350 research outputs found

    Stochastic optimization of a cold atom experiment using a genetic algorithm

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    We employ an evolutionary algorithm to automatically optimize different stages of a cold atom experiment without human intervention. This approach closes the loop between computer based experimental control systems and automatic real time analysis and can be applied to a wide range of experimental situations. The genetic algorithm quickly and reliably converges to the most performing parameter set independent of the starting population. Especially in many-dimensional or connected parameter spaces the automatic optimization outperforms a manual search.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Пористые ковалентные орагнические полимеры, используемые в люминисцентных методах анализа

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    В последнее время химическая промышленность развивается колоссальными темпами,вследствие чего активно растёт объём применяемых химических продуктов, которые в свою очередь приводят к загрязнению почвы, водных биологических систем и окружающей среды. Для контроля качества окружающей среды используются различные методы анализа, мы решили рассмотреть один из наиболее быстрых и чувствительных методов, люминесцентный. Поэтому мы решили получить пять различных образцов пористых ковалентных веществ, которые могут быть использованы, как анализаторы при люминесцентном методе

    Single-particle-sensitive imaging of freely propagating ultracold atoms

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    We present a novel imaging system for ultracold quantum gases in expansion. After release from a confining potential, atoms fall through a sheet of resonant excitation laser light and the emitted fluorescence photons are imaged onto an amplified CCD camera using a high numerical aperture optical system. The imaging system reaches an extraordinary dynamic range, not attainable with conventional absorption imaging. We demonstrate single-atom detection for dilute atomic clouds with high efficiency where at the same time dense Bose-Einstein condensates can be imaged without saturation or distortion. The spatial resolution can reach the sampling limit as given by the 8 \mu m pixel size in object space. Pulsed operation of the detector allows for slice images, a first step toward a 3D tomography of the measured object. The scheme can easily be implemented for any atomic species and all optical components are situated outside the vacuum system. As a first application we perform thermometry on rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates created on an atom chip.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. v2: as publishe

    Electrodynamic Model of the Heart to Detect Necrotic Areas in a Human Heart

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    To diagnose the conditions and diseases of the cardiovascular system is the main task of electrocardiology. The problem of the cardiovascular system diagnostics is caused by a complex multi-level mechanism of its functioning, and only experienced specialists are able to establish a correct diagnosis. Since the working heart is inaccessible to direct observations in real life, diagnostics of diseases is based on noninvasive methods such as electrocardiography. By assumption, weak "bursts" (micropotentials) of electrocardiographic signals in different areas are the precursors of dangerous arrhythmias. The amplitude of these signals on the body surface is insignificant and tends to be commensurate with the noise level of the measuring system. Advances in electrocardiography make it possible to generate a high resolution ECG signal and to detect the heart micropotentials. The method of modeling helps to understand causes of micropotentials in the ECG signal by selecting the model parameters. The model of the heart should allow generating a signal close to the high resolution ECG signal. The research aims to find a numerical model that allows solving the inverse problem of the heart tissue characteristics recovery using a high resolution ECG signal and CT data on the heart geometry. The proposed computer model and highly sensitive methods for the ECG measurement are the part of the hardware-software complex to detect dangerous precursors of cardiac arrhythmias