14 research outputs found

    Postmenopausal Osteoporosis reference genes for qPCR expression assays

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    Osteoporosis (OP) is a multifactorial disease influenced by genetic factors in more than half of the cases. In spite of the efforts to clarify the relationship among genetic factors and susceptibility to develop OP, many genetic associations need to be further functionally validated. Besides, some limitations as the choice of stably expressed reference genes (RG) should be overcome to ensure the quality and reproducibility of gene expression assays. To our knowledge, a validation study for RG in OP is still missing. We compared the expression levels, using polymerase chain reaction quantitative real time (qPCR) of 10 RG (G6PD, B2M, GUSB, HSP90, EF1A, RPLP0, GAPDH, ACTB, 18 S and HPRT1) to assess their suitability in OP analysis by using GeNorm, Normfinder, BestKeeper and RefFinder programs. A minimal number of two RG was recommended by GeNorm to obtain a reliable normalization. RPLP0 and B2M were identified as the most stable genes in OP studies while ACTB, 18 S and HPRT1 were inadequate for normalization in our data set. Moreover, we showed the dramatic effects of suboptimal RG choice on the quantification of a target gene, highlighting the importance in the identification of the most appropriate reference gene to specific diseases. We suggest the use of RPLP0 and B2M as the most stable reference genes while we do not recommend the use of the least stable reference genes HPRT1, 18 S and ACTB in OP expression assays using PBMC as biological source. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of individualized and careful choice in software and reference genes selection

    Insights into the Dekkera bruxellensis genomic landscape: comparative genomics reveals variations in ploidy and nutrient utilisation potential amongst wine isolates

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    The yeast Dekkera bruxellensis is a major contaminant of industrial fermentations, such as those used for the production of biofuel and wine, where it outlasts and, under some conditions, outcompetes the major industrial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In order to investigate the level of inter-strain variation that is present within this economically important species, the genomes of four diverse D. bruxellensis isolates were compared. While each of the four strains was shown to contain a core diploid genome, which is clearly sufficient for survival, two of the four isolates have a third haploid complement of chromosomes. The sequences of these additional haploid genomes were both highly divergent from those comprising the diploid core and divergent between the two triploid strains. Similar to examples in the Saccharomyces spp. clade, where some allotriploids have arisen on the basis of enhanced ability to survive a range of environmental conditions, it is likely these strains are products of two independent hybridisation events that may have involved multiple species or distinct sub-species of Dekkera. Interestingly these triploid strains represent the vast majority (92%) of isolates from across the Australian wine industry, suggesting that the additional set of chromosomes may confer a selective advantage in winery environments that has resulted in these hybrid strains all-but replacing their diploid counterparts in Australian winery settings. In addition to the apparent inter-specific hybridisation events, chromosomal aberrations such as strain-specific insertions and deletions and loss-of-heterozygosity by gene conversion were also commonplace. While these events are likely to have affected many phenotypes across these strains, we have been able to link a specific deletion to the inability to utilise nitrate by some strains of D. bruxellensis, a phenotype that may have direct impacts in the ability for these strains to compete with S. cerevisiae.Anthony R. Borneman, Ryan Zeppel, Paul J. Chambers, Chris D. Curti