167 research outputs found

    Magnetic field-induced quantum critical point in YbPtIn and YbPt0.98_{0.98}In single crystals

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    Detailed anisotropic (H∥\parallelab and H∥\parallelc) resistivity and specific heat measurements were performed on online-grown YbPtIn and solution-grown YbPt0.98_{0.98}In single crystals for temperatures down to 0.4 K, and fields up to 140 kG; H∥\parallelab Hall resistivity was also measured on the YbPt0.98_{0.98}In system for the same temperature and field ranges. All these measurements indicate that the small change in stoichiometry between the two compounds drastically affects their ordering temperatures (Tord≈3.4_{ord}\approx3.4 K in YbPtIn, and ∼2.2\sim2.2 K in YbPt0.98_{0.98}In). Furthermore, a field-induced quantum critical point is apparent in each of these heavy fermion systems, with the corresponding critical field values of YbPt0.98_{0.98}In (Hcab^{ab}_c around 35-45 kG and Hcc≈120^{c}_c\approx120 kG) also reduced compared to the analogous values for YbPtIn (Hcab≈60^{ab}_c\approx60 kG and Hcc>140^{c}_c>140 kG

    Penetration depth, multiband superconductivity, and absence of muon-induced perturbation in superconducting PrOs4_{4}Sb12_{12}

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    Transverse-field muon spin rotation (μ\muSR) experiments in the heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs4_{4}Sb12_{12} (Tc=1.85T_{c}=1.85 K) suggest that the superconducting penetration depth λ(T)\lambda(T) is temperature-independent at low temperatures, consistent with a gapped quasiparticle excitation spectrum. In contrast, radiofrequency (rf) inductive measurements yield a stronger temperature dependence of λ(T)\lambda(T), indicative of point nodes in the gap. This discrepancy appears to be related to the multiband structure of PrOs4_{4}Sb12_{12}. Muon Knight shift measurements in PrOs4_{4}Sb12_{12} suggest that the perturbing effect of the muon charge on the neighboring Pr3+^{3+} crystalline electric field is negligibly small, and therefore is unlikely to cause the difference between the μ\muSR and rf results.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Role of amyloid-β glycine 33 in oligomerization, toxicity, and neuronal plasticity

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    The aggregation of the amyloid-{beta} (Abeta) peptide plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, as soluble oligomers are intimately linked to neuronal toxicity and inhibition of hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP). In the C-terminal region of Abeta there are three consecutive GxxxG dimerization motifs, which we could previously demonstrate to play a critical role in the generation of Abeta. Here, we show that glycine 33 (G33) of the central GxxxG interaction motif within the hydrophobic Abeta sequence is important for the aggregation dynamics of the peptide. Abeta peptides with alanine or isoleucine substitutions of G33 displayed an increased propensity to form higher oligomers, which we could attribute to conformational changes. Importantly, the oligomers of G33 variants were much less toxic than Abeta(42) wild type (WT), in vitro and in vivo. Also, whereas Abeta(42) WT is known to inhibit LTP, Abeta(42) G33 variants had lost the potential to inhibit LTP. Our findings reveal that conformational changes induced by G33 substitutions unlink toxicity and oligomerization of Abeta on the molecular level and suggest that G33 is the key amino acid in the toxic activity of Abeta. Thus, a specific toxic conformation of Abeta exists, which represents a promising target for therapeutic interventions

    Die Eindämmung des lokalen Infektionsgeschehens in der Stadt Jena unter Einsatz eines Maßnahmenbündels während der COVID-19- Pandemie

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    Seit Beginn der CO¬VID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland verfolgte die Stadt Jena ein fortlaufend angepasstes Bündel synergistisch wirkender Maßnahmen, um Infektionsketten frühzeitig zu un-terbrechen und Neuinfektionen zu verhindern. Der Erfahrungsbericht der Stadt zeigt, dass sich das Jenaer Maßnahmenbündel als ein sehr wirksames Contain¬ment-Werkzeug bewährt hat.Peer Reviewe

    The composite picture of the charge carriers in La2-xSrxCuO4 (0.063 < x < 0.11) superconductors

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    Through far-infrared studies of La2-xSrxCuO4 single crystals for x = 0.063, 0.07, 0.09, and 0.11, we found that only ~ 0.2 % of the total holes participated in the nearly dissipationless normal state charge transport and superconductivity. We have also observed characteristic collective modes at w ~ 18 cm-1 and 22 cm-1 due to the bound carriers in an electronic lattice (EL) state and the free carriers are massively screened by the EL. Our findings lead us to propose a composite picture of the charge system where the free carriers are coupled to and riding on the EL. This unique composite system of charge carriers may provide further insights into the understanding of the cuprate physics.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Slow crossover in YbXCu4 intermediate valence compounds

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    We compare the results of measurements of the magnetic susceptibility Chi(T), the linear coefficient of specific heat Gamma(T)=C(T)/T and 4f occupation number nf(T) for the intermediate valence compounds YbXCu4 (X = Ag, Cd, In, Mg, Tl, Zn) to the predictions of the Anderson impurity model, calculated in the non-crossing approximation (NCA). The crossover from the low temperature Fermi liquid state to the high temperature local moment state is substantially slower in the compounds than predicted by the NCA; this corresponds to the ''protracted screening'' recently predicted for the Anderson Lattice. We present results for the dynamic susceptibility, measured through neutron scattering experiments, to show that the deviations between theory and experiment are not due to crystal field effects, and we present x-ray-absorption fine-structure (XAFS) results that show the local crystal structure around the X atoms is well ordered, so that the deviations probably do not arise from Kondo Disorder. The deviations may correlate with the background conduction electron density, as predicted for protracted screening.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B on June 7, 2000, accepted for publication November 2, 2000. Changes to the original manuscript include: 1) a discussion of the relation of the slow crossover to the conduction electron density; 2) a discussion of the relation of the reported results to earlier photoemission results; and, 3) minor editorial change

    Unusual kondo behavior in the indium-rich heavy fermion antiferromagnet Ce3Pt4In13

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    We report the thermodynamic, magnetic, and electronic transport properties of the new ternary intermetallic system (Ce,La)3Pt4In13. Ce3Pt4In13 orders antiferromagnetically at 0.95 K while the non-magnetic compound La3Pt4In13 is a conventional 3.3 K superconductor. Kondo lattice effects appear to limit the entropy associated with the Neel transition to (1/4)Rln2 as an electronic contribution to the specific heat of gamma = 1 J/mole-Ce K2 is observed at TN; roughly 35% of this gamma survives the ordering transition. Hall effect, thermoelectric power, and ambient-pressure resistivity measurements confirm this interpretation. These results suggest that RKKY and Kondo interactions are closely balanced in this compound (TN = TK). Contrary to expectations based on the Doniach Kondo necklace model, applied hydrostatic pressure modestly enhances the magnetic ordering temperature with dTN/dP = +23 mK/kbar. As such Ce3Pt4In13 provides a counterexample to Kondo systems with similar Kondo and RKKY energy scales wherein applied pressure enhances TK at the expense of the ordered magnetic state.Comment: submitted to Physical Review
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