63 research outputs found

    Vulnerability to xylem cavitation and the distribution of sonoran desert vegetation

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    Journal ArticleWe studied 15 riparian and upland Sonoran desert species to evaluate how the limitation of xylem pressure (Vx) by cavitation corresponded with plant distribution along a moisture gradient. Riparian species were obligate riparian trees (Fraxinus velutina, Populus fremontii, and Salix gooddingii), native shrubs (Baccharis spp.), and an exotic shrub (Tamarix ramosissima). Upland species were evergreen (Juniperus monosperma, Larrea tridentata), drought-deciduous (Ambrosia dumosa, Encelia farinosa, Fouquieria splendens, Cercidium microphyllum), and winter-deciduous (Acacia spp., Prosopis velutina) trees and shrubs

    Early intervention in Portugal: study of professionals’ perceptions

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    Early intervention (EI) has been characterized by considerable advances in its domain, which has had great repercussions in the implementation of the family-centered approach. These changes have had implications in the practices and in the adoption and learning of new values that should be implemented in EI. This study evaluates the professional perspectives regarding familycentered practices in EI programs in Portugal. The results highlight the importance of effective collaboration and coordination between health, education, and social services and the importance of providing child and family support in a natural context. These results reinforce the need to invest in professional training to improve the quality of services offered to families in EI.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) no âmbito do projecto PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/2014 do CIEd

    Annual Electrical OperatingCosts for Two Elementary Schools

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    There has been a distinct lack of available information regarding the energy requirements and costs for electric equipment auxiliary to the heating system in schools. Estimates used in operating cost studies have varied considerably. The electric auxiliaries of two gas-heated schools were metered during an investigation of the value of insulation in school buildings and the data for the calendar year 1966 are summarized in this report. A summary of the results is shown in Table III, page 12. It is significant to note that the annual cost of operating the boiler circulating pumps was found to be less than one-half cent per square foot. This is substantially less than the 1. 5 to 3 cents often used for estimating purposes. The total cost of operating the heating auxiliaries was between 0. 95 cents and 1. 21 cents per square foot not including the operation of exhaust fans. The remainder of the report gives a description of the buildings, metering procedures, and methods used to calculate costs.Northern Illinois Gas CompanyAmerican Gas Associatio

    John Horne Tooke (1736-1812): Revolutionary & libeller

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the social and political thought of John Horne Tooke (1736 — 1812). It is a study of the effect of personalities on politics during a period of violent social and political upheaval. This thesis is important for several reasons. First it will show Horne Tooke at the centre of the ‘Wilkes and Liberty’ campaign of the 1760s, the gadfly Wilkes only a figurehead. From this slanderous, libellous world of political intrigue came Junius who, it will be argued, was the brainchild of Horne Tooke, contrived in conjunction with his patron the Earl of Shelburne. Second, this thesis will show how the power of the press was used by Horne Tooke to move people for political ends, and how he used his libellous pen to sensationalise a number of otherwise lost causes. While in prison for libel, Horne Tooke wrote the outline for his major work on the politics of language, publishing the first part in 1786 while soured by gaol, and the second in 1805 while embittered by the Pitt administration, which he detested. It will be argued that Horne Tooke was offering a complete critique of the ruling classes in both cases, but instead found limited fame as an etymologist, such being the nature of the politics of language. Third, this thesis is significant because it shows the impact which the French Revolution had on the evolutionary process of inclusive politics in England. Through the agency of Horne Tooke, it will be argued that Pitt did not extinguish radical politics in 1794 following the Treason Trials and the introduction of the ‘Gagging Act’, as argued by some historians. Rather, political opposition to the entrenched power elite actually increased during this period as Horne Tooke went about the task of sowing the seeds for democratic elections at Westminster, resulting in the Burdett phenomenon. Finally, this thesis is important because it shows the revolutionary nature of English politics throughout this period. It will be argued that if an English Revolution did not occur between 1793 and 1804 it was not the fault of Horne Tooke, who remained throughout his life a serious revolutionary with the ability to markedly influence the flow of events. He remains perhaps the greatest libeller of his time. Horne Tooke died at home with friends, well satisfied that although he had escaped martyrdom, he had still managed to have set the ‘century a roar’, as was his custom to ‘set the table a roar’ at his notorious Wimbledon Sunday dinner parties. Horne Tooke destroyed all his personal papers shortly before he died, thus assuring that no comprehensive biography of his life is likely ever to be written. Fortunately, however, sufficient personal memoirs and manuscripts in various research collections remain, which have been used as the basis of this thesis. I confirm that this thesis is the product of my own research and writing

    The social and political thought of John Horne Tooke, 1736-1812

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of John Horne Tooke in the radical political movement in Britain, from the early 1760s to 1812. A product of eighteenth-century British Enlightenment, Horne Tooke was an ingenious thinker whose career spanned some fifty years. Therefore a balanced study of the ideas which supported his political position, and how it changed over time, to some extent reflects the development of radicalism in the late eighteenth century. The emphasis is upon Horne Tooke's political experiences as a civic humanist and his conversion to utilitarianism via a moment of Jacobinism in the 1790s. His career is followed from when he entered politics as an activist and organizer on behalf of Wilkes in the 1760s. Burnt in effigy by the London mob following his public brawl with Wilkes over ideological differences, he continued to develop as a civic humanist in his own right. As the principal organizer of a public protest in London on behalf of the colonists during the war of American Independence, he was imprisoned for his democratic ideal ism. During the French revolution he sided with the French Jacobins, causing such a constitutional crisis for the British government that he was tried for treason. Between 1792 and 1799 he was engaged in furthering the subversive republican objectives of the Anglo-Irish in London, and he was extremely lucky not to have been caught. In 1801 he entered Parliament, and a special Act was devised by his peers to have him barred. Unperturbed, he returned to the extra-parliamentary scene where he was joined by Sir Francis Burdett and together they resurrected Burdett's flagging political career on a platform of radical reform, a movement thought to have been extinguished by Pitt's "Reign of Terror" during the 1790s. In the first decade of the nineteenth century Horne Tooke remained the focal point around which the London radicals converged as they unwittingly prepared the way for the utilitarians who followed after his death in 1812. Horne Tooke destroyed all his personal papers shortly before he died. thus assuring that no comprehensive biography of his life is likely ever to be written. Fortunately, however, sufficient personal memoirs and manuscripts in various research collections remain, which have been used as the basis of this thesis. I confirm that this thesis is the product of my own research and writing

    Size variations in foot elements of Bison from Rancho la Brea

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    Volume: 323Start Page: 1End Page: 1


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    Volume: 40Start Page: 229End Page: 25


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    Volume: 40Start Page: 167End Page: 17
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