11 research outputs found

    Pengurangan Pengaruh Negatif Gadget pada Remaja dan Anak melalui Workshop

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    Semakin berkembangnya teknologi pada dewasa ini tentunya akan banyak membawa Perubahan pada kehidupan manusia dan alam. Perubahan-Perubahan itu harus disikapi secara matang agar mampu membawa pengaruh positif. Teknologi yang berkembang salah satunya dalah gadget. Sepertinya gadget dapat memberikan dampak yang begitu besar pada nilai-nilai kebudayaan. Gadget dipastikan hamper dipunyai pada setiap orang. Semua kalangan baik dipastikan tidak akan terlepas dari gadget dewasa ini. Sehingga penggunaan gadget menjadi kebiasaan bahkan kebudayaan dalam suatu masyarakat sekarang ini. Meskipun demikian sebagai orang tua harus bias mengantisipasi hal-hal/ pengarush penggunaan gadget. Hal tersebut tidak hanya mendatangkan pengaruhpostif saja tetapi juga mempunya dampak negative terutapa terhadap anak-anak yang sudah sejak dini dikenalkan kepada gatged. Salah satu bentuk kerja sama yang akan dilakukan dengan Desa Tanjung Wadung adalah workshop “Pengurangan Pengaruh Negatif Gadget Pada Remaja Dan Anak”. Hasil ini diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan tentang postif dan negatifnya penggunaan gatged. Serta mampu mengurangi dampak negatifnya kepada remaja dan anak-anak

    Key factors influencing the decision to adopt industrialised building systems technology in the Malaysian construction industry: An inter-project perspective

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    The factors impacting the adoption of industrialised building systems (IBS) technology is gaining increasing attention in Malaysia, particularly because of the slower-than-expected pace of adoption. This paper aims to identify the factors that influence the decision to use IBS in construction projects. \ud \ud The research methodology is embedded in an interpretative phenomenological paradigm that is applied through semi-structured face-to-face interviews with a group of 27 experienced construction stakeholders from across the industry. The ‘inter-project perspective’ is contextualised through an interpretative content analysis that synthesises varied accounts of interviewees to identify the influence of different factors on IBS adoption. \ud \ud The findings group the factors that influence IBS adoption decisions into ‘structural’, ‘contextual’ and ‘behavioural’ themes. The ‘structural’ and ‘contextual’ themes have five factors impacting the IBS decision, whereas ‘behavioural’ has four factors. The 14 factors are project condition, procurement setup, management approach, communication process, decision-making style, economics conditions, technology development, government involvement, sustainability feature, stakeholders’ participation, experience, bounded rationality, awareness and attitude. These factors are influenced by 49 ‘aspects’. \ud \ud It is suggested that the IBS adoption decision is complex and influenced by many interconnected ‘aspects’, beyond government incentives, cost, attitudes and skills. Moreover, a more integrative approach that considers all factors is needed to make the IBS adoption decision. However, because the intensity of influence of these factors/aspects may differ country to country, as may the nature of the construction industry, any attempt to develop a strategy or policy to increase IBS adoption or integration needs to be targeted