10 research outputs found

    Einfluss von Industrie 4.0 auf die Anwendbarkeit von Lastmanagement in der industriellen Produktion

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    Technische Energiemanagementsysteme (kurz und im Folgenden tEnMS) in der produzierenden Industrie dienen heute meinst dem Messen, Speichern und Auswerten von Energieverbrauchsdaten. Allerdings besteht auch die Möglichkeit der Vorhersage und aktiven Einflussnahme auf die Energieaufnahme von Produktionsumgebungen durch das tEnMS. Derartige Funktionen werden als Prognose- und Lastmanagementfunktionen bezeichnet. Industrielle Produktionsumgebungen erfahren im Rahmen von Industrie 4.0 einen Wandel. Dieser Beitrag soll aufzeigen, wie tEnMS durch den beschriebenen Wandel beeinflusst werden und welche Chancen sich daraus für zukünftige tEnMS ergeben

    Potenziale von PROFIenergy in der Prozessindustrie

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt Einsatzpotenziale des Energiemanagementprofils PROFIenergy in der Prozessindustrie. Der Blick auf den Status von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen in der Prozessindustrie zeigt, dass diese im Wesentlichen innerhalb der verfahrenstechnischen Optimierung angesiedelt sind. Noch hat sich der durchgängige Einsatz von technischen Energiemanagementsystemen (tEnMS) nicht etabliert. Diese Arbeit fokussiert Vorteile des tEnMS-Einsatzes und präsentiert „Best Practice“- Beispiele in der Prozessindustrie. Abschließend wird aufgezeigt, welches Potenzial das Energiemanagementprofil PROFIenergy liefern kann und welche Anwendungsfälle sich damit abdecken lassen

    Thermo-Osmotic Flow in Thin Films

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    We report on the first microscale observation of the velocity field imposed by a nonuniform heat content along the solid-liquid boundary.We determine both radial and vertical velocity components of this thermoosmotic flow field by tracking single tracer nanoparticles. The measured flow profiles are compared to an approximate analytical theory and to numerical calculations. From the measured slip velocity we deduce the thermo-osmotic coefficient for both bare glass and Pluronic F-127 covered surfaces. The value for Pluronic F-127 agrees well with Soret data for polyethylene glycol, whereas that for glass differs from literature values and indicates the complex boundary layer thermodynamics of glass-water interfaces

    Concept for an Energy Data Aggregation Layer for Production Sites : A combination of AutomationML and OPC UA

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    In industrial production facilities, technical Energy Management Systems are used to measure, monitor and display energy consumption related information. The measurements take place at the field device level of the automation pyramid. The measured values are recorded and processed at the control level. The functionalities to monitor and display energy data are located at the MES level of the automation pyramid. So the energy data from all PLCs has to be aggregated, structured and provided for higher level systems. This contribution introduces a concept for an Energy Data Aggregation Layer, which provides the functionality described above. For the implementation of this Energy Data Aggregation Layer, a combination of AutomationML and OPC UA is used

    Integriertes Anlagenengineering zur Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz - Steuerungsprogramme automatisch aus Engineering-Daten erzeugen

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    Bei der Integration technischer Energiemanagementsysteme (tEnMS) in Automatisierungsanlagen fällt ein hoher Engineering-Aufwand an, besonders für die Steuerungsprogrammierung. Dieser Engineering-Aufwand ist für industrielle Anwender der Hauptgrund, integrierte tEnMS nicht einzusetzen. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Integriertes Anlagenengineering zur Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz (IAE4)“ (Förderkennzeichen: ZN2948; Forschungsprofessur des Landes Niedersachsen/Volkswagenstiftung) wurde untersucht, wie sich dieser Engineering-Aufwand reduzieren lässt. Hierzu wurde ein Software-Werkzeug entwickelt, das die benötigten Steuerungsprogramme automatisch aus Engineering-Daten und Gerätebeschreibungsdateien generiert. Dieser Beitrag stellt die Ergebnisse des IAE4-Projektes vor

    Requirements for an energy data information model for a communication-independent device description

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    With the help of an energy management system according to ISO 50001, industrial companies obtain the opportunities to reduce energy consumption and to increase plant efficiencies. In such a system, the communication of energy data has an important function. With the help of so-called energy profiles (e.g. PROFIenergy), energy data can be communicated between the field level and the higher levels via proven communication protocols (e.g. PROFINET). Due to the fact that in most cases several industrial protocols are used in an automation system, the problem is how to transfer energy data from one protocol to another with as less effort as possible. An energy data information model could overcome this problem and describe energy data in a uniform and semantically unambiguous way. Requirements for a unified energy data information model are presented in this paper

    Adsorption of Acetone on Rutile TiO2\mathrm{TiO_{2}} : A DFT and FTIRS Study

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    Acetone adsorbed on rutile TiO2_2 nanoparticles was investigated with respect to its energetic, vibrational, and chemical properties. Temperature-dependent ultrahigh-vacuum Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements for different acetone dosages (4.5–900 L) give insights into the acetone adsorption behavior. Those experiments indicate thermal-induced reactions of acetone on rutile TiO2_2surfaces yielding new species. Density functional theory calculations were performed to investigate acetone adsorption on rutile TiO2_2(110). Particularly, the importance of sampling the adsorption configuration space is shown. Adsorption geometries that are energetically significantly more favorable than the commonly used high-symmetry configurations are presented. To facilitate the comparability to the experiment, theoretical infrared spectra were computed using density functional perturbation theory for various acetone adsorption geometries using different exchange-correlation functionals. Additionally, computational spectra were obtained for several species which are potential products from reactions of acetone on TiO2_2surfaces. The investigated species are η2η^2-acetate, η2η^2-diolate, η1η^1-enolate, and mesityl oxide. For η1η^1-acetone, experimental and calculated spectra fit well for low temperatures, whereas for elevated temperatures, emerging bands indicate the formation of diolate

    Adsorption of acetone on rutile TiO2: a DFT and FTIRS study

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    Acetone adsorbed on rutile TiO 2 nanoparticles was investigated with respect to its energetic, vibrational, and chemical properties. Temperature-dependent ultrahigh-vacuum Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements for different acetone dosages (4.5-900 L) give insights into the acetone adsorption behavior. Those experiments indicate thermal-induced reactions of acetone on rutile TiO 2 surfaces yielding new species. Density functional theory calculations were performed to investigate acetone adsorption on rutile TiO 2 (110). Particularly, the importance of sampling the adsorption configuration space is shown. Adsorption geometries that are energetically significantly more favorable than the commonly used high-symmetry configurations are presented. To facilitate the comparability to the experiment, theoretical infrared spectra were computed using density functional perturbation theory for various acetone adsorption geometries using different exchange-correlation functionals. Additionally, computational spectra were obtained for several species which are potential products from reactions of acetone on TiO 2 surfaces. The investigated species are η 2 -acetate, η 2 -diolate, η 1 -enolate, and mesityl oxide. For η 1 -acetone, experimental and calculated spectra fit well for low temperatures, whereas for elevated temperatures, emerging bands indicate the formation of diolate