231 research outputs found

    Total Quality Management Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial Dengan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Sebagaivariabel Moderating Pada Fajar Grup

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    Total Quality Management (TQM) is one technique that is often used by companies in order to improve  its performance.The aims of the research were to (1) determine  and  test whether total quality management (TQM)has positive effect on managerial performance at Fajar Group, (2) determine and test whether TQM measurement  has  effect  on  managerial  performance  at  Fajar  Group,  (3)  determine  and  test  whether measurement  system  of  TQM  has  a  role  as  moderating  variable  between  TQM  and  managerial performance at Fajar Group. The research was a quantitative study conducted in companies belonging to Fajar Group. The population consisted of  58 respondents  taken from 24 companies by considering the number of managers at mid-level of each company .  The measurement wasdone using quantitative data with Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA)  analysis.  The results  of the research indicate that  (1) TQM  has positive  effect on managerial performance,  (2)  performance measurement system has positive effect on managerial performance at Fajar Group, (3) TQM interaction  with performance management system has effect on managerial performance at Fajar Group

    Desain Lapisan Tipis Optik Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Evolusi

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    Metode the Family Competition Evolutionary Algortihms (FCEA) untuk membuat desain sistem lapisan tipis telah dipelajari. FCEA menggabungkan dua jenis rekombinasi dan tiga jenis mutasi. Modified discrete recombination dan intermediate recombination untuk rekombinasinya dan decreasing base gaussian mutation, self adaptive gaussianmutation, self adaptif cauhcy muatation untuk proses mutasinya. Hasil numerik memperlihatkan bahwa FCEA dapat menghasilkan parameter awal berupa ketebalan d, dengan jumlah lapisan dan indeks bias material lapisan tipis yang sudah ditentukan. Fungsi Merit (FM) menyatakan hasil keakurasian relatif kecil, sekitar 1.5 sampai dengan 0.56. Pendekatan FCEA sangat fleksibel dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai macam aplikasi

    Penerapan Konsep Outer Space Garden Pada Perancangan Interior “Viola Florist Centre Di Surabaya

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    “Viola Florist Centre” is an interior design which was designed to produce a one-stop-shopping florist. This interior design was designed in to accommodate various facilities such as gallery looking florist, flower arranging workshop, flower cafe, wrapping area, souvenir and gift shop. The application of an open plan Outer Space Garden concept was chosen in order to combine all of the facilities. “Viola Florist Centre” is a new place where customers can enjoy the beauty of the flowers which was displayed hanging and attached in the branch of a tree. The design of florist centre in Surabaya is believed to grow the potential flower marketing in the area

    Pengaruh Maltosa Sebagai Krioprotektan Ekstraseluler Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Semen Beku Guna Mendukung Keberhasilan Teknologi Inseminasi Buatan

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    The research carried out to observe the effect of maltose addition on the quality of frozen semen of garut rams. Semen was collected once a week using artificial vagina from six mature garut rams. Semen was equilibrated at 5oC for four hours, frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. The thawing was carried out at the temperature 30oC for 30 seconds. The result showed that percentages of viable sperm for addition of maltose 1,2 g / 100 ml extender (68,50 ± 0,84%) was significantly difference (P0,05) from addition of maltose 0,6 g / 100 ml extender (50,83% and 64,67%)respectively. In conclusion, the addition of maltose 1,2 g / 100 ml extender is optimal dose to improve the quality of frozen semen of garut rams

    Civic Culture Dalam Nilai-nilai Budaya Dan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Bali Aga Desa Trunyan

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    This research aims to see the civic culture on the culture and local wisdom of Bali Aga people in Trunyan, as well as to find how to preserve that. The method which used is qualitative with ethnography approach. The result shows that there is civic culture in the culture and local wisdom of Bali Aga people. That is found on culture of Ngayah, Paruman, Mepasah, and Barong Brutuk also in the value of local wisdom called Menyama Braya. The result also shows the preservation is run naturally along with belief in their ancestors and the bond between people and tradition

    Kinerja Keuangan sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi di Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung

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    The owners of capital who invest in fixed assets, must pay quite a lot of attention to their decisions that they are going to make, not only in connection with buying a fixed asset but also in the next spending which required by fixed assets. The return of investment by the owners of capital can be predicted with the financial performance by using the analysis of ratio. The aims of this research are to find out and analyze the financial performance profiles of Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung and the Department of Food and Beverage Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010, the appropriateness of investment decision that has been taking by Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung, and also to find out the steps in making investment decision. Analysis methods used in this research is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. The investment decision that took by Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung to invest was right, it can be seen from the result of calculation of payback period where this investment will return in a quite short time, which is in 1 year, 0.24 months, 7 days. On the other hand, based on the calculation of ne present value this investment gave positive value, which is Rp 342,689,038,985.00, with the assumptions of occupancy rates and index prices in normality. These decisions could be taken because of the financial performance of Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010 had a good performance, and also the performance of the Department of Food and Beverage Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010 showed that the ability of fulfilment all of the obligations either in a short term or in a long term

    Pengukuran Cacat Warpage pada Produk Plastik dengan Cetakan Bersaluran Pendingin Tipe Lurus dan Conformal

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    Salah satu cara meningkatkan keakurasian dimensi dengan cara membuat cetakan yang mempunyai saluran pendingin yang merata, mengikuti kontur dari cavity, sehingga arah penyusutan produk pada siklus pendinginan dapat merata. Mold tipe solid yang selama ini digunakan mempunyai keterbatasan pada sistim saluran pendinginan. Saluran pendingin tipe conformal dapat dibuat menggunakan cetak resin yang dicampur serbuk logam yang didalamnya ada pipa mengikuti bentuk cavity. Penelitian ini akan membandingkan cacat warpage produk plastik yang dibuat dari dua tipe cetakan yaitu cetakan solid bersaluran pendingin lurus dan soft tooling bersaluran pendingin conformal. Analisa produk meliputi pengukuran warpage arah tinggi, diameter dalam, diameter luar dari produk berbentuk lingkaran pipih. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan membuat cetakan sebanyak 2 buah, terdiri dari cetakan bersaluran pendingin lurus dan bersaluran conformal tipe soft tooling. Tiap cetakan digunakan untuk membuat spesimen sebanyak 20 buah. Bahan plastik digunakan adalah Polypropylene (PP). Pengukuran kesilindrisan dilakukan dengan mengukur diameter luar dan dalam produk menggunakan jangka sorong. Pengamatan warpage dilakukan dengan mengamati hasil produk secara makro dan pengukuran dengan dial indikator.Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa saluran pendingin tipe conformal soft tooling mempunyai kesilindrisan yang lebih baik dibanding cetakan bersaluran pendingin lurus. Cacat produk yang paling banyak pada jenis cetakan tipe solid bersaluran pendingin lurus