1,497 research outputs found

    Polarization-sensitive resonance CSRS of deoxy-and oxyhaemoglobin

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    Polarization-sensitive coherent Stokes Raman scattering (CSRS) measurements of oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin in aqueous solutions are reported. The excitation wavelengths used were chosen in the region of the Q absorption bands to achieve twofold electronic resonance. The dispersion profiles of all independent susceptibility (3) components and purely anisotropic and anti-symmetric scattering contributions were resolved within the frequency non-degenerate CSRS scheme. Eight bands of oxyhaemoglobin and five bands of deoxyhaemoglobin were observed in the range 1500-1680 cm-1. Simultaneously fitting sets of polarization spectra provided vibrational parameters (positions, bandwidths, amplitudes, phases and CSRS depolarization ratios) for each compound. Major bands were assigned to the non-totally symmetric v10, v11 and v19 modes of the porphyrin macrocycle. The phases calculated exhibited a correlation with the symmetry of the vibrations. On the basis of the spectral fits, the three additional peaks arising in the oxyhaemoglobin spectra could be ascribed to the bands of intermediate deoxyhaemoglobin. The occurrence is due to the partial photolysis of oxyhaemoglobin. Vibrational parameters of these bands were found to be essentially similar to the parameters of the bands observed in the spectra of the stable deoxyhaemoglobin. Despite the asymmetric character predicted, the major bands were all contributed to by a considerable isotropic component. A decrease in the depolarization ratio PR1212 of the anomalously polarized v19 mode from 7.7 in oxyhaemoglobin to 4.3 in deoxyhaemoglobin was observed. Such a decrease in anti-symmetric character of the vibration on release of the ligand supports the occurrence of deformation of the haem ring system

    Beyond knowledge brokerage: An exploratory study of innovation intermediaries in an evolving smallholder agricultural system in Kenya

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    The recognition that innovation occurs in networks of heterogeneous actors and requires broad systemic support beyond knowledge brokering has resulted in a changing landscape of the intermediary domain in an increasingly market-driven agricultural sector in developing countries. This paper presents findings of an explorative case study that looked at 22 organisations identified as fulfilling an intermediary role in the Kenyan agricultural sector. The results show that these organisations fulfill functions that are not limited to distribution of knowledge and putting it into use. The functions also include fostering integration and interaction among the diverse actors engaged in innovation networks and working on technological, organisational and institutional innovation. Further, the study identified various organisational arrangements of innovation intermediaries with some organisations fulfilling a specialised innovation brokering role, even as other intermediaries take on brokering as a side activity, while still substantively contributing to the innovation process. Based on these findings we identify a typology of 4 innovation intermediation arrangements, including technology brokers, systemic brokers, enterprise development support and input access support. The results indicate that innovation brokering is a pervasive task in supporting innovation and will require policy support to embed it in innovation support arrangements. The paper is not normative about these arrangements.Smallholder agriculture, innovation intermediaries, agriculture innovation, knowledge brokers, Kenya

    Real-World Repetition Estimation by Div, Grad and Curl

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    We consider the problem of estimating repetition in video, such as performing push-ups, cutting a melon or playing violin. Existing work shows good results under the assumption of static and stationary periodicity. As realistic video is rarely perfectly static and stationary, the often preferred Fourier-based measurements is inapt. Instead, we adopt the wavelet transform to better handle non-static and non-stationary video dynamics. From the flow field and its differentials, we derive three fundamental motion types and three motion continuities of intrinsic periodicity in 3D. On top of this, the 2D perception of 3D periodicity considers two extreme viewpoints. What follows are 18 fundamental cases of recurrent perception in 2D. In practice, to deal with the variety of repetitive appearance, our theory implies measuring time-varying flow and its differentials (gradient, divergence and curl) over segmented foreground motion. For experiments, we introduce the new QUVA Repetition dataset, reflecting reality by including non-static and non-stationary videos. On the task of counting repetitions in video, we obtain favorable results compared to a deep learning alternative

    DNA Translocation through Graphene Nanopores

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    Nanopores -- nanosized holes that can transport ions and molecules -- are very promising devices for genomic screening, in particular DNA sequencing. Both solid-state and biological pores suffer from the drawback, however, that the channel constituting the pore is long, viz. 10-100 times the distance between two bases in a DNA molecule (0.5 nm for single-stranded DNA). Here, we demonstrate that it is possible to realize and use ultrathin nanopores fabricated in graphene monolayers for single-molecule DNA translocation. The pores are obtained by placing a graphene flake over a microsize hole in a silicon nitride membrane and drilling a nanosize hole in the graphene using an electron beam. As individual DNA molecules translocate through the pore, characteristic temporary conductance changes are observed in the ionic current through the nanopore, setting the stage for future genomic screening

    Imaging Electron Wave Functions of Quantized Energy Levels in Carbon Nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes provide a unique system to study one-dimensional quantization phenomena. Scanning tunneling microscopy is used to observe the electronic wave functions that correspond to quantized energy levels in short metallic carbon nanotubes. Discrete electron waves are apparent from periodic oscillations in the differential conductance as a function of the position along the tube axis, with a period that differs from that of the atomic lattice. Wave functions can be observed for several electron states at adjacent discrete energies. The measured wavelengths are in good agreement with the calculated Fermi wavelength for armchair nanotubes.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures in seperate PDF fil

    Recurrently Predicting Hypergraphs

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    This work considers predicting the relational structure of a hypergraph for a given set of vertices, as common for applications in particle physics, biological systems and other complex combinatorial problems. A problem arises from the number of possible multi-way relationships, or hyperedges, scaling in O(2n)\mathcal{O}(2^n) for a set of nn elements. Simply storing an indicator tensor for all relationships is already intractable for moderately sized nn, prompting previous approaches to restrict the number of vertices a hyperedge connects. Instead, we propose a recurrent hypergraph neural network that predicts the incidence matrix by iteratively refining an initial guess of the solution. We leverage the property that most hypergraphs of interest are sparsely connected and reduce the memory requirement to O(nk)\mathcal{O}(nk), where kk is the maximum number of positive edges, i.e., edges that actually exist. In order to counteract the linearly growing memory cost from training a lengthening sequence of refinement steps, we further propose an algorithm that applies backpropagation through time on randomly sampled subsequences. We empirically show that our method can match an increase in the intrinsic complexity without a performance decrease and demonstrate superior performance compared to state-of-the-art models

    Psychometric Framework for Modeling Parental Involvement and Reading Literacy

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    Assessment, Testing and Evaluatio