative temperature TcrT_{\rm cr}. In this context, we did a meticulous analysis of a vast set of top-quality high-pressure electrical resistivity data of several Ce-based heavy fermion compounds. The key novelty is the salient correlation between the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{\rm c} and the valence instability parameter TcrT_{\rm cr}, which is in line with theory of enhanced valence fluctuations. Moreover, it is found that, in the pressure region of superconductivity, electrical resistivity is governed by the valence crossover, which most often manifests in scaling behavior. We develop the new idea that the optimum superconducting TcT_{\rm c} of a given sample is mainly controlled by the compound's TcrT_{\rm cr} and limited by non-magnetic disorder. In this regard, the present study provides compelling evidence for the crucial role of critical valence fluctuations in the formation of Cooper pairs in Ce-based heavy fermion superconductors besides the contribution of spin fluctuations near magnetic quantum critical points, and corroborates a plausible superconducting mechanism in strongly correlated electron systems in general.Comment: Supplementary Material follows after the bibliograph

    Stability of Inhomogeneous Superstructures from Renormalized Mean-field Theory of the t--J Model

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    Using the t--J model (which can also include Coulomb repulsion) and the ``plain vanilla'' renormalized mean-field theory of Zhang et al. (1988), stability of inhomogeneous 4a x 4a superstructures as those observed in cuprates superconductors around hole doping 1/8 is investigated. We find a non-uniform 4a x 4a bond order wave involving simultaneously small (~ 10^-2 t) inhomogeneous staggered plaquette currents as well as a small charge density modulation similar to pair density wave order. On the other hand, no supersolid phase involving a decoupling in the superconducting particle-particle channel is found.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum transport of slow charge carriers in quasicrystals and correlated systems

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    We show that the semi-classical model of conduction breaks down if the mean free path of charge carriers is smaller than a typical extension of their wavefunction. This situation is realized for sufficiently slow charge carriers and leads to a transition from a metallic like to an insulating like regime when scattering by defects increases. This explains the unconventional conduction properties of quasicrystals and related alloys. The conduction properties of some heavy fermions or polaronic systems, where charge carriers are also slow, present a deep analogy.Comment: 4 page

    Two-dimensional quantum liquids from interacting non-Abelian anyons

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    A set of localized, non-Abelian anyons - such as vortices in a p_x + i p_y superconductor or quasiholes in certain quantum Hall states - gives rise to a macroscopic degeneracy. Such a degeneracy is split in the presence of interactions between the anyons. Here we show that in two spatial dimensions this splitting selects a unique collective state as ground state of the interacting many-body system. This collective state can be a novel gapped quantum liquid nucleated inside the original parent liquid (of which the anyons are excitations). This physics is of relevance for any quantum Hall plateau realizing a non-Abelian quantum Hall state when moving off the center of the plateau.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum spin ladders of non-Abelian anyons

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    Quantum ladder models, consisting of coupled chains, form intriguing systems bridging one and two dimensions and have been well studied in the context of quantum magnets and fermionic systems. Here we consider ladder systems made of more exotic quantum mechanical degrees of freedom, so-called non-Abelian anyons, which can be thought of as certain quantum deformations of ordinary SU(2) spins. Such non-Abelian anyons occur as quasiparticle excitations in topological quantum fluids, including p_x + i p_y superconductors, certain fractional quantum Hall states, and rotating Bose-Einstein condensates. Here we use a combination of exact diagonalization and conformal field theory to determine the phase diagrams of ladders with up to four chains. We discuss how phenomena familiar from ordinary SU(2) spin ladders are generalized in their anyonic counterparts, such as gapless and gapped phases, odd/even effects with the ladder width, and elementary `magnon' excitations. Other features are entirely due to the topological nature of the anyonic degrees of freedom.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, 2 references adde

    Non-Parametric Analyses of Log-Periodic Precursors to Financial Crashes

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    We apply two non-parametric methods to test further the hypothesis that log-periodicity characterizes the detrended price trajectory of large financial indices prior to financial crashes or strong corrections. The analysis using the so-called (H,q)-derivative is applied to seven time series ending with the October 1987 crash, the October 1997 correction and the April 2000 crash of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), the Standard & Poor 500 and Nasdaq indices. The Hilbert transform is applied to two detrended price time series in terms of the ln(t_c-t) variable, where t_c is the time of the crash. Taking all results together, we find strong evidence for a universal fundamental log-frequency f=1.02±0.05f = 1.02 \pm 0.05 corresponding to the scaling ratio λ=2.67±0.12\lambda = 2.67 \pm 0.12. These values are in very good agreement with those obtained in past works with different parametric techniques.Comment: Latex document 13 pages + 58 eps figure
