10 research outputs found

    The bi-Poisson process: a quadratic harness

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    This paper is a continuation of our previous research on quadratic harnesses, that is, processes with linear regressions and quadratic conditional variances. Our main result is a construction of a Markov process from given orthogonal and martingale polynomials. The construction uses a two-parameter extension of the Al-Salam--Chihara polynomials and a relation between these polynomials for different values of parameters.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117907000000268 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Conditional moments of q-Meixner processes

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    We show that stochastic processes with linear conditional expectations and quadratic conditional variances are Markov, and their transition probabilities are related to a three-parameter family of orthogonal polynomials which generalize the Meixner polynomials. Special cases of these processes are known to arise from the non-commutative generalizations of the Levy processes.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages. Corrections to published version affect formulas in Theorem 4.

    Lower expression of mRNA for interferon-gamma in T helper cells of children with newly diagnosed lymphomas

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    The complex interactions between cancer and host cells are far from being fully elucidated. Assessment of Th1/Th2/Th3/Tr1 balance is an interesting approach to explain immunological disturbances in lymphomas. The aim of our study was to assess mRNA for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in T-cells in 20 children with Hodgkin- and non-Hodgkin lymphomas. CD4+ and CD8+ cells were isolated from whole peripheral blood and four different cytokine mRNA levels (IFN-γ, IL-10, IL-4, TGF-β) were determined by real-time PCR technique. Comparing to the control group, we found lower expression of mRNA for IFN-gamma in CD4+ cells at the time of lymphoma diagnosis. It may be one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of impaired immunity in these patients

    CD40L and IL-4 stimulation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells results in upregulation of mRNA level of FLICE--an important component of apoptosis.

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    The use of cancer vaccines based on dendritic cells (DC) presenting tumor antigens can be a promising tool in the treatment of leukemia. The functional characteristics of leukemia derived DC is still to be elucidated. CD40 promotes survival, proliferation and differentiation of normal B cells. CD40 triggering was used to enhance the poor antigen-presenting capacity of leukemic B-cells. Since it is still unclear whether CD40 ligation drives neoplastic B-cells to apoptosis or not, we assessed the mRNA expression of FLICE, FAS, FADD and TRADD - important components of apoptosis machinery, using real-time PCR in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells before and after CD40 and IL-4 stimulation. ALL cells stimulated with CD40L/IL-4 expressed dendritic cell phenotype at mRNA and protein levels (upregulation of main costimulatory and adhesion molecules noted in real-time RT PCR and flow cytometry); they also expressed higher amounts of mRNA for FLICE, TRADD and FADD after CD40L/IL-4 stimulation. However differences statistically significant comparing cells cultured with CD40L/IL-4 and medium alone regarded only FLICE. Concluding, we showed upregulation of important elements of apoptosis at mRNA level in ALL cells after CD40 ligation

    High doses of medroxyprogesterone as the cause of disappearance of adherence of the zona pellucida to an oocyte

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    The zona pellucida (ZP) is an external glycoprotein membrane of oocytes of mammals and embryos in the early stage of their development. ZP first appears in growing ovarian follicles as an extracellular substance between the oocyte and granular cells. The zona pellucid markedly affects the development and maturation of the oocyte. The morphology of the ZP-oocyte complex allows a more precise determination of the oocyte maturity. According to numerous experimental studies, ZP is essential for preimplantation embryonic development of humans and other mammals. It prevents dispersion of blastomeres and enhances their mutual interactions. ZP is a dynamic structure responsible for the provision of nutrients to early forms of oocytes in mammals. The aim of the present study was untrastructural evaluation of the ZP-oocyte contact during inhibited ovulation. Female white rats (Wistar strain) received a suspension of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) in incremental intramuscular bolus doses of 3.7 mg (therapeutic dose), 7.4 mg and 11.1 mg. The animals were decapitated 5 days after the administration of MPA. Ovarian sections were evaluated under a transmission electron microscope (TEM) Zeiss EM 900. Morphometric analysis of ZP was conducted using the cell imaging system by Olympus. In females exposed to therapeutic doses of MPA, ZP showed the structure of granular-fibrous reticulum of a medium electron density with single cytoplasmic processes originating from the surrounding structures. The oocyte cell membrane generated single, delicate processes directed toward ZP. Microvilli of the oocyte were short and thin. In the group receiving 7.4 mg of MPA, ZP had the structure of a delicate, loose granular-fibrous reticulum, and the oocyte cell membrane generated single microvilli directed toward ZP. In both those groups, the close ZP-oocyte contact was observed. Otherwise, in the group exposed to the highest MPA doses (11.1 mg), thicker and more numerous oocyte microvilli were found, which did not penetrate ZP matrix. They were dense, irregularly separated contour, forming a barrier between ZP and oocyte. The present findings are likely to suggest that MPA has inhibiting effects on the synthesis of binding proteins and causes the loss of the oocyte contact with ZP

    Does administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug determine morphological changes in adrenal cortex: ultrastructural studies

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    Rofecoxib (Vioxx© made by Merck Sharp & Dohme, the USA) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which belongs to the group of selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenasis-2, i.e., coxibs. Rofecoxib was first registered in the USA, in May 1999. Since then the drug was received by millions of patients. Drugs of this group were expected to exhibit increased therapeutic action. Additionally, there were expectations concerning possibilities of their application, at least as auxiliary drugs, in neoplastic therpy due to intensifying of apoptosis. In connection with the withdrawal of Vioxx© (rofecoxib) from pharmaceutical market, attempts were made to conduct electron-microscopic evaluation of cortical part of the adrenal gland in preparations obtained from animals under influence of the drug. Every morning animals from the experimental group (15 rats) received rofecoxib (suspension in physiological saline)—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Vioxx©, Merck Sharp and Dohme, the USA), through an intragastric tube in the dose of 1.25 mg during 8 weeks. In the evaluated material, there was found a greater number of secretory vacuoles and large, containing cholesterol and other lipids as well as generated glucocorticoids, lipid drops in cytoplasm containing prominent endoplasmic reticulum. There were also found cells with cytoplasm of smaller density—especially in apical and basal parts of cells. Mitochondria occasionally demonstrated features of delicate swelling. The observed changes, which occurred on cellular level with application of large doses of the drug, result from mobilization of adaptation mechanisms of the organism

    Chronic Variable Stress Is Responsible for Lipid and DNA Oxidative Disorders and Activation of Oxidative Stress Response Genes in the Brain of Rats

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    Chronic environmental stress is associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction and the pathogenesis of depression. The purpose of this study was to evaluate biochemical and molecular changes associated with ROS generation in the brains of rats submitted to chronic variable stress. Male Wistar rats (50–55 days old, weighing 200–250 g) were divided in two groups (n=10): control and stressed. Rats in the stressed group were exposed to stress conditions for 40 days. The animals were decapitated and the brain samples were collected. In prefrontal cortex, we measured the following biochemical parameters: lipid peroxidation and concentration of glutathione—GSH, GSSG, GSH/GSSG ratio, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase activities. In the hippocampus marker of DNA, oxidative damage and expression of DNA-repairing genes (Ogg1, MsrA) and gene-encoding antioxidative transcriptional factor (Nrf2) were determined. The results demonstrate indirect evidence of ROS overproduction and presence of oxidative stress. They also reveal disruption of oxidative defense systems (decreased GR activity, diminished GSH/GSSG ratio, and decreased Nrf2 expression) and activation of the oxidative DNA repair system (increased Ogg1 and MsrA expression). Together, the presented data suggest that independent activation of oxidative stress response genes occurs in chronic variable stress conditions