27,461 research outputs found

    Interpolating Action for Strings and Membranes - a Study of Symmetries in the Constrained Hamiltonian Approach

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    A master action for bosonic strings and membranes, interpolating between the Nambu--Goto and Polyakov formalisms, is discussed. The role of the gauge symmetries vis-\`{a}-vis reparametrization symmetries of the various actions is analyzed by a constrained Hamiltonian approach. This analysis reveals the difference between strings and higher branes, which is essentially tied to a degree of freedom count. The cosmological term for membranes follows naturally in this scheme. The conncetion of our aproach with the Arnowitt--Deser--Misner representation in general relativity is illuminated.Comment: LaTex, 23 pages; discussion on ADM representation included and new references adde

    Confidence sets for split points in decision trees

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    We investigate the problem of finding confidence sets for split points in decision trees (CART). Our main results establish the asymptotic distribution of the least squares estimators and some associated residual sum of squares statistics in a binary decision tree approximation to a smooth regression curve. Cube-root asymptotics with nonnormal limit distributions are involved. We study various confidence sets for the split point, one calibrated using the subsampling bootstrap, and others calibrated using plug-in estimates of some nuisance parameters. The performance of the confidence sets is assessed in a simulation study. A motivation for developing such confidence sets comes from the problem of phosphorus pollution in the Everglades. Ecologists have suggested that split points provide a phosphorus threshold at which biological imbalance occurs, and the lower endpoint of the confidence set may be interpreted as a level that is protective of the ecosystem. This is illustrated using data from a Duke University Wetlands Center phosphorus dosing study in the Everglades.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001415 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Connecting anomaly and tunneling methods for Hawking effect through chirality

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    The role of chirality is discussed in unifying the anomaly and the tunneling formalisms for deriving the Hawking effect. Using the chirality condition and starting from the familiar form of the trace anomaly, the chiral (gravitational) anomaly, manifested as a nonconservation of the stress tensor, near the horizon of a black hole, is derived. Solution of this equation yields the stress tensor whose asymptotic infinity limit gives the Hawking flux. Finally, use of the same chirality condition in the tunneling formalism gives the Hawking temperature that is compatible with the flux obtained by anomaly method.Comment: LaTex, 8 pages, no figures, reformulation of tunneling mechanism, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Non-Abelian Proca model based on the improved BFT formalism

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    We present the newly improved Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin (BFT) Hamiltonian formalism and the generalization to the Lagrangian formulation, which provide the much more simple and transparent insight to the usual BFT method, with application to the non-Abelian Proca model which has been an difficult problem in the usual BFT method. The infinite terms of the effectively first class constraints can be made to be the regular power series forms by ingenious choice of XαβX_{\alpha \beta} and ωαβ\omega^{\alpha \beta}-matrices. In this new method, the first class Hamiltonian, which also needs infinite correction terms is obtained simply by replacing the original variables in the original Hamiltonian with the BFT physical variables. Remarkably all the infinite correction terms can be expressed in the compact exponential form. We also show that in our model the Poisson brackets of the BFT physical variables in the extended phase space are the same structure as the Dirac brackets of the original phase space variables. With the help of both our newly developed Lagrangian formulation and Hamilton's equations of motion, we obtain the desired classical Lagrangian corresponding to the first class Hamiltonian which can be reduced to the generalized St\"uckelberg Lagrangian which is non-trivial conjecture in our infinitely many terms involved in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian.Comment: Notable improvements in Sec. I

    Canonical Quantization of the Self-Dual Model coupled to Fermions

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    This paper is dedicated to formulate the interaction picture dynamics of the self-dual field minimally coupled to fermions. To make this possible, we start by quantizing the free self-dual model by means of the Dirac bracket quantization procedure. We obtain, as result, that the free self-dual model is a relativistically invariant quantum field theory whose excitations are identical to the physical (gauge invariant) excitations of the free Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. The model describing the interaction of the self-dual field minimally coupled to fermions is also quantized through the Dirac bracket quantization procedure. One of the self-dual field components is found not to commute, at equal times, with the fermionic fields. Hence, the formulation of the interaction picture dynamics is only possible after the elimination of the just mentioned component. This procedure brings, in turns, two new interaction terms, which are local in space and time while non-renormalizable by power counting. Relativistic invariance is tested in connection with the elastic fermion-fermion scattering amplitude. We prove that all the non-covariant pieces in the interaction Hamiltonian are equivalent to the covariant minimal interaction of the self-dual field with the fermions. The high energy behavior of the self-dual field propagator corroborates that the coupled theory is non-renormalizable. Certainly, the self-dual field minimally coupled to fermions bears no resemblance with the renormalizable model defined by the Maxwell-Chern-Simons field minimally coupled to fermions.Comment: 16 pages, no special macros, no corrections in the pape

    Global monopole in scalar tensor theory

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    The well known monopole solution of Barriola and Vilenkin (BV) resulting from the breaking of a global SO(3) symmetry is extended in general relativity along with a zero mass scalar field and also in Brans-Dicke(BD) theory of gravity.In the case of BD theory, the behaviour of spacetime and other variables such as BD scalar field and the monopole energy density have been studied numerically.For monopole along with a zero mass scalar field, exact solutions are obtained and depending upon the choice of arbitary parameters, the solutions either reduce to the BV case or to a pure scalar field solution as special cases.It is interesting to note that unlike the BV case the global monopole in the BD theory does exert gravitational pull on a test particle moving in its spacetime.Comment: 12 pages LaTex, 3 postscript figures, Communicated to Class.Quant.Gra

    A Binary Logit Analysis of Factors Impacting Adoption of Genetically Modified Cotton

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    Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) data for 2003 were used to estimate two binary logit models for two definitions of genetically modified (GM) cottonseed adoption. Results indicate conservation tillage did not positively affect adoption of GM cotton with either of these definitions, while adoption of GM cotton in the previous year did. Refuge cotton also did not affect these adoption decisions for the study year.Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), binary logit model, conservation tillage, cotton, genetically modified seed, herbicide-resistant cotton, jackknife procedure, refuge cotton, stacked-gene cotton, technology adoption, Crop Production/Industries,

    Self dual models and mass generation in planar field theory

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    We analyse in three space-time dimensions, the connection between abelian self dual vector doublets and their counterparts containing both an explicit mass and a topological mass. Their correspondence is established in the lagrangian formalism using an operator approach as well as a path integral approach. A canonical hamiltonian analysis is presented, which also shows the equivalence with the lagrangian formalism. The implications of our results for bosonisation in three dimensions are discussed.Comment: 15 pages,Revtex, No figures; several changes; revised version to appear in Physical Review

    Econometric versus Engineering Prediction of Water Demand and Value for Irrigation

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    Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Certainty Equivalent Farm Returns from Bt and Non-Bt Cotton

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    Replaced with revised version of paper 02/14/06.Bt cotton, certainty equivalent, insecticide, refuge, returns, risk, simulated yield, spray, Farm Management,
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